golang / vscode-go

Go extension for Visual Studio Code
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Characters Disappearing after saving the file in VS Code #2987

Closed sauntheninja2 closed 12 months ago

sauntheninja2 commented 12 months ago

What version of Go, VS Code & VS Code Go extension are you using?

Version Information
* Run `go version` to get version of Go from _the VS Code integrated terminal_. - go1.20.5 windows/amd64 * Run `gopls -v version` to get version of Gopls from _the VS Code integrated terminal_. - Not Installed * Run `code -v` or `code-insiders -v` to get version of VS Code or VS Code Insiders. - 1.82.0 * Check your installed extensions to get the version of the VS Code Go extension - v0.39.1 * Run Ctrl+Shift+P (Cmd+Shift+P on Mac OS) > `Go: Locate Configured Go Tools` command. - set GO111MODULE= set GOARCH=amd64 set GOBIN= set GOCACHE=C:\Users\Sujay\AppData\Local\go-build set GOENV=C:\Users\Sujay\AppData\Roaming\go\env set GOEXE=.exe set GOEXPERIMENT= set GOFLAGS= set GOHOSTARCH=amd64 set GOHOSTOS=windows set GOINSECURE= set GOMODCACHE=C:\Users\Sujay\go\pkg\mod set GONOPROXY= set GONOSUMDB= set GOOS=windows set GOPATH=C:\Users\Sujay\go set GOPRIVATE= set GOPROXY=https://proxy.golang.org,direct set GOROOT=C:\Program Files\Go set GOSUMDB=sum.golang.org set GOTMPDIR= set GOTOOLDIR=C:\Program Files\Go\pkg\tool\windows_amd64 set GOVCS= set GOVERSION=go1.20.5 set GCCGO=gccgo set GOAMD64=v1 set AR=ar set CC=gcc set CXX=g++ set CGO_ENABLED=0 set GOMOD=c:\Users\Sujay\Desktop\Dev\Golang\PG\go.mod set GOWORK= set CGO_CFLAGS=-O2 -g set CGO_CPPFLAGS= set CGO_CXXFLAGS=-O2 -g set CGO_FFLAGS=-O2 -g set CGO_LDFLAGS=-O2 -g set PKG_CONFIG=pkg-config set GOGCCFLAGS=-m64 -fno-caret-diagnostics -Qunused-arguments -Wl,--no-gc-sections -fmessage-length=0 -fdebug-prefix-map=C:\Users\Sujay\AppData\Local\Temp\go-build278249291=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches

Share the Go related settings you have added/edited

Run Preferences: Open Settings (JSON) command to open your settings.json file. Share all the settings with the go. or ["go"] or gopls prefixes.

Describe the bug

When I am typing golang code in VS Code and after writing a few characters like "log" if I save the file using ctrl s or using the gui to save the file the typed characters disappear.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Type some valid GO code
  2. Save the unsaved go file and the characters disappear

Screenshots or recordings

If applicable, add screenshots or recordings to help explain your problem.


findleyr commented 12 months ago

Hi, this is currently how goimports work: since it is a build error to have unused imports, goimports deletes them.

One can get used to this behavior: instead of typing out the import, just start using fmt, save, and goimports will add the missing import. But you are not the first person to have run into this and been confused, and we're going to add an option to change this behavior: https://go.dev/issue/54362.

Closing this in favor of golang/go#54362.