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proposal: runtime/metrics: provide histogram of goroutines' on-CPU time #63341

Open rhysh opened 11 months ago

rhysh commented 11 months ago

The /sched/latencies:seconds metric is a sampled view into how long goroutines need to wait after becoming runnable before they receive on-CPU time. I propose adding another metric, tentatively named /sched/running:seconds, showing how long goroutines spend in the running state before either cooperatively yielding or being successfully preempted. It would be sampled at the same rate (an undocumented 1 in 8) as the "latencies" metric.

On the short end: Scheduling a goroutine onto a thread consumes resources, and applications that do very little of their own work each time aren't able to amortize that overhead very well. Putting that information in the same context as the metric for scheduling latency will help paint a more complete picture of the application's use of the scheduler (though of course not as complete as the runtime/trace package provides). It will allow easier comparison against general recommendations for sizing the units of work in concurrent programs (such as "split tasks into about 100µs") in a way that's accessible both at runtime and to test code.

On the long end: Goroutines that stay in the running state for more than 2 scheduler quanta (20ms), when async preemption is enabled, indicate that part of the app (or its use of the runtime) operates with preemption disabled for too long. This can make it easier to notice and track down problems like #31222 where a long non-preemptible unit of work ends up delaying the entire app by delaying one of the GC's stop-the-worlds. (The /gc/pauses:seconds metric shows the non-preemptible regions, but only when they coincide with a GC phase transition. On top of that, maybe we should have a finer-grained measure of how long preemption remains disabled; 20ms is a very long time already.) It can also indicate when the Go scheduler assigned a goroutine to a software thread, but the OS didn't schedule that software thread onto a hardware thread.

Throughout: Being able to calculate a continuously-updating (sampled) sum of on-CPU time allows comparisons against other perspectives such as RUSAGE_SELF or CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID. This lets the application notice that it's exceeding the OS-provided resources.


    Distribution of the time goroutines have spent in the scheduler
    in a runnable state before actually running. Bucket counts
    increase monotonically.

Proposed addition:

    Distribution of the time goroutines have spent continuously in
    the running state before yielding. Bucket counts increase
ianlancetaylor commented 11 months ago

CC @golang/runtime

prattmic commented 11 months ago

This is closely related to the accepted proposal #15490. The difference here is this is a histogram of run time rather than just a count.

cc @mknyszek

rhysh commented 11 months ago

That proposal includes /sched/goroutines/running:goroutines, a count of how many goroutines are running at this instant, rather than a cumulative histogram of how long they remained in that state. They're related, but I don't think we'd be able to use the value of one to derive the other.

aktau commented 7 months ago

Throughout: Being able to calculate a continuously-updating (sampled) sum of on-CPU time allows comparisons against other perspectives such as RUSAGE_SELF or CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID. This lets the application notice that it's exceeding the OS-provided resources.

This would indeed be interesting.

But, histograms have a downside: values are only added to the bucket count when the event has passed. In this case, the duration for which a specific goroutine was RUNNING can only be determined after it has transitioned to another state.

On the edge, it's possible that goroutines rarely (or ever) transition to other states. It is also possible that the scheduler itself is having hiccups,

This is closely related to the accepted proposal https://github.com/golang/go/issues/15490. The difference here is this is a histogram of run time rather than just a count.

As @rhysh highlights, the instantaneous count of RUNNING/RUNNABLE/... goroutines would be interesting from a debugging point of view, but (I suspect) less useful from a runtime tuning/controller perspective than having a sum of the time spent in each state. In general cumulative values are better for this, as one create ones own deltas based on some polling period, and not lose data. A general strategy to make something cumulative is to add a time component, which naturally leads to something like /sched/running/total:seconds. Contrasting:

/sched/latencies:seconds: Histogram of time spent in RUNNABLE state.
/sched/latencies/total:seconds: Sum of time spent RUNNABLE by all goroutines (up until metric collection time). NOTE: This value would be different from summing the buckets*counts of /sched/running:seconds, not only due to the imprecision of the bucket boundaries, but also because samples are only added to /sched/running:seconds when goroutines switch state, whereas they are sampled at collection time in /sched/running/total:seconds.
/sched/running:seconds: Histogram of time spent in RUNNING state.
/sched/running/total:seconds: Sum of time spent RUNNING by all goroutines (up until metric collection time). NOTE: This value would be different from summing the buckets*counts of /sched/running:seconds, not only due to the imprecision of the bucket boundaries, but also because samples are only added to /sched/running:seconds when goroutines switch state, whereas they are sampled at collection time in /sched/running/total:seconds.

Does this make sense? What do others think? Should this go in a separate proposal?

Implementation wise, this would be either a single atomic value (incremented when goroutines switch state), to which the current time-spent-in-RUNNABLE for all RUNNABLE goroutines is added at collection time. Alternatively, a per-thread counter that can be updated without atomics, and is summed when read. I would prefer the latter, so as to not introduce more possible contention points in the runtime. Metric reads are far less frequent than writes, and could take the hit.
