golang / mock

GoMock is a mocking framework for the Go programming language.
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reflect mode failed while model.InterfaceFromInterfaceType print to os.stdout #31

Closed rantibi closed 8 years ago

rantibi commented 8 years ago

I run the following command :mockgen matching BannedDA since it used reflect mode, it generate reflectProgram witch write the pkg to os.stdout, and then the mockgen try to read the resuld and decode it.

since I have init() method that print to std (using logrus logger) in part of my files, the stdout is not clean, and therefor the pkg can't be decoded in the following line, and the mockgen failed

I try to debug, and found that is {"BannedDA", reflect.TypeOf((*pkg_.BannedDA)(nil)).Elem()} cause the init() call.

The point is the we can't trust stdout, and assume that it contains only the encode pkg,

dsymonds commented 8 years ago

Random packages should not be printing to stdout at init time. Log messages should be going to stderr anyway, but it's still obnoxious for packages to spam a program's output streams like that.

Fix your code and it should work.

rantibi commented 8 years ago

Well thats mean that if I use some third party (which I can't change) that write to stdout I can't use mockgen?

dsymonds commented 8 years ago

I guess so, yes. Such code would not be suitable in lots of circumstances.

rantibi commented 8 years ago

why not add some support for that? (I can do it and open PR for that) Thats mean I will print some result mark line before this line something like this fmt.Println('\nPKG_RESULT') then here I will read from then stdout until I find this mark line, and only then try to do the decoding.

what do you say?

(If not... I will have to fork it, which is something that really don't want to do)

dsymonds commented 8 years ago

Sorry, it's something that just isn't worth trying to work around. Libraries shouldn't be writing to stdout. File a bug against the library that's doing it.