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cmd/go: `go mod tidy` ignores `go.work` file #50750

Open bozaro opened 2 years ago

bozaro commented 2 years ago

What version of Go are you using (go version)?

$ go version
go version go1.18beta1 linux/amd64

What operating system and processor architecture are you using (go env)?

go env Output
$ go env
GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fmessage-length=0 -fdebug-prefix-map=/tmp/go-build4292218461=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches"

What did you do?

Minimal reproducing repository: https://github.com/bozaro/go-work-play/tree/go-mod-tidy

Full script:

$ git clone https://github.com/bozaro/go-work-play.git -b go-mod-tidy
$ cd go-work-play/tools
$ go mod tidy
go: finding module for package github.com/bozaro/go/go-work-play/shared/foo
github.com/bozaro/go/go-work-play/tools/hello imports
    github.com/bozaro/go/go-work-play/shared/foo: module github.com/bozaro/go@latest found (v0.0.0-20200925035954-2333c6299f34), but does not contain package github.com/bozaro/go/go-work-play/shared/foo

What did you expect to see?

I expect go.mod and go.sum updated with current working copy state.

What did you see instead?

I see that go mod tidy try to get modules for shared go modules from repository ignoring go.work content.

bcmills commented 2 years ago

Tidiness is a property of an individual module, not a workspace: if a module is tidy, then a downstream consumer of the module knows which versions to use for every dependency of every package in that module.

If you don't particularly care about downstream consumers having a package that is provided by the workspace, you can use go mod tidy -e to ignore the error from the missing package.

Otherwise, you either need to publish the workspace dependencies before running go mod tidy (so that they have well-defined upstream versions), or tell the go command what those versions will be (using a replace and require directive in the individual module).

bcmills commented 2 years ago

@matloob, for Go 1.19 I wonder if we should augment the go.work file to be able to declare explicit intended versions for the modules in the workspace. Then go mod tidy could use those versions instead of looking upstream. 🤔

bozaro commented 2 years ago

Currently with reproducing repository (https://github.com/bozaro/go-work-play/tree/go-mod-tidy).

I can run:

cd tools/hello
go run .

And go run works like workspace go modules declared as replace in current tools/go.mod.

But for go mod tidy I need add replace manually.

This behaviour looks like inconsistent: I expects that go run and go mod tidy would use same dependencies.

liadmord commented 2 years ago

What valid use cases are there for go.work if we are still required to fully implement the go.mod in order to work on multi module repo? @bcmills

AlmogBaku commented 2 years ago

This is also happening for go get ./...

I agree with @liadmord, the only benefit I see get from the go.work is a better "understanding" of my IDE Or - maybe I'm doing something wrong here?

Jictyvoo commented 2 years ago

I agree with @bozaro @liadmord and @AlmogBaku

I have a monorepo private project where I have multiple modules, and on each one I need to insert a lot of replace statements for each direct and indirect dependencies. With go workspaces I really want to be possible to run go mod download or go mod tidy without the needed to write a replace statement in every go.mod file in my workspace.

springeye commented 2 years ago

Many of my colleagues have this need

jincheng9 commented 2 years ago

a big problem for go 1.18 workspace mode

maxsxu commented 2 years ago

Encountering the same issue with go1.18.2.

Furthermore, some other go mod commands also failed. See sample repo: https://github.com/maxsxu/go-workspace

➜  server   go mod vendor 
atmax.io/go-workspace/server imports
        atmax.io/go-workspace/commons/pkg: no required module provides package atmax.io/go-workspace/commons/pkg; to add it:
        go get atmax.io/go-workspace/commons/pkg
➜  server   go mod verify 
atmax.io/go-workspace/server : missing ziphash: open hash: no such file or directory

Expected behaviour: The go mod commands should not try to find modules which have been declared in go.work. which I think will make go workspace more meaningful.

