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cmd/cover: extend coverage testing to include applications #51430

Open thanm opened 2 years ago

thanm commented 2 years ago

Proposal: extend code coverage testing to include applications

Author(s): Than McIntosh

Last updated: 2022-03-02

Detailed design document: markdown, CL 388857


This document contains a proposal for improving/revamping the system used in Go for code coverage testing.


Current support for coverage testing

The Go toolchain currently includes support for collecting and reporting coverage data for Golang unit tests; this facility is made available via the "go test -cover" and "go tool cover" commands.

The current workflow for collecting coverage data is baked into "go test" command; the assumption is that the source code of interest is a Go package or set of packages with associated tests.

To request coverage data for a package test run, a user can invoke the test(s) via:

  go test -coverprofile=<filename> [package target(s)]

This command will build the specified packages with coverage instrumentation, execute the package tests, and write an output file to "filename" with the coverage results of the run.

The resulting output file can be viewed/examined using commands such as

  go tool cover -func=<covdatafile>
  go tool cover -html=<covdatafile>

Under the hood, the implementation works by source rewriting: when "go test" is building the specified set of package tests, it runs each package source file of interest through a source-to-source translation tool that produces an instrumented/augmented equivalent, with instrumentation that records which portions of the code execute as the test runs.

A function such as

  func ABC(x int) {
    if x < 0 {

is rewritten to something like

  func ABC(x int) {GoCover_0_343662613637653164643337.Count[9] = 1;
    if x < 0 {GoCover_0_343662613637653164643337.Count[10] = 1;

where "GoCover_0_343662613637653164643337" is a tool-generated structure with execution counters and source position information.

The "go test" command also emits boilerplate code into the generated "_testmain.go" to register each instrumented source file and unpack the coverage data structures into something that can be easily accessed at runtime. Finally, the modified "_testmain.go" has code to call runtime routines that emit the coverage output file when the test completes.

Strengths and weaknesses of what we currently provide

The current implementation is simple and easy to use, and provides a good user experience for the use case of collecting coverage data for package unit tests. Since "go test" is performing both the build and the invocation/execution of the test, it can provide a nice seamless "single command" user experience.

A key weakness of the current implementation is that it does not scale well-- it is difficult or impossible to gather coverage data for applications as opposed to collections of packages, and for testing scenarios involving multiple runs/executions.

For example, consider a medium-sized application such as the Go compiler ("gc"). While the various packages in the compiler source tree have unit tests, and one can use "go test" to obtain coverage data for those tests, the unit tests by themselves only exercise a small fraction of the code paths in the compiler that one would get from actually running the compiler binary itself on a large collection of Go source files.

For such applications, one would like to build a coverage-instrumented copy of the entire application ("gc"), then run that instrumented application over many inputs (say, all the Go source files compiled as part of a "make.bash" run for multiple GOARCH values), producing a collection of coverage data output files, and finally merge together the results to produce a report or provide a visualization.

Many folks in the Golang community have run into this problem; there are large numbers of blog posts and other pages describing the issue, and recommending workarounds (or providing add-on tools that help); doing a web search for "golang integration code coverage" will turn up many pages of links.

An additional weakness in the current Go toolchain offering relates to the way in which coverage data is presented to the user from the "go tool cover") commands. The reports produced are "flat" and not hierarchical (e.g. a flat list of functions, or a flat list of source files within the instrumented packages). This way of structuring a report works well when the number of instrumented packages is small, but becomes less attractive if there are hundreds or thousands of source files being instrumented. For larger applications, it would make sense to create reports with a more hierarchical structure: first a summary by module, then package within module, then source file within package, and so on.

Finally, there are a number of long-standing problems that arise due to the use of source-to-source rewriting used by cmd/cover and the go command, including

#23883 "cmd/go: -coverpkg=all gives different coverage value when run on a package list vs ./..."

#23910 "cmd/go: -coverpkg packages imported by all tests, even ones that otherwise do not use it"

#27336 "cmd/go: test coverpkg panics when defining the same flag in multiple packages"

Most of these problems arise because of the introduction of additional imports in the _testmain.go shim created by the Go command when carrying out a coverage test run in combination with the "-coverpkg" option.

