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資深軟體工程師 Senior Software Engineer (unreal engine) 百萬以上年薪 #177

Closed amherstwu closed 11 months ago

amherstwu commented 1 year ago

職務性質 全職 需求人數 1至3人 職類 軟體設計工程師,軟體專案主管 職務說明 職稱:資深軟體工程師 團隊:SEA - 軟件工程與架構 空缺職位:3人 職位要求: 熟悉C++ 以及 Unreal Engine





.多人遊戲開發:使用虛幻引擎的網絡功能構建堅固且可擴展的多人遊戲系統。實現匹配製作、服務器-客戶端架構、遊戲狀態同步和實時玩家交互等功能。 性能優化:進行VR和多人遊戲體驗的性能分析和優化,確保平滑的幀率,最小化延遲,並優化網絡帶寬使用。

.錯誤修復和故障排除:識別和解決複雜的技術問題,進行錯誤調試和修復,並在整個開發周期中為開發團隊提供技術支持。 同時,與非技術團隊成員分享技術概念和需求。合作與溝通:與設計師、藝術家和其他開發人員密切合作,確保VR和多人遊戲功能無縫集成到整個項目中。對非技術團隊成員有效地傳達技術概念和需求。


.研究和創新:保持對VR和多人技術的最新趨勢、技術和進展的了解,評估新的工具和框架,提出創新解決方案,以增強VR和多人遊戲體驗。 文檔和知識共享:創建文檔、技術指南,並與開發團隊共享知識,以促進有效的協作和知識傳遞。

Tribe: Senior Engineer Squad: SEA - Software Engineering & Architecture Number of Vacancies (openings): 3 Job Requirements: Familiarity with Unreal & C++

.Technical Leadership: Providing technical leadership and expertise in Unreal Engine development, specifically in VR and multiplayer projects. Mentoring and guiding junior developers, sharing best practices, and driving technical excellence within the team.

.Project Planning and Architecture: Collaborating with the project team to define project requirements, create technical specifications, and design the architecture for VR and multiplayer functionalities within Unreal Engine.

.Unreal Engine Development: Developing high-quality, optimized, and scalable code using Unreal Engines Blueprint scripting system or C++ programming language. Implementing VR interactions, locomotion systems, multiplayer networking, and synchronization mechanics.

.VR Development: Designing and implementing VR experiences, including user interface interactions, motion controllers, and immersive environments. Optimizing performance and ensuring a smooth and comfortable VR experience.

.Multiplayer Development: Building robust and scalable multiplayer systems using Unreal Engines networking capabilities. Implementing features such as matchmaking, server-client architecture, game state synchronization, and real-time player interactions.

.Performance Optimization: Profiling and optimizing VR and multiplayer experiences to ensure smooth frame rates, minimize latency, and optimize network bandwidth usage.

.Bug Fixing and Troubleshooting: Identifying and resolving complex technical issues, debugging and fixing bugs, and providing technical support to the development team throughout the development cycle.

.Collaboration and Communication: Working closely with designers, artists, and other developers to ensure seamless integration of VR and multiplayer functionalities into the overall project. Effectively communicating technical concepts and requirements to non-technical team members.

.Testing and Quality Assurance: Conducting thorough testing and quality assurance of VR and multiplayer features, ensuring functionality, stability, and compatibility across different platforms and devices.

.Research and Innovation: Staying up-to-date with the latest trends, techniques, and advancements in VR and multiplayer technologies, evaluating new tools and frameworks, and proposing innovative solutions to enhance the VR and multiplayer experiences.

.Documentation and Knowledge Sharing: Creating documentation, technical guides, and sharing knowledge with the development team to facilitate efficient collaboration and knowledge transfer. 工作待遇 月薪 60,000元 ~ 120,000元 (固定或變動薪資因個人資歷或績效而異) 上班地點 桃園市桃園區同安里中正路1092號10樓 地圖 遠端工作 部分遠端,依工作狀況決定 不需負擔管理責任 出差外派 無需出差外派 上班時段 日班 休假制度 週休二日 可上班日 工作條件 工作經驗 不拘 學歷要求 大學以上 語文條件 英文(聽:精通、說:精通、讀:精通、寫:精通) 擅長工具 C++ Unreal Engine 工作技能 軟體工程系統開發 軟體程式設計 證照 未填寫 具備駕照 未填寫 其他條件 未填寫 應徵方式 部門 凱拉瑞科技有限公司 職務聯絡人 黃詩涵 職務E-mail hanna@acalerate.com