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spec: less error-prone loop variable scoping #60078

Closed rsc closed 7 months ago

rsc commented 1 year ago

We propose to change for loop variables declared with := from one-instance-per-loop to one-instance-per-iteration. This change would apply only to packages in modules that explicitly declare a new enough Go version in the go.mod file, so all existing code is unaffected. Changing the loop semantics would prevent unintended sharing in per-iteration closures and goroutines (see this entry in the Go FAQ for one explanation). We expect this change to fix many subtly broken for loops in new code, as well as in old code as it is updated to the newer Go version. There was an earlier pre-proposal discussion of this idea at #56010.

For example, consider a loop like the one in this test:

func TestAllEven(t *testing.T) {
    testCases := []int{0, 2, 4, 6}
    for _, v := range testCases {
        t.Run("sub", func(t *testing.T) {
            if v&1 != 0 {
                t.Fatal("odd v", v)

This test aims to check that all the test cases are even, but it doesn't check them all. The problem is that t.Parallel stops the closure and lets the loop continue, and then it runs all the closures in parallel when the loop is over and TestAllEven has returned. By the time the if statement in the closure executes, the loop is done, and v has its final iteration value, 6. All four subtests now continue executing in parallel, and they all check that 6 is even, instead of checking each of the test cases.

Most Go developers are familiar with this mistake and know the answer: add v := v to the loop body:

func TestAllEven(t *testing.T) {
    testCases := []int{0, 2, 4, 6}
    for _, v := range testCases {
        t.Run("sub", func(t *testing.T) {
            if v&1 != 0 {
                t.Fatal("odd v", v)

Changing the loop semantics would in essence insert this kind of v := v statement for every for loop variable declared with :=. It would fix this loop and many others to do what the author clearly intends.

A subtler variation is when the code says testCases := []int{1, 2, 4, 6} (note the non-even test case 1):

func TestAllEvenBuggy(t *testing.T) {
    testCases := []int{1, 2, 4, 6}
    for _, v := range testCases {
        t.Run("sub", func(t *testing.T) {
            if v&1 != 0 {
                t.Fatal("odd v", v)

TestAllEvenBuggy passes today, because the test is only checking 6, four times. Changing the loop semantics would still fix the loop to do what the author clearly intended, but it would break the test, because the test is passing incorrectly. So there is the potential to cause problems for users.

Because of this potential for problems, the new loop semantics would only apply in Go modules that have opted in to the release with the new loops. If that was Go 1.22, then only packages in a module with a go.mod that says go 1.22 would get the new loop semantics. Packages in other modules, including packages in dependencies, would get the old semantics. This would guarantee that all existing Go code keeps working the same as it does today, even when compiling with a new toolchain. People only need to debug loop changes when they opt in to the new semantics in go.mod. This approach is in keeping with our backwards and forwards compatibility work, #56986 and #57001, specifically the principle that toolchain upgrades preserve the behavior of old code, and compatibility is based on the go line.

If this proposal is accepted, users will need additional tooling support for a successful transition. That would come primarily in two forms: a compiler mode that reports affected loops, and a debugging tool that identifies the specific loops whose changed compilation is responsible for causing a test failure. There is a demo of the tooling support at the end of this comment.

The tooling support is important and necessary, but we expect it to be needed only rarely. Analysis and conversion of Google's own Go source code found that only about 1 package test per 8,000 started failing due to the new semantics, and the bug was essentially always in the test itself, like in TestAllEvenBuggy. In contrast, the new loopclosure vet analysis that shipped in Go 1.20 flagged definite bugs in 1 test per 400. The rest stayed passing with their bugs fixed by the new semantics. That is, in Google's code base, about 5% of the tests that contain this kind of sharing mistake were like TestAllEvenBuggy, exposed as buggy by the new semantics. The other 95% of the tests with this kind of mistake still passed when they started testing what they intended to. Of all the test failures, only one was caused by a loop variable semantic test change in non-test code. That code was very low-level and could not tolerate a new allocation in the loop. The design document has details. This evidence suggests that changing the semantics is usually a no-op, and when it’s not, it fixes buggy code far more often than it breaks correct code.

Based on the preliminary discussion the further work summarized here, @dr2chase and I propose that we make the change in an appropriate future Go version, perhaps Go 1.22 if the stars align, and otherwise a later version.

More details can be found in the design document.

Update, May 10 2023: Note that the change will not break the common idiom of changing a loop variable in the body of a 3-clause for loops. See this comment for details and links before commenting about 3-clause for loops. Thanks.

Tooling Demonstration

To demonstrate the tooling we would provide to support a successful transition, here is a complete example of a test that passes today but fails with the new loop semantics:

% cat x_test.go
package x

import "testing"

func Test(t *testing.T) {
    testCases := []int{1, 2, 4, 6}
    for _, v := range testCases {
        t.Run("sub", func(t *testing.T) {
            if v&1 != 0 {
                t.Fatal("odd v", v)
    for _, v := range testCases {
        t.Run("sub", func(t *testing.T) {
    for _, v := range testCases {
        t.Run("sub", func(t *testing.T) {
            if v&1 != 0 {
                t.Fatal("odd v", v)

Building the program with -d=loopvar=2 reports all the affected loops:

% GOEXPERIMENT=loopvar go test -gcflags=all=-d=loopvar=2 x_test.go
# runtime
go/src/runtime/proc.go:1815:7: loop variable freem now per-iteration, stack-allocated
go/src/runtime/proc.go:3149:7: loop variable enum now per-iteration, stack-allocated
go/src/runtime/mgcmark.go:810:6: loop variable d now per-iteration, stack-allocated
go/src/runtime/traceback.go:623:7: loop variable iu now per-iteration, stack-allocated
go/src/runtime/traceback.go:943:7: loop variable iu now per-iteration, stack-allocated
# runtime/pprof
go/src/runtime/pprof/pprof.go:386:9: loop variable r now per-iteration, heap-allocated
go/src/runtime/pprof/proto.go:363:6: loop variable e now per-iteration, stack-allocated
go/src/runtime/pprof/proto.go:612:9: loop variable frame now per-iteration, heap-allocated
go/src/runtime/pprof/protomem.go:29:9: loop variable r now per-iteration, heap-allocated
# command-line-arguments [command-line-arguments.test]
./x_test.go:7:9: loop variable v now per-iteration, stack-allocated
./x_test.go:15:9: loop variable v now per-iteration, stack-allocated
./x_test.go:20:9: loop variable v now per-iteration, stack-allocated
# internal/fuzz
go/src/internal/fuzz/fuzz.go:432:9: loop variable e now per-iteration, stack-allocated
--- FAIL: Test (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: Test/sub (0.00s)
        x_test.go:11: odd v 1
    --- FAIL: Test/sub#08 (0.00s)
        x_test.go:24: odd v 1
FAIL    command-line-arguments  0.199s