Proposed changes

Building for coverage

While the existing "go test" based coverage workflow will continue to be supported, the proposal is to add coverage as a new build mode for "go build". In the same way that users can build a race-detector instrumented executable using "go build -race", it will be possible to build a coverage-instrumented executable using "go build -cover".

To support this goal, the plan will be to migrate the support for coverage instrumentation into the compiler, moving away from the source-to-source translation approach.

Running instrumented applications

Applications are deployed and run in many different ways, ranging from very simple (direct invocation of a single executable) to very complex (e.g. gangs of cooperating processes involving multiple distinct executables). To allow for more complex execution/invocation scenarios, it doesn't make sense to try to serialize updates to a single coverage output data file during the run, since this would require introducing synchronization or some other mechanism to ensure mutually exclusive access.

For non-test applications built for coverage, users will instead select an output directory as opposed to a single file; each run of the instrumented executable will emit data files within that directory. Example:

$ go build -o myapp.exe -cover ...
$ mkdir /tmp/mycovdata
$ export GOCOVERDIR=/tmp/mycovdata
$ <run test suite, resulting in multiple invocations of myapp.exe>
$ go tool cover -html=/tmp/mycovdata

For coverage runs in the context of "go test", the default will continue to be emitting a single named output file when the test is run.

File names within the output directory will be chosen at runtime so as to minimize the possibility of collisions, e.g. possibly something to the effect of


When invoked for reporting, the coverage tool itself will test its input argument to see whether it is a file or a directory; in the latter case, it will read and process all of the files in the specified directory.

Programs that call os.Exit(), or never terminate

With the current coverage tooling, if a Go unit test invokes os.Exit() passing a non-zero exit status, the instrumented test binary will terminate immediately without writing an output data file. If a test invokes os.Exit() passing a zero exit status, this will result in a panic.

For unit tests, this is perfectly acceptable-- people writing tests generally have no incentive or need to call os.Exit, it simply would not add anything in terms of test functionality. Real applications routinely finish by calling os.Exit, however, including cases where a non-zero exit status is reported. Integration test suites nearly always include tests that ensure an application fails properly (e.g. returns with non-zero exit status) if the application encounters an invalid input. The Go project's all.bash test suite has many of these sorts of tests, including test cases that are expected to cause compiler or linker errors (and to ensure that the proper error paths in the tool are covered).

To support collecting coverage data from such programs, the Go runtime will need to be extended to detect os.Exit calls from instrumented programs and ensure (in some form) that coverage data is written out before the program terminates. This could be accomplished either by introducing new hooks into the os.Exit code, or possibly by opening and mmap'ing the coverage output file earlier in the run, then letting writes to counter variables go directly to an mmap'd region, which would eliminated the need to close the file on exit (credit to Austin for this idea).

To handle server programs (which in many cases run forever and may not call exit), APIs will be provided for writing out a coverage profile under user control, e.g. something along the lines of

  import "<someOfficialPath>/cover"

  var *coverageoutdir flag.String(...)

  func server() {
    if *coverageoutdir != "" {
        f, err := cover.OpenCoverageOutputFile(...)
        if err != nil {
    for {
      if <received signal to emit coverage data> {
        err := f.Emit()
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("error %v emitting ...", err)

In addition to OpenCoverageOutputFile() and Emit() as above, an Emit() function will be provided that accepts an io.Writer (to allow coverage profiles to be written to a network connection or pipe, in case writing to a file is not possible).

Coverage and modules

Most modern Go programs make extensive use of dependent third-party packages; with the advent of Go modules, we now have systems in place to explicitly identify and track these dependencies.

When application writers add a third-party dependency, in most cases the authors will not be interested in having that dependency's code count towards the "percent of lines covered" metric for their application (there will definitely be exceptions to this rule, but it should hold in most cases).

It makes sense to leverage information from the Go module system when collecting code coverage data. Within the context of the module system, a given package feeding into the build of an application will have one of the three following dispositions (relative to the main module):

With this in mind, the proposal when building an application for coverage will be to instrument every package that feeds into the build, but record the disposition for each package (as above), then allow the user to select the proper granularity or treatment of dependencies when viewing or reporting.

