Closed jihenry closed 2 years ago
I am hitting same issue.
Another found might be related:
If I try to manually start a dlv --headless
server through the terminal established by remote development, I got same error
~/Dev/gi/n/edge-infra master !1 ❯ dlv debug cmd/linkerdctl/main.go --headless --listen=:12345 --accept-multiclient --continue
API server listening at: [::]:12345
2022-04-19T20:54:00-04:00 warning layer=rpc Listening for remote connections (connections are not authenticated nor encrypted)
debugserver-@(#)PROGRAM:LLDB PROJECT:lldb-1316.0.9.41
for x86_64.
error: failed to launch process /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LLDB.framework/Versions/A/Resources/debugserver: failed to get the task for process 36710
could not launch process: stub exited while waiting for connection: exit status 0
This looks like it may be a problem running the lldb debugserver. We've seen similar issues in the past (e.g. #1637), but in this case it looks unrelated to Apply M1 (since you're on amd64).
We'll discuss in our weekly triage meeting, but poking around for this error returned this:
Are you able to try running delve from a graphical session, to see if you get an authentication popup?
Timed out in state WaitingForInfo. Closing.
(I am just a bot, though. Please speak up if this is a mistake or you have the requested information.)