Note that some loops are in the Go standard library. Those are unlikely to be the cause, so we can limit the diagnostics to the current package by dropping all=:

% GOEXPERIMENT=loopvar go test -gcflags=-d=loopvar=2 x_test.go
# command-line-arguments [command-line-arguments.test]
./x_test.go:7:9: loop variable v now per-iteration, stack-allocated
./x_test.go:15:9: loop variable v now per-iteration, stack-allocated
./x_test.go:20:9: loop variable v now per-iteration, stack-allocated
--- FAIL: Test (0.00s)
    --- FAIL: Test/sub (0.00s)
        x_test.go:11: odd v 1
    --- FAIL: Test/sub#08 (0.00s)
        x_test.go:24: odd v 1
FAIL    command-line-arguments  0.119s

That trims the diagnostic output, but it still leaves us to check all our loops. In this trivial example, 2 of 3 are buggy, but in a real program there are fewer needles and more haystack. To solve that problem, we can use a dynamic tool that reruns a test, varying which loops compile with the new semantics, to identify the specific loops that cause the failure:

% bisect -loopvar go test x_test.go
bisect: checking target with all changes disabled
bisect: run: go test -gcflags=all=-d=loopvar=1,loopvarhash=n x_test.go... ok (13 matches)
bisect: run: go test -gcflags=all=-d=loopvar=1,loopvarhash=n x_test.go... ok (13 matches)
bisect: checking target with all changes enabled
bisect: run: go test -gcflags=all=-d=loopvar=1,loopvarhash=y x_test.go... FAIL (13 matches)
bisect: run: go test -gcflags=all=-d=loopvar=1,loopvarhash=y x_test.go... FAIL (13 matches)
bisect: target succeeds with no changes, fails with all changes
bisect: searching for minimal set of changes to enable to cause failure
bisect: run: go test -gcflags=all=-d=loopvar=1,loopvarhash=+0 x_test.go... ok (7 matches)
bisect: run: go test -gcflags=all=-d=loopvar=1,loopvarhash=+0 x_test.go... ok (7 matches)
bisect: run: go test -gcflags=all=-d=loopvar=1,loopvarhash=+1 x_test.go... FAIL (6 matches)
bisect: run: go test -gcflags=all=-d=loopvar=1,loopvarhash=+1 x_test.go... FAIL (6 matches)
bisect: run: go test -gcflags=all=-d=loopvar=1,loopvarhash=+01 x_test.go... FAIL (3 matches)
bisect: run: go test -gcflags=all=-d=loopvar=1,loopvarhash=+01 x_test.go... FAIL (3 matches)
bisect: FOUND failing change set
--- change set #1 (enabling changes causes failure)
bisect: FOUND failing change set
--- change set #2 (enabling changes causes failure)
bisect: target succeeds with all remaining changes enabled

Now we know to spend our attention on the loops at lines 7 and 20, which are in fact the buggy ones. (The loop at line 15 has been cleared of suspicion.) Bisect uses an adaptation of binary search that can identify the relevant loop in a relatively small number of trials, making it useful even on very large, very complicated tests that run for a long time.

seebs commented 1 year ago

The biggest concern I could suggest would be the compatibility promise, and the go.mod stuff addresses that.

When I started learning Go, I found a page which purported to be a list of common Go pitfalls. It said "pitfalls", plural, but in fact, this was the only one. That has been my experience of using the language for the last few years; this is the pitfall in Go programming.

Do it. Doooo eeeeet.

ulikunitz commented 1 year ago

It may be pedantic, but packages in modules with go.mod files that specify go 1.22 or a higher go version should get the new semantics.

zigo101 commented 1 year ago

Personally, I strongly oppose to apply this proposal to for ...; ...; ... {...} loops.

The proposal docs mentions that the semantic-equivalent form of

for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
    prints = append(prints, func() { println(i) })

is like

    i_outer := 0
    first := true
    for {
        i := i_outer
        if first {
            first = false
        } else {
        if !(i < 3) {
        prints = append(prints, func() { println(i) })
        i_outer = i

Sorry, this adds too much magical implicitness and makes it is hard to make a clear explanation for the new semantic. And it breaks the try-to-be-explicit principle in Go design. Worse, this breaks most people's expectation. The iteration variable declaration statement is only executed once, but there will be multiple instances of it created at run time.

Obeying users' intuitions is important. This is why I support applying this proposal to for-range loops.

[update]: I don't think the so-called "accidental" bugs in using for ...; ...; ... {...} loops mentioned in the proposal docs are caused by mis-understanding the semantic of for ...; ...; ... {...} loops. IMHO, the cause of the bug in

var ids []*int
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    ids = append(ids, &i)

is totally the same as the bug in

var ids []*int
var i int
for i = 0; i < 10; i++ {
    ids = append(ids, &i)

In both, I think most people think there is only one instance of the variable i during the whole loop execution.

zikaeroh commented 1 year ago

@go101 That is not the code as mentioned in the proposal; you have added an extra outer loop where the proposal only had a block.

zigo101 commented 1 year ago

@zikaeroh corrected now. It doesn't affect the opinion.

