Since our last upgrade to go1.23, the compiled Android app crashes at startup on older Android versions (tested 9.0 and 10.0, i.e. API 28 and 29 on Android studio emulator) with the following error:
2024-11-21 15:13:36.524 17389-17472 GoLog ch.shiftcrypto.bitboxapp.debug E [] VizNullHypothesis is disabled (not a warning)
2024-11-21 15:13:36.780 17389-17472 GoLog ch.shiftcrypto.bitboxapp.debug E [1121/151336.779929:ERROR:elf_dynamic_array_reader.h(64)] tag not found
2024-11-21 15:13:36.796 17389-17470 libc ch.shiftcrypto.bitboxapp.debug A Fatal signal 31 (SIGSYS), code 1 (SYS_SECCOMP) in tid 17470 (bitboxapp.debug), pid 17389 (bitboxapp.debug)
2024-11-21 15:13:36.829 17489-17489 DEBUG pid-17489 A pid: 17389, tid: 17470, name: bitboxapp.debug >>> ch.shiftcrypto.bitboxapp.debug <<<
2024-11-21 15:13:36.829 17489-17489 DEBUG pid-17489 A #00 pc 00124bee /data/app/ch.shiftcrypto.bitboxapp.debug-E5gwW0mWuw-zSOShuc4uzA==/lib/x86/
Everything works fine for newer Android versions (e.g. 13.0).
Upgrading to Go 1.23.3 doesn't solve the issue, but reverting to Go 1.22.4 does, on all the Android versions tested.
Go version
go version go1.23.2 linux/amd64
Output of
go env
in your module/workspace:What did you do?
Built an Android app that includes a go module compiled with
And included it with a build.gradle dependency:
What did you see happen?
Since our last upgrade to go1.23, the compiled Android app crashes at startup on older Android versions (tested 9.0 and 10.0, i.e. API 28 and 29 on Android studio emulator) with the following error:
Everything works fine for newer Android versions (e.g. 13.0).
Upgrading to Go 1.23.3 doesn't solve the issue, but reverting to Go 1.22.4 does, on all the Android versions tested.
What did you expect to see?
The app should not crash on startup.