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type error in code that I think should work: wg28.hs #23

Closed sweirich closed 9 years ago

sweirich commented 9 years ago

data Equivalent e where Result :: Sing e' -> (Eval e :~: Eval e') -> Equivalent e

sOpt :: Sing e -> Equivalent e sOpt (SVal x) = Result (SVal x) Refl sOpt (SPlus (SVal SZero) se) = case sOpt se of Result se' Refl -> Result se' Refl

-- why is this next case an error? especially since the last one works
sOpt (SPlus e0 e1) = case (sOpt e0, sOpt e1) of (Result e0' Refl, Result e1' Refl) -> Result (SPlus e0' e1') Refl

sOpt (SCond (SVal STrue) e1 e2) = Result e1 Refl sOpt (SCond (SVal SFalse) e1 e2) = Result e2 Refl sOpt (SCond e0 e1 e2) = case (sOpt e0, sOpt e1, sOpt e2) of (Result e0' Refl, Result e1' Refl, Result e2' Refl) -> Result (SCond e0' e1' e2') Refl

goldfirere commented 9 years ago

Could you please paste the whole file? Even if it's redundant from other reports. Thanks! Also, if you mark off the code with lines containing only three backticks, the formatting and copy & paste behavior is much better. (Otherwise, I have to re-indent.) Thanks.

sweirich commented 9 years ago
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, PolyKinds, TypeOperators, TemplateHaskell,
             DataKinds, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances,
             FlexibleContexts, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables,
             FlexibleInstances, AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-unticked-promoted-constructors -fprint-explicit-kinds #-}

module Wg28 where


   Towards Dependently-typed Haskell 

   joint work with Richard Eisenberg

   in fact, this code requires Richard's
   fork of GHC


import Prelude ( Bool(..), Maybe(..), error, undefined, return )
import Data.Type.Equality 
import GHC.Exts
import Data.Type.Bool
import Data.Proxy
import Singletons

{- Part I: Dynamic Typing in a Statically Typed Language -}

-- Old and (somewhat) boring


dynIf :: Dynamic -> a -> a -> a
dynIf (Dyn TBool True) t _ = t
dynIf (Dyn TBool False) _ f = f
dynIf (Dyn _ _) _ _ = error "runtime type error"

dynApply :: Dynamic -> Dynamic -> Dynamic
dynApply (Dyn (TFun t1 t2) f) (Dyn t3 x) = case eqtype t1 t3 of
  Just Refl -> Dyn t2 (f x)
dynApply (Dyn _ _) _ = error "runtime type error"

dynFst :: Dynamic -> Dynamic
dynFst (Dyn (TProd t1 t2) (x1,_)) = Dyn t1 x1
dynFst (Dyn _ _) = error "runtime type error"

data Dynamic where
   Dyn :: Typerep a -> a -> Dynamic

data Typerep (a :: *) where
  TBool  :: Typerep Bool
  TFun   :: Typerep t1 -> Typerep t2 -> Typerep (t1 -> t2)
  TProd  :: Typerep t1 -> Typerep t2 -> Typerep (t1, t2)
  TMaybe :: Typerep t1 -> Typerep (Maybe t1)
  -- let's get fancy!
  TDynamic :: Typerep Dynamic
  TTyperep :: Typerep a -> Typerep (Typerep a)
  -- Note: can't do ReaderT r m a 
  -- TReaderT :: Typerep r -> Typerep m -> Typerep a -> Typerep (ReaderT r m a)

eqtype :: Typerep a -> Typerep b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
eqtype TBool TBool = Just Refl
eqtype (TFun a1 b1) (TFun a2 b2) = case eqtype a1 a2 of 
  Just Refl -> case eqtype b1 b2 of
     Just Refl -> Just Refl
     Nothing -> Nothing
  Nothing -> Nothing
eqtype (TProd a1 b1) (TProd a2 b2) = case eqtype a1 a2 of 
  Just Refl -> case eqtype b1 b2 of
     Just Refl -> Just Refl
     Nothing -> Nothing
  Nothing -> Nothing
eqtype (TMaybe a1) (TMaybe a2) = case eqtype a1 a2 of 
  Just Refl -> Just Refl
  Nothing -> Nothing
eqtype TDynamic TDynamic = Just Refl
eqtype (TTyperep a1) (TTyperep a2) = case eqtype a1 a2 of 
  Just Refl -> Just Refl
  Nothing -> Nothing
eqtype _ _ = Nothing


-- New! Improved!  And quite crazy.