Merovius commented 1 year ago

@go101 to be clear, you're only showing the "after" part of that kind of expansion, as far as this proposal is concerned. Currently, the equivalent expansion would be

    i := 0 // with proposal this is i_outer
    first := true
    for {
                // with proposal, there's an i := i_outer here
        if first {
            first = false
        } else {
        if !(i < 3) {
        prints = append(prints, func() { println(i) })
                // with proposal, there's an i_outer = i here

i.e. the proposal is to add i := i_outer; … ; i_outer = i, which is significantly less "added magic" than your comment makes it appear.

zigo101 commented 1 year ago

@Merovius Yes, that was a small mistake which has been corrected. It doesn't affect the whole opinion.

davidmdm commented 1 year ago

Overall I am very much for this proposal. However @go101 did bring up a valid point about for ; ; {} loops as opposed to range loops.

I would just want somebody to confirm the behavior of the following loop under the new semantics:

for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
  i += 1

Under the new semantics I believe it would print: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 instead of: 0, 2, 4.

This might be a little unexpected to users who do not know this history, and the bugs associated with capturing the loop variable.

To reiterate (unintentional pun), I think the proposal is beneficial to Go but this is my only worry.

zigo101 commented 1 year ago

@davidmdm The semantic change doesn't affect the behavior of your example. It will still print 0 2 4.

The change does affect the behaviors of some use cases.

Merovius commented 1 year ago

@davidmdm I haven't seen any sort of convincing argument, why the three-clause for loop would be different than a range loop. Any argument I've seen is just as applicable to both.

Meanwhile "having two loop constructs which behave extremely differently in relation to short variable declarations is confusing and hard to explain" seems obvious and hard to refute to me.

YMMV, of course.

davidmdm commented 1 year ago

@Merovius It's different than most other imperative programming languages. If we take JS for example:

for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

This will print the sequence 0, 2, 4. The same goes for python, and most other high level languages.

Go would be unique (maybe, I won't pretend to know most languages...) in this regard.

I am still for it, because it solves subtle bugs with regards to closures and addressability that I have fallen prey to before. What I am looking for, perhaps, is an acknowledgement that Go would adopt a slightly different for-loop semantic than other languages and that this may be confusing to new-comers. Beyond that, is Go going to provide go vet checks or something to help users not write poor code in the new semantics?

For example:

for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
  i += 1 // go vet: ineffective assignment -> iteration variable moving out of scope
zikaeroh commented 1 year ago

@davidmdm Maybe you missed it, but the proposal has the "transformed" code copy the final state of the loop variable to the beginning of the next loop, meaning that the above should also print ”0, 2, 4", and that += 1 is not actually ineffective.

    i_outer := 0
    first := true
    for {
        i := i_outer
        if first {
            first = false
        } else {
        if !(i < 5) {
        i += 1
        i_outer = i

The only semantic change this proposal should have is to do with capturing the loop variable by address or by a closure.

rsc commented 1 year ago

@davidmdm You misunderstand the new semantics. They are basically the same as the Javascript let form you mentioned. The loop you showed does not change meaning. This kind of loop is explicitly called out at the end of the https://go.googlesource.com/proposal/+/master/design/60078-loopvar.md#language-specification section. ^F for "Note that in both 3-clause..."

I would encourage you to try any programs you like on your own computer, using gotip with GOEXPERIMENT=loopvar.

% go install golang.org/dl/gotip@latest
go: downloading golang.org/dl v0.0.0-20230502172222-5216546bad51
% gotip download
Updating the go development tree...
Building Go cmd/dist using /Users/rsc/sdk/go1.17.13. (go1.17.13 darwin/amd64)
Building Go toolchain1 using /Users/rsc/sdk/go1.17.13.
Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2.
Building packages and commands for darwin/amd64.
Installed Go for darwin/amd64 in /Users/rsc/sdk/gotip
Installed commands in /Users/rsc/sdk/gotip/bin
*** You need to add /Users/rsc/sdk/gotip/bin to your PATH.
Success. You may now run 'gotip'!
% cat x.go
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
        i += 1
% gotip run x.go
% GOEXPERIMENT=loopvar gotip run x.go
rsc commented 1 year ago

Regarding 3-clause loops, three points:

If we don't fix 3-clause for loops, the footgun remains.

If we leave 3-clause loops alone, then every time you change a loop from 3-clause to range or back, you have to stop and reason about the possible capture difference you might be introducing. When you are doing that kind of conversion, you should have to think about whether the iteration visits the same things and then be able to stop there.

Real-world evidence all points to this change fixing some 3-clause for loops and breaking none.

I freely admit that it is possible to write 3-clause for loops that behave differently in the new semantics, just as it is possible to write range loops that behave differently, such as this one by Tim King:

func sum(list []int) int {
    m := make(map[*int]int)
    for _, x := range list {
        m[&x] += x
    for _, sum := range m {
        return sum
    return 0

As Merovius put it so well, if you saw this in real life, the surprise would be not that the code behaves differently with the new loop semantics but that it was written this way at all.

Focusing on artificial examples misses the point, which is that in actual programs, when per-iteration vs per-loop does matter, 99% of the time users expect per-iteration. Here are three real examples of 3-clause loop mistakes that made it into a repo and had to be corrected (I found these by searching git histories for diff hunks consisting only of added x := x lines):

(Of course, searching git histories misses all the buggy loops that were debugged before being checked in.)

Having just gone through all the test failures inside Google caused by enabling the new semantics globally, I can tell you that 3-clause loops were a minority of root causes of test failures, but they did exist, and all of them clearly expected per-iteration semantics. The test failures happened because the test was incorrectly passing, like TestAllEvenBuggy above. In no case was the loop change breaking a good loop. That is, I saw no 3-clause for loops that correctly depended on the current per-loop semantics. Nor did I see any range loops, except the low-level one I mentioned that was prohibited from allocating.

That's some of the real-world evidence in favor of changing 3-clause loops. I have looked, and I found no evidence in favor of not changing them. If you want to make the case for not changing them, the way to do that would be to provide real-world examples of code that breaks with the new semantics. You might start by running your own tests against gotip with the loop variable change enabled (instructions here).

Evidence outweighs gut reaction.