Gbps commented 2 years ago

My expected functionality is that a go mod tidy on a go.work enabled workspace should feel like a bunch of phantom replace statements inside the go.mod without editing the file. If the module is at github.com/Gbps/mymodule and I tell my go.work that the module can be found in /path/to/mymodule, then go mod tidy should pull the version from my local repo instead of going to github at all.

If I don't commit my go.work, then anyone who uses my go.mod afterwards will have to go to GitHub, which is correct! Now I can edit my local copy and test changes, but when I'm ready to push, I can tidy the correct version into the go.mod and push both the mymodule local dev repo and my current project. This makes sense!

Once I must make an edit to go.mod to include a local path string for any feature of the go mod command line to work, all the purpose of go.work is lost on me. I should never have to taint go.mod with local paths, go mod tidy can find what commit I'm working with locally through go.work and update it accordingly. It should be no different than if I pushed a commit to github and ran go mod tidy to pull the newer version into my go.mod.

In other words, if I add this line to go.mod:

replace github.com/Gbps/mymodule => /path/to/mymodule/

Then go mod tidy works as expected. If I have use /path/to/mymodule/ in my go.work, it should accomplish the same thing. The benefit being I don't have to taint go.mod with my local paths, as that is going to need to be committed to remote whereas go.work isn't.

opengs commented 2 years ago

This is a very big issue for me in the case of creating Docker containers :( I cant use go mod tidy and copy the dependency graph to the Dockerfile. So every time I build a container I have to download downstream dependencies instead of doing go mod download.

Golang is considered the language for microservices and In the current state of the go work it's very hard to work with them in monorepo. Creating multiple-container environment is incredibly hard :(. Basically, every time I hit docker-build it has to download downstream dependencies. Currently, I have two ways to fix this:

  1. Push packages to the repo. But if I have ~30 microservices and most of them are 1 file program - it's a very poor experience.
  2. replace and require create too many relative dependencies and it's very hard to maintain.

I expect 4 things from the golang workspaces:

  1. go mod to know about other modules and don't try to download the local package from the internet. Maybe traverse up in the folder hierarchy and check if go.work exists?
  2. you can create a clear dependency graph so it can be used for caching in Docker containers
  3. functions like go work tidy and go work download, because now I have to enter every package and type go mod commands. I just want to tidy and download everything from one place, and because we already have a path to the modules in go.work file - it should be trivial.
  4. functionality to reduce the number of similar dependencies (download one specific version and force to use it in every module in workspace). This was done by for example turborepo, lerna, and other monorepo management tools.

So now, the only thing why I'm using go work is to have a better codding experience in VsCode. Most of the negative comments that I hear from colleagues about golang are about poor modules/workspaces management. I think, go work is a very important feature to have and it's a very important direction to go.

HeCorr commented 2 years ago

I've faced this issue yesterday but my case is a bit different.. My replace statements are in the go.work file, which seemed to solve go run errors, but when attempting go mod tidy on any of the modules, it is indeed ignored.

The solution is simply to move the replace statements to the go.mod files as explained by Gbps, but keeping track of what package uses what internal package is a bit of a hassle. Is this considered a bug also?

bcmills commented 2 years ago

go mod tidy is intended to update the module's self-contained dependencies. It doesn't use the workspace because in general one may work on multiple independently-maintained modules in the same workspace, and if you're preparing an upstream commit you definitely don't want that commit to rely on unpublished local modifications.

go work sync is intended to update the modules within a workspace to reflect the dependencies selected in that workspace. That is probably what you want if you are working on a set of modules that are all maintained as a single unit.

Folks who are commenting here (and please bear in mind https://go.dev/wiki/NoPlusOne!) — have you considered go work sync for your use-case? If so, what does go work sync do (or not do) that makes it unsuitable for your use-case?

AlmogBaku commented 2 years ago

@bcmills I'm not sure what the intended workflow is, but I think the feedback here is that the DX is really not intuitive.

burdiyan commented 2 years ago

Folks who are commenting here (and please bear in mind https://go.dev/wiki/NoPlusOne!) — have you considered go work sync for your use-case? If so, what does go work sync do (or not do) that makes it unsuitable for your use-case?