As an example, consider the Delve debugger (a Go application). One entry in the Delve V1.8 go.mod file is:

    github.com/cosiner/argv v0.1.0

This package ("argv") has about 500 lines of Go code and a couple dozen Go functions; Delve uses only a single exported function. For a developer trying to generate a coverage report for Delve, it seems unlikely that they would want to include "argv" as part of the coverage statistics (percent lines/functions executed), given the secondary and very modest role that the dependency plays.

On the other hand, it's possible to imagine scenarios in which a specific dependency plays an integral or important role for a given application, meaning that a developer might want to include the package in the applications coverage statistics.

Merging coverage data output files

As part of this work the proposal to enhance the "go tool cover" command to provide a profile merging facility, so that collection of coverage data files (emitted from multiple runs of an instrumented executable) can be merged into a single summary output file. Example usage:

  $ go tool cover -merge -coveragedir=/tmp/mycovdata -o finalprofile.out

The merge tool will be capable of writing files in the existing (legacy) coverage output file format, if requested by the user.

In addition to a "merge" facility, it may also be interesting to support other operations such as intersect and subtract (more on this later).

Differential coverage

When fixing a bug in an application, it is common practice to add a new unit test in addition to the code change that comprises the actual fix. When using code coverage, users may want to learn how many of the changed lines in their code are actually covered when the new test runs.

Assuming we have a set of N coverage data output files (corresponding to those generated when running the existing set of tests for a package) and a new coverage data file generated from a new testpoint, it would be useful to provide a tool to "subtract" out the coverage information from the first set from the second file. This would leave just the set of new lines / regions that the new test causes to be covered above and beyond what is already there.

This feature (profile subtraction) would make it much easier to write tooling that would provide feedback to developers on whether newly written unit tests are covering new code in the way that the developer intended.

Design details

Please see the design document for details on proposed changes to the compiler, etc.

Implementation timetable

Plan is for thanm@ to implement this in go 1.19 time frame.

Prerequisite Changes


Preliminary Results

No data available yet.

gopherbot commented 1 year ago

Change https://go.dev/cl/436236 mentions this issue: internal/buildcfg: enabled COVERAGEREDESIGN go experiment by default

gopherbot commented 1 year ago

Change https://go.dev/cl/436784 mentions this issue: devapp/owners: update owners table for coverage-related packages

gopherbot commented 1 year ago

Change https://go.dev/cl/438503 mentions this issue: runtime/coverage: revise/shorten function names

thediveo commented 1 year ago

The error messages in https://go.dev/cl/438503 use still the old "clunky" function names.

thanm commented 1 year ago

@thediveo Thanks, I'll fix that up.

mszostok commented 1 year ago

On the other hand, it's possible to imagine scenarios in which a specific dependency plays an integral or important role for a given application, meaning that a developer might want to include the package in the applications coverage statistics.

FYI: I'm exactly waiting for this option. My use-case is simply. I develop a version Go library that, as you may expect, relays on build process. So I have a bunch of e2e tests where I have just example "programs" that are using this lib and are built in different ways. I would be happy to get a clear way to see what lib functionally is already well tested. Currently, I'm a bit blind here.

Hope that this will be shipped too 🤞

CarlJi commented 1 year ago

Great proposal, this is definitely a big step forward for the go coverage toolchain, looking forwarding to it being release ready.

In addition, i have a question that does the new solution support get coverage data remotely?

The problem is that in some complex scenario like system or e2e testing, the main entity under test is usually a complete remote cluster composed by a lot of applications running in many different machines or containers. so, it will be convenient for users to obtain the coverage data of remote services locally.

For the current (or old) go's coverage ability, this didn't seem to be supported, so we built a workaround named goc to address it. While, based on my understanding this proposal should solve this problem natively, but after going through the latest code, i didn't find such ways. please help.

thediveo commented 1 year ago

From the existing description I would say that you might run a bunch of tests and upload the coverage data directory. But I expect this to be very basic so you'll have to add your more specific handling of the generated data anyway.

gopherbot commented 1 year ago

Change https://go.dev/cl/455496 mentions this issue: _content: add section on integration test code coverage

JeanChristopheMorinPerso commented 1 year ago

Hi, I just tried this in Go 1.20rc1 and it looks really great. It really improves a lot of things.