I sympathize with the gut reaction from @go101 and @davidmdm here. I remember the first time I saw 3-clause for loops with per-iteration variable semantics, in an early talk about Dart around 2009 or so. My own gut reaction was that I was certain it was a terrible idea that couldn't possibly work, too strange to merit serious consideration. But as they say, certainty is just an emotion. The evidence we've built up over more than a decade of experience with Go seems to prove conclusively that Dart was right (as is JavaScript's for-let) and Go was wrong – I was wrong. Live and learn.

davidmdm commented 1 year ago

@zikaeroh @rsc

I am embarrassed to have not caught on that the iteration loop variable would inform the next loop variable. I hope my confusion was at least instructive to others, and with that I am 100% behind this proposal.

🚀 💥 🚀 💯

mcandre commented 1 year ago

Number one frustration with how lambdas interact with loops in Go and Node.js. This is actually a safety concern.

On the one hand, declaring lambdas inside of a loop is usually a performance loss, compared to declaring the lambda before or after the loop. On the other hand, when you need to curry some specific iteration state, then it is annoying to have to use additional boilerplate there.

100% code coverage is not guaranteed to catch this glitch, by the way. This is a rather subtle quirk dating back to how C does its dirty work. If the developer has insufficient tests, then many downstream problems can occur.

i can think of no useful program that desires only the last iteration state to be curried into all the lambdas.

Let's adopt this fix ASAP.

cep21 commented 1 year ago

This is 100% a good idea and worth doing, but I worry we're down playing the idea "only packages in a module with a go.mod that says go 1.22 would get the new loop semantics". I was trying to find more about this in @rsc 's video and link (may have missed it there's a lot to catch up on).

Tools like renovatebot and dependabot are almost required for open source projects. Many configure these tools to auto update minor (and patch) version dependencies (of course after tests run) and even auto merge (there could be dozens of these packages to keep up to date). My mental model is to never expect the line

-go 1.21
+go 1.22

to be something that could break my existing code since it is a minor change. These tools by default auto update this line.

What is the correct mental model for seeing the above diff? Is there an assumption beyond optimizations (sort ordering changing). Maybe the bar is "beyond reasonable doubt" for behavior changes, while I thought the previous bar was much more deterministic. Maybe it's off topic or overblown, but I don't know what I should think when I review renovatebot diffs in the future that do patch changes to the "go" line in the mod file.

Maybe there should be an official-ish recommendation of Only change go.mod go versions if you explicitly need a new feature or library.

rsc commented 1 year ago

What is the correct mental model for seeing the above diff?

The correct mental model should be that you are running a newer version of a dependency and you should test that your software continues to work as expected with that newer dependency. This is true for any dependency, not just the Go line. If you are using foo/bar v1.2.3 and dependabot bumps it to v1.2.4 or v1.3.0, the fact that it's still v1 (not a different major version) means the author intends that there are no breaking changes. But maybe the author fixed a bug, and your code accidentally depends on the buggy behavior. Or maybe the author introduced a bug by accident, and your program is the one that discovers the bug. Intending not to break you is different from not breaking you.

The same is true for the go line. If you see the go version change, then the Go team intends that there are no breaking changes for you. But maybe we fixed a bug you depend on, or maybe we introduced a bug by accident. In literally every instance of a loopvar-induced failure I've seen, "fixed a bug you depend on" is an accurate description. We absolutely understand that intending not to break you is different from not breaking you. When we do break you, we want you to have the right tools to make that as painless as possible. That's why the loopvar change is keyed on the go line, and it's also why other compatible-but-possibly-breaking changes will have GODEBUGs with defaults keyed on the go line, as of Go 1.21 (see this doc).

Circling back to dependabot, if dependabot proposes a change, any change at all, it would be a mistake to accept it solely because "it's only a version number increment". The only way dependabot is safe is if (1) the change passes all your tests, and (2) you have very good test coverage. If that's already true for your module dependencies, then you'll have no problem with go line bumps either.

rsc commented 1 year ago

This proposal has been added to the active column of the proposals project and will now be reviewed at the weekly proposal review meetings. — rsc for the proposal review group

zigo101 commented 1 year ago

Let me re-state my opinion:

I support making the change for for-range loops. What I oppose to is making the change for traditional for;; loops.

The current semantic of for-range loops is counter-intuitive, the change will make it intuitive.

The current semantic of traditional for;; loops is intuitive, the change will make it counter-intuitive.

It is natural for me to think the iteration variables k and vin the following for-range loop are declared in each loop step.

func foo(f func(*K, *V)) {
    for k, v := range c {
        // If we think the iteration variables k and v are declared in
        // each loop step, then the following k and v are exactly
        // the iteration variables k and v.
        f(&k, &v)

On the other hand, it is natural for me to think the iteration variables k and v in the following traditional for;; loop are only declared once during the whole loop execution, because the statement k, v := next() is only executed once during the whole loop execution. And I think this is also most people's intuitions (proof).

func bar(f func(*K, *V)) {
    for k, v := next(); ; k, v = next() {
        // By the proposed change, the following k and v are implicitly
        // declared and they are not the above iteration variables k and v.
        // This is too counter-intuitive.
        f(&k, &v)

That is all. Obeying intuition is so important for a language. A thousand arguments to break the rule are still pale. Adding magic implicitness is a big no-no (esp. for Go, a language promoting explicitness). Doing this will break many people's expectations.

In fact, after I read all the arguments in related threads to break the rule, I found none of them are reasonableconvincing.

If we don't fix 3-clause for loops, the footgun remains.

Sorry, if the change is made on traditional for;; loops, it might remove a footgun (so-called, which is actually caused by unprofession and carelessness), but it will also create new footguns.

Currently, I have found two new footguns caused by this:

The first:

// The loop prints true now. The semantic change will make it print false.
    for i, p := 0, (*int)(nil); p == nil; print(p == &i) {
        p = &i

The second:

// Now the value "a" will not duplicated at each loop step.
// The semantic change will make "a" be duplicated (twice)
// at each loop step.
func foo(constFunc func(*[100000]int)) {
    for a, i := [100000]int{}, 0; i < len(a); i++ {

That is two surprises for many people. Several people said the two cases are artificial or "intentionally confusing programs". I'm speechless on such non-serious attitudes. I can't believe that the bar to keep backward-compatibility is down to such a low level. The two code pieces are just two demonstrations. They are valid code, it is hard to say no code like these are used in practice.

