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[台北][月薪7萬以上][優必闊科技] Sr. Backend Engineer #112

Open Chieri09 opened 3 years ago

Chieri09 commented 3 years ago


大家好,我們是Ubiik,目前希望找數位(Sr.)Backend Engineer加入我們的團隊!

公司介紹: 優必闊科技,一個以創新技術發展、產品策略、全球行銷,帶動永續成長的物聯網新創事業! 本公司專注LPWAN通訊系統開發,除擁有獨自開發的 Weightless LPWAN通訊系統技術之外,並針對特定vertical 市場,開發應用系統軟硬體整體方案!

Software Team介紹: 跨國文化團隊,目前台灣團隊成員來自美國,澳洲,法國,烏克蘭,印度,台灣等。 如果你享受跨國文化團隊的工作模式,非常歡迎你的加入!


台北(台北車站捷運走路7分鐘) Taipei City


● 須能建構設計開發導入可支持超過百萬個 IoT 終端的後端系統, 並須參與維運 ● 此系統須提供高可用性, 高效能及可擴充低 ● 了解應用需求並轉換成技術及設計需求並撰寫技術文件 ● 評估並設計開發API及協定

● Architect, design, develop, deploy and operate solutions that serve 100k’s or millions of devices. ● Deliver backend services with high availability, low latency and scalability. ● Understand application needs and translate into technical requirements and document. ● Design, develop the APIs with proper protocols.


● Golang!!!! ● 3年以上後端系統設計開發。 ● 具備開發分散式,高處理能量及高可用性系統經驗。熟悉系統設計,資料結構及演算法。 ● API 設計與開發,並選擇適合的通訊協定: RESTFul, Websocket, gPRC, XMPP/AMQP/MQTT。 ● SQL(MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL 任一) 與 NoSQL, 有 clusters, replication, partitioning for scalability and high availability 等相關經驗。 ● 英文溝通無礙(主管,團隊中皆有外國人)。

● Golang!!! ● 3+ years of experience in developing server side solution. ● Knowledge in how to write distributed, high-volume and highly available services, and deep understanding of system design, data structures, and algorithms. ● Experienced with deploying and operating services on Linux. (Windows is a plus) ● APIs design and implementation by following possible protocal: RESTFul APIs, Websocket, gRPC, XMPP/AMQP/MQTT ● SQL(either MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL), and NoSQL: clusters, replication, partitioning for scalability and high availability. Able to select the architecture most suitable for each application.


● 具備開發 IoT 及設備管理相關系統經驗。 ● 具雲端系統開發或 IoT 系統開發更佳。

● Experience building infrastructure that interfaces with IoT or hardware devices ● Experience with cloud computing and on-premises deployments (IoT frameworks are a plus)


月薪:NTD 70,000 - 120,000






HR Chieri Igarashi chieri.igarashi@ubiik.com

appleboy commented 3 years ago

已經補上 Label

appleboy commented 3 years ago

@Chieri09 已經更新 Label