goldenstein64 / Copy

A Luau-specialized module for copying any value with state.
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Context prioritizes over Transform #5

Closed goldenstein64 closed 3 years ago

goldenstein64 commented 4 years ago

This branch changes modifier precedence so that a new property, Copy.Context, is prioritized over Copy.Transform. This allows for much more specific changes in the table based on its shape.

Given a table like so:

local someTable = {
  sub = {
    key = "a string"
  key = "a string"

Whereas the workflow for replacing values in sub-tables would usually look like this:

Copy.Transform["a string"] = "new string"
Copy.Transform[someTable.sub] = Copy(someTable.sub)
-- above Copy() call flushes out the ["a string"] = "new string" transformation
local newTable = Copy(someTable)

The behavior can now be clearly shown by creating a table in Copy.Context in the shape of someTable, with someTable.sub.key being transformed in this example:

Copy.Context = {
  sub = {
    key = Copy:repl{ value = "new string" }
local newTable = Copy(someTable)

Although it takes more lines to write, it's also much, much harder to get wrong.

This new property also introduces a new function, Copy:repl, which is meant to be used solely in setting the Context property. This process is more streamlined in Copy:ApplyContext, which takes a function as an argument, with Copy:repl passed in as a parameter to said argument function:

Copy:ApplyContext(function(replace) return {
    sub = {
      key = replace{ value = "new string" }
} end)
local newTable = Copy(someTable)
goldenstein64 commented 4 years ago

As for what these functions do in the back-end, Copy:Replace returns the table passed in, with Copy.Tag assigned as a key so that it can be recognized as a representation of replacing a key or value.

All Copy:ApplyContext does is create a function that calls Copy:Replace and then call the parameter function with the new replace function passed in. I find this to be very ugly due to the amount of seemingly unnecessary boilerplate it creates; I would rather find a way to make Copy:Replace shorter or easier to write and resort to a direct Copy.Context = ... assignment.

I renamed Copy:Replace to Copy:repl, which works alright I guess, I can't really tell.

goldenstein64 commented 4 years ago

Finally, I think Copy.Context should extend its control over to values that are being preserved or copied, but then this would leave the realm of copying values and become transforming them.


local someTable = {
  sub = {
    key = "a string"

Copy.Context = {
  sub = {
    key = Copy:repl{ value = "new string" }
local newTable = Copy(someTable)

assert(newTable.sub.key == "new string")

This could even expand to Copy.Context creating new values in empty fields:

local someTable = {
  key = "a string"

Copy.Context = {
  newKey = Copy:repl{ value = "new string" }
local newTable = Copy(someTable)

assert(newTable.key == "a string")
assert(newTable.newKey == "new string")

Note: This might actually be needed for "transforming" fields with nil values, since they also double as empty fields that aren't looped through.

Maybe Copy.Context could be built without Copy:repl for new fields:

Copy.Context = {
  newKey = "new string"

If this were implemented, it would be very similar to using Copy:Extend. It would probably be better to keep Copy.Context for replacing specific values and Copy:Extend for more template-like behavior.

Maybe I could convert this project into a "Table Distorter" utility that helps devs create or modify tables so that they can shape them to their liking...