The evidence we've built up over more than a decade of experience with Go seems to prove conclusively that Dart was right (as is JavaScript's for-let) and Go was wrong

It is unfair to compare Go with JS (I'm not familar with Dart, so I'm not sure if this is also true for Dart). Go is quite different from JS, Go supports pointers and large-size types/values, which makes the use cases using Go loops much more diverse. This is evident in the above two new footgun examples.

If we leave 3-clause loops alone, then every time you change a loop from 3-clause to range or back, you have to stop and reason about the possible capture difference you might be introducing. When you are doing that kind of conversion, you should have to think about whether the iteration visits the same things and then be able to stop there.

I don't think this is not a problem for a qualified Go programmer. It is unnecessary to make the pointless consistency. The two kinds of loops are different in nature and a qualified Go programmer should realize the result. In fact, making them behave differently is a great feature so that Go programmers have more choices for different scenarios.

Even if the argument is valid, then similar situations will happen if the proposed change is applied to traditional for;; loops. For example, in practice, sometimes, for some reason, a programmer rewrites the first loop to the second one. She/he expects that the re-writing will not change the execution of loop, but her/his expectation might be broken. If the execution change is a performance degradation, it might be not detected in time, depending on the degree of the performance degradation.

    // 1
    for v := f(); g(); h(&v) {
        ... // no continue here

    // 2
    for v := f(); g();  {
        ... // no continue here

That's some of the real-world evidence in favor of changing 3-clause loops. I have looked, and I found no evidence in favor of not changing them.

Firstly, I think maybe what you have looked are still not enough. Second, I also don't see universal and strong desires in favor of changing them.

And we need to make it clear whether or not the causes of the following two bugs are the same.

var ids []*int
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    ids = append(ids, &i)


var ids []*int
var i int
for i = 0; i < 10; i++ {
    ids = append(ids, &i)

Finally, in my opinion, mixing the changes to the two kinds of loops is not a good idea. I suggest to split this proposal into two, one for for-range loops and the other for traditional for;; loops.

I have noticed that this proposal has been added to the active column and will be reviewed. I'm curious that why do this in such a hurry. Personally, I think the current analysis work is still not sufficient. Shouldn't it be done after the experimental phase is almost over?

Merovius commented 1 year ago

@go101 I think most participants in the conversation understand your opinion. That doesn't mean they can't disagree with it.

And I think this is also most people's intuitions (proof).

To me, the fact that your arguments are based on extremely contrived code to show anything about "intuition" makes them very weak. I still, to this day, have not formed an opinion on what any of your examples "should" do, because I think the only correct response to encountering them in the wild isn't to try to puzzle through and explain their behavior, but to remove them.

They are bad code. "This change would make extremely bad and obtuse code counter-intuitive" is a non-starter of an argument to me. That code is counter-intuitive, no matter what it does.

That is two surprises for many people. Several people said the two cases are artificial or "intentionally confusing programs". I'm speechless on such non-serious attitudes. I can't believe that the bar to keep backward-compatibility is down to such a low level.

We are accepting breaking backwards compatibility with this proposal. Even with the part you explicitly endorse. So, clearly this is not the issue.

You are making an argument based on supposed "counter-intuitive semantics". And for that, yes, the fact that your examples are contrived is extremely salient.

Merovius commented 1 year ago

I have noticed that this proposal has been added to the active column and will be reviewed. I'm curious that why do this in such a hurry. Personally, I think the current analysis work is still not sufficient. Shouldn't it be done after the experimental phase is almost over?

This proposal had a discussion and a separate issue discussing adding the experiment flag. Both of which you are perfectly aware of, as you've participated in both. So, pretending that there hasn't been extensive conversation about this so far is simply disingenuous.

Meanwhile, being added to the active column simply means that this proposal is in the active discussion phase. Nothing more. That is, it's not a "likely accept", or anything. There are proposals which spent many months in the active phase. So, again, pretending that there is any "hurry" implied by adding it to the list of active proposals is wrong.

That being said, the response to both the discussion and this proposal have been overwhelmingly positive. Note that this issue accumulated 230 :+1: in two days, and only 6 :-1:. The emoji-votes on the original discussion are even more unanimously and overwhelmingly positive. There also have been few proposals in the past so thoroughly evidenced and backed by actual data. So, yes, just because you don't like it, doesn't mean we shouldn't do this soon, based on the long discussion phase and extremely positive feedback we had so far.

rsc commented 1 year ago

@go101, your follow-up post repeatedly uses words like “intuitive” and “natural” and “reasonable” and “expectations” as if they are universal absolutes. To me, the new semantics are intuitive and natural and reasonable and match my expectations better than the old semantics. We are going to have to agree to disagree about how the new semantics make us feel.

I want to be clear: instead of focusing on feelings, we are going to make this decision based on evidence.

The evidence we have presented in favor of making the change is our experience running the new semantics in a code base with many million lines of Go code. The evidence you have presented is a few hypothetical programs that look nothing like any Go program I have ever seen in actual practice. The evidence in favor of the change is – objectively and scientifically – far stronger.

About your hypotheticals, you wrote:

The two code pieces are just two demonstrations. They are valid code, it is hard to say no code like these are used in practice.

On the contrary, it is easy for me to say that no code like those is used in practice, or at least that it is exceedingly rare. Because, again, we are already running many millions of lines of Go code using the new semantics and have encountered zero instances of code that broke due to the new semantics of 3-clause for loops. The single instance where correct code arguably broke was a range loop. The bar is not “never anywhere”. The bar is “exceedingly rare”, and the evidence we have gathered absolutely establishes that.