I wish there were go work tidy or something similar that would do the same as go mod tidy for each module in the workspace. Or maybe go work sync could have a flag for that, or even do it by default. This way one could easily manage a single repository with many modules, keeping everything in sync and tidy :) without having to switch to every single module directory to keep it tidy.

lopezator commented 2 years ago

There's an additional issue (I think) I reproduced by cloning this repo:


If you try to execute:

go mod verify

It will complain with:

github.com/xmlking/go-workspace/cmd/app1 : missing ziphash: open hash: no such file or directory
github.com/xmlking/go-workspace/cmd/app2 : missing ziphash: open hash: no such file or directory
github.com/xmlking/go-workspace/cmd/app3 : missing ziphash: open hash: no such file or directory
github.com/xmlking/go-workspace/lib : missing ziphash: open hash: no such file or directory

There's something we can do to fix this?

bcmills commented 2 years ago

@lopezator, that looks like a separate issue — this one is specifically about go mod tidy.

Could you file it separately (https://go.dev/issue/new)? Thanks.

mlaventure commented 2 years ago

go work sync does not work for me in that scenario either unfortunately. I have a go.work for a monorepo containing yet to be published packages (the domain also does not exist yet). e.g.:

use (

replace not-yet-created.com/foo/foo v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000 => ./foo

However that replace directive seems to be ignored by go work sync

$ go work sync
go: not-yet-created.com/foo/foo@v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000: unrecognized import path "not-yet-created.com/foo/foo": https fetch: Get "https://not-yet-created/foo/foo?go-get=1": dial tcp: lookup not-yet-created.com on server misbehaving
skelouse commented 2 years ago

I've found that the problem with go mod tidy only happens when a sub-module does not exist in a package.

I've created a simple example to demonstrate the issue: https://github.com/skelouse/go-work-test

I've also created a CLI which uses go.work in combination with vscode workspaces. Currently have to revert back to hard replaces for certain changes.

gopherbot commented 2 years ago

Timed out in state WaitingForInfo. Closing.

(I am just a bot, though. Please speak up if this is a mistake or you have the requested information.)

nathanblair commented 2 years ago

The documentation for workspaces

go.work can be used instead of adding replace directives to work across multiple modules.

seems misleading here if not all of the go commands work with using the go.work as an override for go.mod.

I fully understand and for the most part agree that go mod tidy may not be the solution for addressing tidy-operations in a go workspace tree; a go mod tidy may modify a go.sum with unpublished references that when synced to a remote/upstream may include references that cannot be reached.

This could be a case of cleaning up/amending the documentation with further clarifications on what use-cases exactly a go workspace can solve.

tliron commented 2 years ago

I would like to very humbly suggest that we need a go.work.sum (or similar) file separate from go.sum, as we are dealing with two separate graphs of modules.

nathanblair commented 2 years ago

@tliron Coincidentally something (not sure what tool exactly - it was probably done under the hood from the VS Code Go extension) generated a go.work.sum file in some of my go workspaces.

nine9ths commented 1 year ago

I had unexpected behavior from go get related to go work. I'm concurrently developing a library in a directory and an application in a sibling directory. I did an initial commit on the library on main with just a go.mod file, pushed it to a remote (a private bitbucket instance), then started a develop branch. In the application I created a go.work that looked like:

go 1.19

use (

I am also using vendoring in the application as part of a Docker build process. Everything was working pretty smoothly though, whenever I made a change to the library, I'd commit it, then in the application run:

go get the-module-name/library@hash-of-latest-commit
go mod tidy
go mod vendor

then everything would be up to date. This would work regardless of whether I'd pushed the latest library commit to the remote.