I have a questions though. How can we merge coverage data generated by integration tests and coverage data generated by unit tests? So far, I haven't found a way to tell go test to output coverage data in the new format. I can surely convert the integration tests coverage into the old format using go1.20rc1 tool covdata textfmt ... and then merge (manually) the two coverage reports together.

I also see cases where someone would want to run unit tests on multiple platforms and simply merge the coverage to get a single coverage report. Right now it doesn't seems to be natively possible?


thanm commented 1 year ago

@JeanChristopheMorinPerso this is a feature that didn't quite make it into the release. It is on my short list of follow-on features to add, however. I have a CL 456595 with a prototype implementation, but it didn't make it in before the freeze.

There is one hack/workaround you can use in the mean time, which is to build a test executable and then run it with an arg to pass in the GOCOVERDIR value. Example:

$ rm -f t.exe
$ go test -cover -c -o t.exe .
$ mkdir somedata
$ ./t.exe -test.count=1 -test.gocoverdir=somedata
$ ls somedata
$ go tool covdata percent -i=somedata
    cov.example/p   coverage: 63.8% of statements

At the moment -test.gocoverdir is an unexported test flag, but in theory you can hijack it for this purpose.

JeanChristopheMorinPerso commented 1 year ago

Great, thanks @thanm . It looks like -test.gocoverdir does excatly what I was looking for!

go1.20rc1 test -cover ./... -args -test.gocoverdir=mydir

I'm really exited about these improvements. Thanks a lot @thanm and also great work!

rbroggi commented 1 year ago

Hello all,

I would like to raise a discussion about a potential issue on how the go tool covdata displays the coverage coming from the main file:

For the sake of this discussion, I created a reproducer repository also hosting a CI execution that displays my point.

It seems that, unlike all the other files which get prefixed by their respective package/module path, the main.go file enters the report prefixed with the absolute path to it:

here you can see that after merging the results of unit-tests coverage reports and binary coverage reports using go tool covdata you get something like this:

$ cat coverage/merged/coverage_percent.out
mode: set
/usr/src/myapp/main.go:10.13,12.2 1 1
github.com/rbroggi/binarycov/greetings/greetings.go:3.23,5.2 1 1

the first line of this report breaks tools like gocover-cobertura which is the default way to allow repositories hosted on gitlab to feature MR coverage visualizations.

Was there a reason why prefixing main.go with the absolute path instead of the package path like all the other files?

thanm commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback. Just as a meta-remark, it might make sense to have this conversation in the context of another (new) issue, since this issue is really more about the decision to extend the coverage tooling as opposed to the nitty gritty on how the tools work.

What's happening here has to do with how the Go command classifies packages; you can actually see similar behavior in 1.19 prior to the changes in this proposal. Here is an example:

$ cat go.mod
module repro.test
go 1.19
$ cat main/main.go
package main
func main() {
$ cat main/main_test.go
package main

import "testing"

func TestMumble(t *testing.T) {
    if 42 != 42 {
$ go test -coverprofile=firstcover.txt repro.test/main
ok      repro.test/main 0.014s  coverage: 0.0% of statements
$ cat firstcover.txt
mode: set
repro.test/main/main.go:3.13,5.2 1 0
$ cd main
$ go test -coverprofile=secondcover.txt ./main.go ./main_test.go
ok      command-line-arguments  0.014s  coverage: 0.0% of statements
$ cat secondcover.txt
mode: set
/tmp/repro/main/main.go:3.13,5.2 1 0

The convention is that for "local" imports of this sort (e.g. where the package is selected via a relative path) we use an absolute path for the filename so as to make HTML reporting easier -- see this code in the Go command.

This is what's triggering the behavior you are seeing in your example. To work around it, try changing your Makefile from

build_coverage: coverage_dir
    @go build -cover  -v -o $(BINARY_NAME) .


build_coverage: coverage_dir
    @go build -cover  -v -o $(BINARY_NAME) github.com/rbroggi/binarycov

That should give you a regular import path instead of a local full path.