I have invited you to look for real-world evidence supporting your position and explained how to go about doing that. If you would like to gather real evidence and share it with us, please do. But otherwise, please stop posting the same arguments over and over. Thank you.

mbyio commented 1 year ago

I think making this change is definitely the right thing to do. It always takes me out of my flow when I need to think about variable scoping in loops, and I agree that it is almost always a bug to rely on the old behavior.

I'm only concerned about the upgrade process. I'm specifically looking at this section of the proposal https://go.googlesource.com/proposal/+/master/design/60078-loopvar.md#mechanical-rewriting-to-preserve-old-semantics-is-possible-but-mostly-unnecessary-churn

I often work with code that all lives in a single Go module and lacks trustworthy tests. The code is still worked on, on a weekly to monthly basis. We might dive in, make a small edit somewhere, maybe add a new if statement, upgrade a module, etc. No major changes, just maintenance work. I worry that there will be a strong tendency to just leave code like that on go 1.21 (or whatever version it is) forever.

My understanding is, with the static compiler tooling being proposed, engineers will have to do some manual work to check any loops that were flagged. Then they'll have to test the program to make sure it works as expected after their changes. I think even the suggestion that there is some indeterminate amount of manual work required will cause some people to never upgrade. For some other people, especially those who are less confident in their understanding of the language and this change, they may have trouble using the tools you're proposing.

Maybe I am still scarred by the Python 2 -> Python 3 upgrade process. One of the biggest annoyances was having to come back to some codebase still on Python 2, where the language was very different from Python 3, and make small edits like I described above. It made the whole process more error prone because of the context switching and unclear set of supported language features. But I didn't really have time to go through and do the actual upgrade, because I was supposed to just make a small edit. So I had to tough it out.

Obviously, this change is tiny compared to Python 2 -> Python 3. But I'm thinking of the future, go 1.50, when maybe there are a bunch of these tiny language fixes that add up over time. There might still be old projects stuck on 1.21 years from now because of this loop change.

So, I would like there to be some opt-in tooling that automatically edits code to preserve the old behavior in suspicious loops. That way, in cases where they otherwise might not be able to upgrade, someone can just run this upgrade tool, and engineers who fully understand the change and have some time to spare can go back and make gradual edits to fix old code over weeks/months/years, and we won't have to deal with a divide between go 1.21 and go 1.22 codebases. I know the community could always write a tool like that, but once you have to rely on a community tool, that adds another obstacle to the upgrade since you now have to research to find out if the tool is trustworthy or not.

Sorry for the long message, I hope that makes sense. Thanks for all the work on Go.

ghost commented 1 year ago

I sympathize with the gut reaction from @go101 and @davidmdm here. I remember the first time I saw 3-clause for loops with per-iteration variable semantics, in an early talk about Dart around 2009 or so. My own gut reaction was that I was certain it was a terrible idea that couldn't possibly work, too strange to merit serious consideration. But as they say, certainty is just an emotion. The evidence we've built up over more than a decade of experience with Go seems to prove conclusively that Dart was right (as is JavaScript's for-let) and Go was wrong – I was wrong. Live and learn.

@rsc you seem to be mis-representing what JavaScript actually does. From the docs:

This also happens if you use a var statement as the initialization, because variables declared with var are only function-scoped, but not lexically scoped (i.e. they can't be scoped to the loop body).


In this context, var variables are function-scoped, even when declared in a loop clause. that is not what Go does. Current Go scopes to the loop, not the function, and "new" Go scopes to the iteration. Neither Go behavior matches JavaScript. As others have said and demonstrated with code examples, this change is essentially a "macro" that expands into some surprising code. Saving one line of explicit code that is currently needed, does not justify that added ambiguity introduced with this change I feel.

zikaeroh commented 1 year ago

@4cq2 The examples given in the link show that the scoping behavior of let matching what this Go proposal is implementing. Namely, it says:

for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 1000);

Prints 0, 1, 2. So, I don't find the JS comparison a misrepresentation at all. Additionally, the current Go behavior is exactly what the linked page describes for a let pulled out of the for loop, whose equivalent is also described in the Go proposal as the new way to write the code using the old semantics.

Sure, var doesn't behave that way, but var has scoping unlike any variable in Go and I think it's very accurate to say that nearly all developers avoid var as much as possible when writing JavaScript/TypeScript so it's not representative of "what JavaScript actually does" on its own.

ghost commented 1 year ago

@zikaeroh my point is, that the JavaScript comparison really doesn't have a place on this page.

JavaScript started with var, then added let. so they started with function scoped, then added lexical scoping. this isn't what Go is proposing, so to even invoke the comparison is at best confusing, and at worst misleading.

Plus the kicker, JavaScript doesn't use pointers, at least not in the sense that Go does. and pointers are the entire crux of the issue here. when dealing with "value" loop variables, this issue is non existing, to my knowledge. so again the comparison with JavaScript is dubious.

zikaeroh commented 1 year ago

Plus the kicker, JavaScript doesn't use pointers, at least not in the sense that Go does. and pointers are the entire crux of the issue here. when dealing with "value" loop variables, this issue is non existing, to my knowledge. so again the comparison with JavaScript is dubious.

Pointers are not the crux here; writing nearly exactly the same code in Go, no pointers:

for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
  go func() {

This will print 3, 3, 3. Run this (not using the playground, as it runs go vet which finds the bug!): https://glot.io/snippets/gkvmu2z2ry

And to be clear, the design doc has examples that do not use pointers at all. The JavaScript comparison is not dubious to me.

ghost commented 1 year ago

This will print 3, 3, 3. Run this (not using the playground, as it runs go vet which finds the bug!): https://glot.io/snippets/gkvmu2z2ry

@zikaeroh fair enough, but you conveniently left out the first paragraph, here it is again:

JavaScript started with var, then added let. so they started with function scoped, then added lexical scoping. this isn't what Go is proposing, so to even invoke the comparison is at best confusing, and at worst misleading.

zikaeroh commented 1 year ago

I left it out because I don't find it relevant at all. All comparisons to JavaScript prior to your comment explicitly referenced for-let, not for-var.

ghost commented 1 year ago

the change that JavaScript made, was to add a syntax for lexical scoping, as an alternative to function scoping.