At some point during development, I made a first pull request from the library's develop branch to main on the remote. Once I had done this, if I then tried to go get the library with a local only commit it errors with an invalid commit hash. I now must push the library commits to the remote in order to update them in the application's go.mod or vendor directory. This makes the go.work file irrelevant.

bcmills commented 1 year ago

@tliron, there is already a go.work.sum file that is populated if needed. (In many cases it is not needed — often the individual go.sum files in the workspace are sufficient to cover all of the relevant modules.) But that doesn't really seem relevant to this particular issue.

bcmills commented 1 year ago

@nine9ths, the behavior of go get for an unpublished commit is off-topic for this issue. (That's more closely related to #28835.)

tliron commented 1 year ago

@bcmills I did not know this and do not see this file in our environment. Could you point me to the documentation where go.work.sum is discussed? When is it populated? I assume that if a go.work.sum exists, then it would be used instead of go.sum for all operations?

Specifically to our topic, when I run go mod tidy does it update both go.sum and go.work.sum at the same time? Would there be a way to update only go.work.sum? That last ability would solve all our problems, which is why I raised the topic. During work, go mod tidy would fail and we know it would fail because ... we are in the midst of working on it. :)

We're having a lot of trouble with this go.work feature, like others here.

bcmills commented 1 year ago

@tliron, documentation for go.work.sum is #51941. Again, please keep discussion on the issue tracker specific to the issue.

keilin-anz commented 1 year ago

Thought I found a workaround, but it's broken in its own unique ways see here

Turns out go mod tidy will happily skip attempting to download modules which don't look like URLs - which seemed to have some potential for creative misuse...

So you can use local module names like my-repo/my-module instead of github.com/my-repo/my-module just fine...

go mod tidy behaves itself and doesn't try to download remote versions of local workspace modules go run / go build work properly go work sync works properly...

until someone else wants to import those modules (or any modules in your monorepo which depend upon them)

Seems like all the building blocks are there to support what's discussed in this issue, but there's logic in various tooling which prevents it. (eg. if go get didn't care if your internal module names matched how they're presented to the world via the go.work file it would be fine.)

Perhaps worth considering either:

  1. Change the default behaviour - potentially incurring the wraith of people who have monorepo's in which the contained modules depend on different versions of their own internal modules (is that a thing?)
  2. Allow overriding the default behaviour from go.work so that the go.mod files remain intact and behave as expected
spekary commented 1 year ago

@bcmills go work sync only works if you actually have a go.work file. Otherwise it errors.

I have a scripted install process that involves calling go mod tidy followed by a number of go install calls, all part of a continuous integration process.

I was using go.work to be able to test the code in a working branch. However, go mod tidy attempts to grab the code from a release on a main branch. Normally, I want that, but when testing new code in a working branch, I don't.

Trying to use go work sync would mean I would have to change the install scripts to do a go work sync if a go.work file was available, and go mod tidy if not. Not too difficult, but a pain.

However, running go work sync on a new install gives me errors like this:

require github.com/goradd/goradd: version "latest" invalid: must be of the form v1.2.3

So go work sync will not do what is expected, which is to get the latest versions of the packages referred to, except if there is a use directive, in which case it should just use whatever is pointed to. This means I am stuck. I can't call go mod tidy because it will error on a missing package since it will not use the go.work file to find it and so produces an error. And I can't call go work sync because it will not load the latest packages when the go.mod file is asking for it, and so produces an error. Perhaps I am missing an argument that will enable updating of the go.mod file? go help work sync and go work help did not reveal anything helpful in this regard.

betamos commented 1 year ago

IIUC, go mod tidy downloads external modules declared in import statements and adds them to go.mod, but go work sync doesn't traverse source code? That's a fairly major tooling regression for workspace users. Are there other differences?

Independent of the original intent of go mod tidy and go work sync, it appears that the go toolchain disagrees with itself here. Either you are using workspaces or you're are not, or is there some inbetween state? When you type go mod tidy from muscle memory -- I'd assume the intent is "clean up in project the way it's organized" rather than "disregard my project structure and clean up as a standalone module".

As for motivation, many people strongly prefer monorepos for the overwhelming benefits they provide compared to the inconveniences and pitfalls of tightly coupled multi-repo projects. I'm sure Googlers can relate to this :) That said, I can't seem to find a definitive answer on whether monorepos is a first-class use case, and I've read the official docs, tutorials and design doc.