There are arguments to be made both ways in terms of whether the Go command should be doing this, but for the moment it's the convention.

rbroggi commented 1 year ago

Dear @thanm thank you a lot for the spot-on observation. I feared so indeed that there was a good reason for that to happen. As far as I'm concerned, the fact that we can achieve both output formats depending on how the inputs are provided is satisfactory and indeed it solves the issue I was facing.

thediveo commented 1 year ago

At the moment -test.gocoverdir is an unexported test flag, but in theory you can hijack it for this purpose.

Any news on making -test.gocoverdir more prominently visible? As it is, I use it to run my unit tests once as root and once as non-root and as of Go 1.20 I don't need an external merging tool anymore, as the Go toolchain now supports this out of the box. At least with the unexported flag.

What's in for -test.gocoverdir= in the near future?

thanm commented 1 year ago

What's in for -test.gocoverdir= in the near future?

I will be working on this during the 1.21 timeframe (this sort of change is not the kind of thing we back-port to minor releases, so no changes planned for 1.20.X).

kokes commented 1 year ago

I'm wondering if these docs should be extended to at least briefly mention runtime/coverage functions, which are quite handy for long running binaries. I only discovered these functions by introspecting the commit history here. I got it working without these by killing my process and collecting the profiles (which was fun since I was running these as PID 1), but I suppose this programmatic way is a bit more ergonomic.

thanm commented 1 year ago

@kokes I agree, this makes sense. This is something that I've considered but hasn't made it to the top of my "to do" list (too many other pots on the stove).

KumanekoSakura commented 7 months ago

I have a question/suggestion for https://go.dev/doc/build-cover#panicprof .

I want to collect coverage data of a server application. And I want coverage data be written without terminating the server process so that I can determine what request should I try for not yet covered statements.

Is something like below possible (are coverage write functions goroutine safe)?

package main

import (

func main() {
    if dir := os.Getenv(`GOCOVERDIR`); dir != `` && coverage.WriteMetaDir(dir) == nil {
        http.HandleFunc(`/save-coverage`, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
            if err := coverage.WriteCountersDir(dir); err != nil {
            } else {
    http.ListenAndServe(``, nil)

If yes, please consider appending something like "But you can save profile data using coverage.WriteMetaDir() and coverage.WriteCountersDir() as needed, in order to minimize amount of profile data lost by crash." after "profile data from statements executed during the run will be lost." .

thanm commented 7 months ago

are coverage write functions goroutine safe

Not sure quite what you mean by "goroutine safe" in this context.

Your code looks as though it ought to run in theory, have you run it and tried it out? By the way, the coverage.WriteMetaDir() call in your code is unnecessary; if a program is built with "-cover" and GOCOVERDIR is set, meta-data will be written on program startup.

please consider appending something like

I'm not sure that is really a good idea; most applications just don't panic or crash often enough to justify that sort of extra hackery and additional overhead.

KumanekoSakura commented 7 months ago

Oops, I missed "Programs that call os.Exit(), or never terminate" already answered my question.

Anyway, replying to your comment.

Not sure quite what you mean by "goroutine safe" in this context.

src/runtime/coverage/emit.go says

which might imply that it is not safe to call functions in emit.go outside of process termination event. But WriteCountersDir() says

which might imply that it is safe to call WriteCountersDir() outside of process termination event.

Your code looks as though it ought to run in theory, have you run it and tried it out?

I wanted to know if we are allowed to call WriteCountersDir() outside of process termination event.

By the way, the coverage.WriteMetaDir() call in your code is unnecessary; if a program is built with "-cover" and GOCOVERDIR is set, meta-data will be written on program startup.

OK, I see.

I'm not sure that is really a good idea; most applications just don't panic or crash often enough to justify that sort of extra hackery and additional overhead.

My case was

and the answer is


Thank you.

thanm commented 7 months ago

I wanted to know if we are allowed to call WriteCountersDir() outside of process termination event.

Yes, this is allowed/supported.