That is not what Go is proposing. Go already has lexical scoping, so this proposal is something else. the comparison doesn't hold, as least not in the way I read the initial comment invoking it.

DmitriyMV commented 1 year ago

The one example, why I want this change, is that currently you can't safely change semantics of functions that accept other functions. Consider this code:

for _, v := range someSlice {
    processSomething(func() {
        // read data from v

Currently I have to promise that the lambda passed to processSomething finishes execution before the next iteration even if I don't write anything to v. While in theory this sounds like an easy fix, in practice you have to do manual work and ensure that you don't capture anything from outer loops if those exist. If you you believe this problem is non-realistic - try to update tests that use t.Run adding t.Parallel on sufficiently big codebase. You'll be surprised how hard it is to be confident that you covered all cases.

Merovius commented 1 year ago

@4cq2 The JS for-let comparison only adds explanatory context, it's not the reason to make the change. I agree with @zikaeroh that it's accurate, but really, it doesn't terribly matter. At worst, it's a bad editorial choice. I don't understand why you are digging your heels into your opinion that this editorial choice was bad, given that nothing about the proposal really changes if it where made differently.

The salient point is that, empirically, people seem to expect that iteration variables are created per-iteration, not per-loop. Even if Go was the first language to do what's proposed, that data would still speak a clear language.

As others have said and demonstrated with code examples, this change is essentially a "macro" that expands into some surprising code.

That is not true, unless you say any compiler activity is "essentially a macro". In particular, as I pointed out above, the complexity of the "expanded code" doesn't change materially under this proposal.

And to be clear, the range loop is also pretty similarly "magical". It needs to carry around an implicit iterator variable, to make this code print 0,1,2,3:

for i := range make([]int, 4) {

Yet, ostensibly, that's not a problem. We live with this "magic" without causing any problems.

LukasGelbmann commented 1 year ago

I think the range loop change is great. I tend to agree with @go101 and others that the proposed semantics for the 3-clause loops are confusing. It's a strange situation where you have unintuitive semantics causing less bugs than intuitive semantics.

It's also a common source of confusion in JavaScript and Dart. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

The salient point is that, empirically, people seem to expect that iteration variables are created per-iteration, not per-loop.

@Merovius I don't think this is the real explanation of those bugs. I think people are writing code as if closures were able to somehow capture the current value of any variable.

I don't think people expect that

var i int
for i = 0; i < 10; i++ {
    go func(){ fmt.Println(i) }()

behaves differently from

for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    go func(){ fmt.Println(i) }()

So I disagree with the proposal text that "Changing both forms eliminates that bug from the entire language, not just one place". The bug still happens when the variable isn't declared as for i := 0. And when the proposal says:

That consistency means that if you change a loop from using range to using a 3-clause form or vice versa, you only have to think about whether the iteration visits the same items, not whether a subtle change in variable semantics will break your code.

This is true, but it comes at the cost of having to think whether changing from := to = will subtly break your code.

For these reasons I think only changing the range loop, but not the 3-clause loop, is more consistent. This is also the reason why C# did not make the change for this kind of loop (and instead only for foreach):

When you say

for(int i; i < 10; i += 1) { ... }

it seems dead obvious that the i += 1 means “increment the loop variable” and that there is one loop variable for the whole loop, not a new fresh variable i every time through! We certainly would not make this proposed change apply to for loops.

- Eric Lippert

I want to be clear: instead of focusing on feelings, we are going to make this decision based on evidence.

@rsc The danger of taking this stance too far is that there are important considerations that don't have hard evidence:

  1. I think that changing the 3-clause loop adds more mental overhead when reading 3-clause loops.
  2. I think it will be a source of confusion for learners and will guide them to build a wrong mental model where a closure captures the current value of a referenced variable.

Personally, I don't think fixing a handful of bugs in existing (and future) code makes up for the disadvantages. Especially since this is a bug that go vet already catches. Others may disagree, but it's a judgement call, not based solely on evidence.

atdiar commented 1 year ago

@LukasGelbmann I'm not sure that it changes anything for the code you wrote actually. Personally, I am of the opinion that the proposed change makes things more intuitive .

I expect a difference actually between the loop variable being declared before the loop and via a short variable declaration in the loop: it's a different scope. One is tied to the for loop. The other is accessible even after the loop is exited.

The only change if I understand the proposal well is that instead of being scoped to all iterations of the for loop (using for i:=0), the scope would be even smaller, per iteration. Then, after the post-condition is applied at the end of the loop body, the value of the iterator variable is copied onto the next iterator variable if I'm not mistaken.

What may change perhaps is taking a pointer to the iterator variable from within the for loop. Typically when closing over it.

I think that's welcome. There has been a lot of confusion since early Go when capturing loop variable (some good examples have been mentioned in some other posts (when launching goroutines for instance etc.))

In general, I don't think that people want to close over the final value of the iterator variable.

It's likely that this change will not affect any code that is already running.

Merovius commented 1 year ago


It's a strange situation where you have unintuitive semantics causing less bugs than intuitive semantics.

To me, "intuition" is "decision-making without conscious thought". If the code people actually write is buggy under assumption A and correct under assumption B, then, to me at least, assumption B is what's "intuitive". If we can agree that people generally don't want to write broken code.

But ultimately that's a question for dictionary writers or psychologists to squabble over, in my opinion. Personally, I'm okay if Go becomes "less intuitive", if the result is that the code written in it contains fewer bugs. And we can empirically say with pretty high confidence that that would be the case under this proposal - for both kinds of loops.

I think that changing the 3-clause loop adds more mental overhead when reading 3-clause loops.

If that was the case, it should be easy to produce a (realistic) example of where it makes a difference. The only examples that came up so far already have functionally ∞ mental overhead, so there doesn't seem much of a difference to me.

I think it will be a source of confusion for learners and will guide them to build a wrong mental model where a closure captures the current value of a referenced variable.

I'm wondering why you are not concerned about this for range loops. It seems the exact same logic applies.

LukasGelbmann commented 1 year ago

Personally, I'm okay if Go becomes "less intuitive", if the result is that the code written in it contains fewer bugs.