Goldziher commented 1 year ago

Its always amusing to discover how bad the go monorepo support is 😉. Frankly this is ridiculous - this thread is more than a year old, and instead of simply applying a fix the go maintainers attitude is to ignore it. Which is pretty much buisness as usual regarding anything DX related (see code coverage related issues etc.).

IIUC, go mod tidy downloads external modules declared in import statements and adds them to go.mod, but go work sync doesn't traverse source code? That's a fairly major tooling regression for workspace users. Are there other differences?

Independent of the original intent of go mod tidy and go work sync, it appears that the go toolchain disagrees with itself here. Either you are using workspaces or you're are not, or is there some inbetween state? When you type go mod tidy from muscle memory -- I'd assume the intent is "clean up in project the way it's organized" rather than "disregard my project structure and clean up as a standalone module".

As for motivation, many people strongly prefer monorepos for the overwhelming benefits they provide compared to the inconveniences and pitfalls of tightly coupled multi-repo projects. I'm sure Googlers can relate to this :) That said, I can't seem to find a definitive answer on whether monorepos is a first-class use case, and I've read the official docs, tutorials and design doc.

A very commonsense thing to write. As are so many other posts in this thread.

bcmills commented 1 year ago

@Goldziher, simply quoting a previous comment and complaining about the lack of activity does not help to advance this conversation (see https://go.dev/wiki/NoPlusOne).

As noted in https://github.com/golang/go/issues/50750#issuecomment-1194322256, we haven't taken action on this issue because we don't have a clear net-positive change to make. If you want to move this conversation forward, please provide constructive feedback on your concrete use-case. Thanks.

BorzdeG commented 1 year ago

@bcmills here is an example: https://github.com/BorzdeG/samples.go-and-flutter-grpc

If we execute go mod tidy in the backend directory, we will get an error importing the library that is in public-api/go and connected via go.work.

wangmir commented 1 year ago

@bcmills Maybe the difficulty to resolve this is related to the nature of go.mod, and go.work things.

How about just add link to the go.work from go.mod to override the go.work's use or replace directives first before handling go.mod.

So, we can ensure that, in case of we cannot find go.work from the link (relative path maybe), then just follow the version and URL, but when we have go.work, then we can follow the path of go.work.

Actually, I'm not sure what is the purpose go workspace except seeing monorepo golang code at the same vscode workspace when this cannot be supported.

BorzdeG commented 1 year ago

Maybe add an go work tidy command similar to go mod tidy , but understanding go.work?

wangmir commented 1 year ago

@BorzdeG I think go work tidy is also not a complete solution because in that case, the module should be tightly coupled with go.work. If we can just point out go.work from go.mod, the go module can be still managed independently, but just reference the go.work to get proper library only.

wangmir commented 1 year ago

@bcmills Hi, are there any discussion channels for this issue?

Nikola-Milovic commented 1 year ago

From this thread, it seems that this is the intended functionality. This makes workspaces so much less useful than they could be, any updates on discussions, is this being mentioned in some proposals?

hellt commented 9 months ago

I wonder if I am missing something here, but I intended to use workspaces as a more cleaner "replace" alternative when working on a module that imports a package from my own unpublished fork.

E.g. I am working on a github.com/user/project1 and it imports github.com/user/project2.

The project2 is not published yet and it is in my go.work file imported by a local path.

But then if I need to import new public dependencies in project1 I need to run go mod tidy to refresh the go.sum and process relative imports, and this fails, since go mod tidy tries to find project2.

jason-apolline commented 9 months ago

I wonder if I am missing something here, but I intended to use workspaces as a more cleaner "replace" alternative when working on a module that imports a package from my own unpublished fork.

E.g. I am working on a github.com/user/project1 and it imports github.com/user/project2.

The project2 is not published yet and it is in my go.work file imported by a local path.

But then if I need to import new public dependencies in project1 I need to run go mod tidy to refresh the go.sum and process relative imports, and this fails, since go mod tidy tries to find project2.

