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[台北] [50K 以上] Fly with Mlytics around the world as our Go-lang Software Engineer #141

Open Kitty-Mlytics opened 2 years ago

Kitty-Mlytics commented 2 years ago


At Mlytics, we envision a more reliable, faster, and safer internet world with options and transparency. We’re trying to achieve that by translating our CDN, analytics, and security expertise into a technology that combines different services as a unified solution.

Mlytics builds a platform that helps businesses achieve better website/web app reliability, performance, and security. It’s the only platform in the world that offers a true marketplace-like experience to simplify the CDN subscription and activation process and uses RUM and synthetic monitoring to collect CDN and network data to help businesses route traffic intelligently across all available CDNs.

We are looking for an engineer to join our backend team; an energetic team focused on finding robust, pragmatic and elegant solutions to difficult problems. You will work on a range of transactional microservices written in Golang or Python.

Our tech stack is a modern container-based microservice architecture. Technologies we use include Kubernetes, PostgreSQL, Kafka, Redis and the usual Unix/Linux tools and workflows. We strive to build reliable, fault tolerant systems that can operate at Mlytics.

Media coverage 逐步成就

【(Yahoo-2022) Mlytics identified as a Representative Vendor in Content Delivery Networks by Gartner】 https://finance.yahoo.com/news/mlytics-identified-representative-vendor-content-230000762.html 【(Dataconomy.com-2022) MLYTICS LAUNCHES AI-POWERED DIGITAL EXPERIENCE DELIVERY PLATFORM TO FIX SITE OUTAGE AND SECURITY ISSUES】 https://dataconomy.com/2022/02/mlytics-launches-ai-powered-digital-experience-delivery-platform/ 【(Korea Times-2022) Mlytics Launches Enhanced Origin Shield to Fully Protect Web Applications and APIs】 http://www.koreaittimes.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=111147 【(Enterprise Talk-2021) Mlytics launches digital experience delivery platform enabling smart access to multiple trusted CDN networks and sophisticated security suite】 https://enterprisetalk.com/news/mlytics-launches-digital-experience-delivery-platform-enabling-smart-access-to-multiple-trusted-cdn-networks-and-sophisticated-security-suite/ 【(Line News-2021) 不只是直播這麼簡單,鴻海線上尾牙 IoT、雲端、AI 全用上】 https://today.line.me/tw/v2/article/YrQOEB 【(數位時代- 2020)一站串起最佳路徑!他創辦網路界Google Maps,讓連線加速不中斷】 https://www.bnext.com.tw/article/57913/mlytics-cdn


台北市士林區德行西路33號10F - 捷運芝山站2號出口旁天母經貿商業大樓


Responsibilities: ● Design, implement and test software components. ● Develop RESTful API that integrated with frontend and related backend components. ● Collaborating with the DevOps engineers to design scalable backend architecture. ● Compile and analyze data, processes, and codes to troubleshoot problems and identify areas for improvement. ● Collaborating with the UI/UX designers and other team members to establish objectives and design more functional, cohesive codes to enhance the user experience. ● Developing ideas for new programs, products, or features.


● BA/BS in Computer Science or equivalent experience ● 5+ years professional experience as a developer/engineer ● Knowledge of one or more mainstream programming languages (Javascript, Golang , Python) ● Solid understanding of RESTful APIs and service security ● Working knowledge of SQL and relational databases such as PostgreSQL or MySQL ● Experience with modern Unix/Linux development and runtime environments ● Experience implementing secure and highly-available distributed systems/microservices ● Strong interpersonal and communication skills with a bias towards action


● Experience in leading a team ● Good communication in English


50k - 120k


09:00 - 18:00 (1H Lunch Time) 14 days annual leave 14 days paid sick leave


【薪獎假勤】 ◆ 第一年享有14天假期, 每年往上增加! (好好計畫旅行) ◆ 14天帶薪病假 (生病了就好好休息) ◆ 具市場競爭力的薪資 (對得起你的實力) ◆ 三節禮金與禮品 (過節小確幸) ◆ 額外績效導向的獎金 (不愧對你的努力) ◆ 彈性的上下班時間 (配合你的作息)

【吃喝娛樂】 ◆ 零食與點心無限量供應 (小心不要吃太胖) ◆ 高級咖啡與冰箱飲料無限量供應 (歡迎加入公司的咖啡魔人大家庭) ◆ 每週一次下午茶與各部門餐會 (好像真的會吃太胖) ◆ 每周超大份量水果盤 (吃點健康的) ◆ 每周一次按摩師到府服務 (免費的按摩不好嗎?) ◆ 不定期上山下海旅遊活動 (免費的旅遊團不好嗎?)

【補助多多】 ◆ 遠距離的通勤津貼與搬家津貼 (不用擔心住太遠) ◆ 免費定期健康檢查 (公司比你還注重你的健康) ◆ 免費團體傷害保險 (公司比你更在乎你自己)

【注重個人成長且提供對應裝備】 ◆ 人均配筆電, 技術人員配Mac ◆ 可和最有經驗的團隊協作 (好的領導帶你飛) ◆ 完善的定期績效考核 (你的付出公司看得見)

【公司文化】 ◆ 健康良好的團隊協作與互助文化 (充滿年輕活力不死板) ◆ 輕便扁平的組織架構 (勇敢表達自己的想法) ◆ 團隊有責任心, 團隊合作能力佳, 配合度高, 好相處, 有技術 (不怕豬隊友) ◆ 老闆開明, 懂技術, 也尊重公司每一位成員 (是員工說的唷!) ◆ 無階級、無官僚文化;團隊所有人皆同等 (One for all, all for one!)

期待有這個機會找到更多充滿熱血活力的有趣靈魂加入我們歡樂的小村莊 :)


Email投CV kitty.tsai@mlytics.com

或者經 104平台 https://www.104.com.tw/job/5lhyd

appleboy commented 2 years ago

@Kitty-Mlytics I changed the issue title and add some labels. Please follow the rule in issue title: [location] [salary range] title