golang / vscode-go

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Cannot Navigate to functions / symbols from _windows.go on MacOS #3421

Closed wayneforrest closed 2 weeks ago

wayneforrest commented 3 weeks ago

Type: Bug

On MacOS, create a windows specific file i.e. main_windows.go and then navigate to functions/symbols that are not OS specific.

I observed the following in the console which might be related.

ERR getting file for InlayHint: no package metadata for file file:///Users/user_name/Documents/Projects/project_name/project_name-lib/main_windows.go: Error: getting file for InlayHint: no package metadata for file file:///Users/user_name/Documents/Projects/project_name/project_name-lib/main_windows.go
  at handleResponse (/Users/user_name/.vscode/extensions/golang.go-0.41.4/dist/goMain.js:8606:40)
  at handleMessage (/Users/user_name/.vscode/extensions/golang.go-0.41.4/dist/goMain.js:8416:11)
  at processMessageQueue (/Users/user_name/.vscode/extensions/golang.go-0.41.4/dist/goMain.js:8431:13)
  at Immediate.<anonymous> (/Users/user_name/.vscode/extensions/golang.go-0.41.4/dist/goMain.js:8407:11)
  at process.processImmediate (node:internal/timers:478:21)

Extension version: 0.41.4 VS Code version: Code 1.90.0 (89de5a8d4d6205e5b11647eb6a74844ca23d2573, 2024-06-04T19:34:48.028Z) OS version: Darwin arm64 23.5.0 Modes:

System Info |Item|Value| |---|---| |CPUs|Apple M1 Max (10 x 2400)| |GPU Status|2d_canvas: enabled
canvas_oop_rasterization: enabled_on
direct_rendering_display_compositor: disabled_off_ok
gpu_compositing: enabled
multiple_raster_threads: enabled_on
opengl: enabled_on
rasterization: enabled
raw_draw: disabled_off_ok
skia_graphite: disabled_off
video_decode: enabled
video_encode: enabled
webgl: enabled
webgl2: enabled
webgpu: enabled| |Load (avg)|1, 1, 2| |Memory (System)|64.00GB (26.91GB free)| |Process Argv|--crash-reporter-id 6ae0718c-b842-40d4-b26c-660ef4c1fcf9| |Screen Reader|no| |VM|0%|
A/B Experiments ``` vsliv368cf:30146710 vspor879:30202332 vspor708:30202333 vspor363:30204092 vscoreces:30445986 vscod805:30301674 binariesv615:30325510 vsaa593cf:30376535 py29gd2263:31024239 c4g48928:30535728 azure-dev_surveyone:30548225 962ge761:30959799 pythongtdpath:30769146 welcomedialog:30910333 pythonidxpt:30866567 pythonnoceb:30805159 asynctok:30898717 pythontestfixt:30902429 pythonregdiag2:30936856 pythonmypyd1:30879173 pythoncet0:30885854 h48ei257:31000450 pythontbext0:30879054 accentitlementsc:30995553 dsvsc016:30899300 dsvsc017:30899301 dsvsc018:30899302 cppperfnew:31000557 dsvsc020:30976470 pythonait:31006305 jchc7451:31067544 showvideot:31016892 chatpanelc:31048052 dsvsc021:30996838 01bff139:31013167 pythoncenvpt:31062603 a69g1124:31058053 dvdeprecation:31068756 pythonprt:31056678 dwnewjupyter:31046869 26j00206:31048877 ```
findleyr commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, what is your gopls version? This should have been fixed in gopls@v0.15.x.

Please run gopls -v version and share the output.

wayneforrest commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @findleyr here is my versions:

golang.org/x/tools/gopls v0.15.3 golang.org/x/tools/gopls@v0.15.3 h1:zbdOidFrPTc8Bx0YrN5QKgJ0zCjyGi0L27sKQ/bDG5o= github.com/BurntSushi/toml@v1.2.1 h1:9F2/+DoOYIOksmaJFPw1tGFy1eDnIJXg+UHjuD8lTak= github.com/google/go-cmp@v0.6.0 h1:ofyhxvXcZhMsU5ulbFiLKl/XBFqE1GSq7atu8tAmTRI= golang.org/x/exp/typeparams@v0.0.0-20221212164502-fae10dda9338 h1:2O2DON6y3XMJiQRAS1UWU+54aec2uopH3x7MAiqGW6Y= golang.org/x/mod@v0.15.0 h1:SernR4v+D55NyBH2QiEQrlBAnj1ECL6AGrA5+dPaMY8= golang.org/x/sync@v0.6.0 h1:5BMeUDZ7vkXGfEr1x9B4bRcTH4lpkTkpdh0T/J+qjbQ= golang.org/x/telemetry@v0.0.0-20240209200032-7b892fcb8a78 h1:vcVnuftN4J4UKLRcgetjzfU9FjjgXUUYUc3JhFplgV4= golang.org/x/text@v0.14.0 h1:ScX5w1eTa3QqT8oi6+ziP7dTV1S2+ALU0bI+0zXKWiQ= golang.org/x/tools@v0.18.1-0.20240412183611-d92ae0781217 h1:uH9jJYgeLCvblH0S+03kFO0qUDxRkbLRLFiKVVDl7ak= golang.org/x/vuln@v1.0.1 h1:KUas02EjQK5LTuIx1OylBQdKKZ9jeugs+HiqO5HormU= honnef.co/go/tools@v0.4.6 h1:oFEHCKeID7to/3autwsWfnuv69j3NsfcXbvJKuIcep8= mvdan.cc/gofumpt@v0.6.0 h1:G3QvahNDmpD+Aek/bNOLrFR2XC6ZAdo62dZu65gmwGo= mvdan.cc/xurls/v2@v2.5.0 h1:lyBNOm8Wo71UknhUs4QTFUNNMyxy2JEIaKKo0RWOh+8=

findleyr commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks. This doesn't reproduce for me. When I create a main_windows.go, gopls indeed works as expected -- for example I can jump to definition.

Can you share exact steps to reproduce? Are you just creating a main_windows.go file in an empty workspace folder?

wayneforrest commented 2 weeks ago

@findleyr thank you for assisting. I will only be able to try this later tonight. I will then experiment and see what is going on.

I also have a main_darwin.go file together with a main_windows.go file, and both then reach out to normal go files. I can navigate from the darwin file, but not from my windows file. (Also this is done from MacOS). Perhaps some environment vars are at play here?

But I will try again tonight, and get back with more details (it might just be this project).

wayneforrest commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @findleyr, I have managed to reproduce the problem. (well I think so).

1: create two files. main_windows.go and main_darwin.go, both having func main() defined in them. 2: create a package called callme, and in it a func CallMe() { fmt.Println("called me") } 3: in both files add a import "C" line 4: call the function callme.CallMe() from within the main function.

As soon as I add the import "C", I am unable to navigate, from the main_windows.go file, to the function definition of CallMe(), by using the command key and the mouse:CMD+Mouse+Click.


suzmue commented 2 weeks ago

@wayneforrest Thanks for the repro, I was able to reproduce the issue locally when using cgo as well.

@findleyr this comment from the zero-config issue seems to refer to this same problem.

findleyr commented 2 weeks ago

This is indeed a known issue. Setting GOOS or GOARCH do a cross-platform value implies CGO_ENABLED=0 (because we have no C compiler).

We could do better here, but that is covered under #35721 among other issues. Closing as a dupe.

(Since this was just raised again, I'm going to experiment with using go/types.Config.FakeImportC to work around this issue).

findleyr commented 2 weeks ago

This is actually a better dupe of golang/go#65758.