This is exactly how I was expecting it to work, and I have the same issue. I've ended up just using standard go.mod files with replace directives and stripping them out with sed when building my docker images. Workspaces sounded like it would be ideal for this scenario, but sadly not.

dkrieger commented 7 months ago

Since the go team doesn't seem interested in addressing this issue, perhaps a tool that configures a local proxy using the go.work file could work?

It is very strange that the default assumption in a module that is nested in a workspace wants to depend on pinned published versions of other modules in the same workspace, especially when the language itself was developed in a monorepo to avoid this state of affairs. Gazelle also avoids this state of affairs, but incompletely because it uses go.mod files which go mod tidy cannot correctly manage. I can only assume there is a private tool or fork of the go command used in place of the public go mod tidy command that has removed any motivation to upstream a fix.

The messaging from users has consistently been that this behavior doesn't actually serve any use cases that could not still be served by simple checks for workspace context. Even if you want to publish derivative single module repositories in public mirror repos, nothing about changing go mod behavior within the context of a go workspace would break that use case.

dezren39 commented 7 months ago

Since the go team doesn't seem interested in addressing this issue, perhaps a tool that configures a local proxy using the go.work file could work?

mdepot commented 7 months ago

As you devs work out how to fix this, please keep this use case in mind. One of the reasons to use a workspace is the scenario where we want to build multiple binaries, and those binaries share some common code or other resources. A client-server pair of binaries using a common protobuf makes a good example. Here one might use a layout like this:


The desire to use a workspace here is in order to work on these two binaries as a single unit. This is because:

When working under this use case, the naive go newcomer may expect that running go mod tidy at the top of the workspace (as well as some other commands) should produce the same result as if they ran it separately inside lower directories. This is because they are thinking in the mindset that these are two separate binaries. Granted that's not how the existing tool options are supposed to work today, but in the long run it would be nice to have options in the tools that support using a workspace for this use case, to maintain what are essentially independent binaries that just happen to need to be maintained together as a single unit.

Whatever the answer ends up being, it would be good to explain the best way to manage this type of scenario somewhere in the workspace docs as well.

mdepot commented 7 months ago

Depending on what a user's expectations are, this may have some overlap with https://github.com/golang/go/issues/40302

matloob commented 7 months ago

@mdepot What's the use case for the client and server being in different modules from each other?

dkrieger commented 7 months ago

@mdepot What's the use case for the client and server being in different modules from each other?

@matloob can we not XY-problem this and take as given that it is a valid use case to have a client and a server be in different modules, especially considering it is commonplace for them to be in entirely different repos?

Otherwise this turns into a tangent of "why are monorepos, especially ones where packages within can have dependencies on other packages' source, beneficial", which is deeper topic than needs to be explored here, and it can just as easily be taken a given that a non-trivial number of organizations (and therefore go toolchain users) have decided this has some good answers.

For further clarification, I used the term "package" above in the general sense, not the golang-specific sense; pretend I said "module" if you prefer.

BourgeoisBear commented 7 months ago

@matloob: i'm in the same situation as @mdepot. In many cases, the client is free / open-source while the server is proprietary / closed-source. There are also cases where one side has far more dependencies than the other (i.e. why force people to pull a fat Electron client when they only want a server side that is strictly files & sockets?).

Perusae commented 6 months ago

Whatever the answer ends up being, it would be good to explain the best way to manage this type of scenario somewhere in the workspace docs as well.

We also use a similar structure for the above mentioned reason. When running Go tidy from the root, it took us by surprise that it ignored the go.work.

A quick fix was running:

for f in $(find . -name go.mod)
      do (cd $(dirname $f); go mod tidy)

But that is just a temporary solution, for a missing feature.

bcmills commented 6 months ago

@dkrieger, generally we expect “dependencies on other packages' source” to mean something that can be fetched as a module, from a (public or private) GOPROXY or version-control host. It isn't obvious why one would have dependencies that can't at least be redirected for go get using an insteadOf directive in the user's .gitconfig.