That's fair, agree to disagree.

If that was the case, it should be easy to produce a (realistic) example of where it makes a difference. The only examples that came up so far already have functionally ∞ mental overhead, so there doesn't seem much of a difference to me.

The mental overhead, for me personally, would come in when reading code like this and verifying that it's correct:

for d := 3; d < len(terms); d++ {
    terms[d] = func(xs, termOut []float64) {
        for i, x := range xs {
            termOut[i] = math.Pow(x, float64(d+1))

I'd prefer this to read this code with an explicit d := d also in the future.

Mental overhead under the new semantics also comes into play for me when the loop variable is modified, like in the example above:

for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
    i += 1

Here the confusion in the discussion above, and the mental overhead for me, is due to the implicit copy (i_outer = i_inner) at the end of each iteration. It doesn't apply to range loops.

Probably I will get better at it with time.

I'm wondering why you are not concerned about this for range loops. It seems the exact same logic applies.

Basically for the reason given by Eric Lippert for C#. I went into more detail about the difference in an older discussion.

Merovius commented 1 year ago

the mental overhead for me, is due to the implicit copy (i_outer = i_inner) at the end of each iteration. It doesn't apply to range loops.

Yes, it does. Today.

LukasGelbmann commented 1 year ago

There's no such copy operation in range loops. Yes there is an implicit counter, but the current value of i is discarded (overwritten) after each iteration in your example.

Merovius commented 1 year ago

There is the same implicitly generated i_outer iteration variable, is the point. How exactly it is managed and when exactly it is copied from where to where differs. But you simply can't convince me that doing that for the three-clause-for loop creates an unduly cognitive burden, when no one actually thinks about it happening for a range loop in practice. We manage this kind of stuff just fine.

Ultimately, what is readable and how clear something is is subjective, of course. But I find this hard to believe.

rsc commented 1 year ago

@mbyio, thanks for taking the time to write your note. I hear your concerns. We will look into whether it makes sense to provide that "rewrite to preserve old semantics unconditionally" tool as a kind of backstop for people, even though I would not recommend its use in general.

rsc commented 1 year ago

@LukasGelbmann, I read your [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] links, and my reading is that not a single one was claiming the behavior was wrong. They were instead asking "how does this work?" That's an entirely reasonable question! It was the first question I asked when I saw a loop like that. But all those people asking questions seemed to me pleasantly surprised. I didn't see anyone saying "I wanted console.log to print 4 4 4 4 instead of 0 1 2 3."

I will repeat what I said before: We are not going to decide the question of 3-clause for loops based on intuition or taste. While you are free to continue to make arguments about what is and is not intuitive, I'm just letting you know those arguments are not going to affect the decision. What will affect the decision is actual data from real-world codebases. Thanks.

zigo101 commented 1 year ago

The third new footgun:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    for counter, i := 0, 0; i < 5; i++  {
        i := i
        if i&1 == 0 {
            defer func() {
                fmt.Printf("#%d: %d\n", counter, i)
$ gotv :tip run loopvar.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/bra_master/bin/go run loopvar.go
#1: 4
#2: 2
#3: 0
$ GOEXPERIMENT=loopvar gotv :tip run loopvar.go
[Run]: $HOME/.cache/gotv/bra_master/bin/go run loopvar.go
#1: 4
#1: 2
#1: 0
Merovius commented 1 year ago

@go101 A "footgun" is not "anything that would be different".

zigo101 commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I don't what you mean. Here, in this thread, "footgun" means "surprise".

Merovius commented 1 year ago

That's a non-standard definition (a birthday gift is a "surprise", but definitely not a "footgun") and yet, you don't even manage to hit that incredibly moved goal post. That code does exactly what I'd expect.

YMMV, of course, but also, it doesn't really matter, as long as your understanding of what's surprising contradicts the empirical evidence.

atdiar commented 1 year ago

@go101 that's an interesting example. If I wrote something like this, it might not have been my intent in the first place but perhaps a bug.

Meaning that, in the loop body, one would probably have written counter := counter as well.

That's actually the crux of the issue I think.

I believe it is easier to explain that with the short variable declaration, loop variables are "redeclared" on each iteration with new values.

The point being that even if someone forgets to write i := i etc. The code will still run according to the initial intent.

The "footgun" is probably the old semantics in the first place :)

The new semantics are more "declarative". The value that is closed over is the value at the time of the iteration.

I mean, if you only change the counter in the defer function which is defined in the loop, assuredly, the value that should be captured is 0.

The new semantics still make sense to me here I think?

rsc commented 1 year ago

@go101, since you are repeating things you have already said, I will do the same:

The way to influence this decision is to find examples of real code from real systems that the change breaks.

Hypothetical examples that change behavior are not going to influence this discussion.

Please stop posting new hypothetical examples. You have made your point. (We have heard you. We disagree.)

AndrewHarrisSPU commented 1 year ago


We will look into whether it makes sense to provide that "rewrite to preserve old semantics unconditionally" tool as a kind of backstop for people, even though I would not recommend its use in general.

I do understand why there can be some hesitancy rolling the (extremely loaded) dice, would something like a compiler directive be an option here? like:

for ...

I don't think rewriting to preserve semantics helps do gradual code repair, and the dice are loaded to suggest that real bugs are fixed in by changing the semantics.

DmitriyMV commented 1 year ago


We will look into whether it makes sense to provide that "rewrite to preserve old semantics unconditionally" tool as a kind of backstop for people, even though I would not recommend its use in general.

I do understand why there can be some hesitancy rolling the (extremely loaded) dice, would something like a compiler directive be an option here? like:

for ...

I don't think rewriting to preserve semantics helps do gradual code repair, and the dice are loaded to suggest that real bugs are fixed in by changing the semantics.

You will be able to do it with //go:build go1.20 per file IIRC.


Funny thing about that code, is that I would definetly write it the other way around:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    counter := 0
    for i := 0, 0; i < 5; i++  {
        if i&1 == 0 {
            defer func() {
                fmt.Printf("#%d: %d\n", counter, i)

And would expected it to work.