-- Watch for: kind-indexed GADT,  star :: star

dynIf :: Dynamic -> a -> a -> a
dynIf (Dyn (TCon TBool) True) t _ = t
dynIf (Dyn (TCon TBool) False) _ f = f
dynIf (Dyn _ _) _ _ = error "runtime type error"

dynApply :: Dynamic -> Dynamic -> Dynamic
dynApply (Dyn (TApp (TApp (TCon TFun) t1) t2) f) (Dyn t3 x) = case eqtype t1 t3 of
  Just HRefl -> Dyn t2 (f x)
dynApply (Dyn _ _) _ = error "runtime type error"

dynFst :: Dynamic -> Dynamic
dynFst (Dyn (TApp (TApp (TCon TProd) t1) t2) (x1,_)) = Dyn t1 x1
dynFst (Dyn _ _) = error "runtime type error"

data Dynamic where
   Dyn :: Typerep a -> a -> Dynamic

data Tycon (a :: k) where
  TBool    :: Tycon Bool
  TFun     :: Tycon (->)
  TProd    :: Tycon (,)
  TMaybe   :: Tycon Maybe
  TDynamic :: Tycon Dynamic
  -- Note: typerep is kind-polymorphic. We'll represent the instances
  TTyperep :: Typerep k -> Tycon (Typerep :: k -> *)
  TStar    :: Tycon *

data Typerep (a :: k) where
  TCon  :: Tycon c -> Typerep c
  TApp  :: Typerep a -> Typerep b -> Typerep (a b)

d1 :: Dynamic
d1 = Dyn (TApp (TCon (TTyperep (TCon TStar))) (TCon TBool)) (TCon TBool)

data ((a :: k1) :~~: (b :: k2)) where
  HRefl :: a :~~: a  

eqtycon :: Tycon a -> Tycon b -> Maybe (a :~~: b)
eqtycon TBool TBool       = Just HRefl
eqtycon TFun  TFun        = Just HRefl
eqtycon TProd TProd       = Just HRefl
eqtycon TMaybe TMaybe     = Just HRefl
eqtycon TDynamic TDynamic = Just HRefl
eqtycon (TTyperep k1) (TTyperep k2) = case eqtype k1 k2 of
  Just HRefl -> Just HRefl
  Nothing    -> Nothing 
eqtycon TStar TStar       = Just HRefl  
eqtycon _ _ = Nothing

eqtype :: Typerep a -> Typerep b -> Maybe (a :~~: b)
eqtype (TCon c1) (TCon c2) = eqtycon c1 c2
eqtype (TApp a1 b1) (TApp a2 b2) = case eqtype a1 a2 of 
  Just HRefl -> case eqtype b1 b2 of
     Just HRefl -> Just HRefl
     Nothing -> Nothing
  Nothing -> Nothing
eqtype _ _ = Nothing

{- Part II: DTH-curious? -}

-- Old and (somewhat) boring

data Expr :: * -> * where
  Val  :: t -> Expr t
  Plus :: Expr Nat -> Expr Nat -> Expr Nat
  Cond :: Expr Bool -> Expr t -> Expr t -> Expr t

eval :: Expr t -> t
eval (Val n)        = n
eval (e1 `Plus` e2) = eval e1 + eval e2
eval (Cond e0 e1 e2)  = if eval e0 then eval e1 else eval e2

optimize :: Expr t -> Expr t
optimize (Val x) = Val x
optimize (Plus (Val Zero) e) = optimize e
optimize (Plus e (Val Zero)) = optimize e
optimize (Plus e1 e2) = Plus (optimize e1) (optimize e2)
optimize (Cond (Val True) e1 e2) = optimize e1
optimize (Cond (Val False) e1 e2) = optimize e2
optimize (Cond e1 e2 e3) = Cond (optimize e1) (optimize e2) (optimize e3)

-- New! Improved!  (Promoted GADT)

type family Eval (x :: Expr t) :: t where
  Eval ('Val n) = n
  Eval ('Plus e1 e2) = Eval e1 :+ Eval e2
  Eval ('Cond e0 e1 e2) = If (Eval e0) (Eval e1) (Eval e2)

-- and somewhat crazy (GADT indexed by a GADT)

data instance Sing (e :: Expr t) where
  SVal  :: Sing t -> Sing ('Val t)
  SPlus :: Sing a -> Sing b -> Sing ('Plus a b)
  SCond :: Sing b -> Sing t -> Sing f -> Sing ('Cond b t f)

sEval :: Sing e -> Sing (Eval e)
sEval (SVal n) = n
sEval (e1 `SPlus` e2) = (sEval e1) %:+ (sEval e2)
sEval (SCond e0 e1 e2) = sIf (sEval e0) (sEval e1) (sEval e2)                                                 

data Equivalent e where
  Result :: Sing e' -> (Eval e :~: Eval e') -> Equivalent e

lemma :: Sing n -> (n :+ 'Zero) :~: n
lemma SZero = Refl
lemma (SSucc x) = case lemma x of
  Refl -> Refl

-- these two lemmas require "allow ambiguous types"
lemma2 :: (Eval e1 ~ Eval e1', Eval e2 ~ Eval e2')
          => Eval (Plus e1 e2) :~: Eval (Plus e1' e2')
lemma2 = Refl

lemma3 :: (Eval e0 ~ Eval e0', Eval e1 ~ Eval e1', Eval e2 ~ Eval e2')
          => Eval (Cond e0 e1 e2) :~: Eval (Cond e0' e1' e2')
lemma3 = Refl

sOpt :: Sing e -> Equivalent e
sOpt (SVal x) = Result (SVal x) Refl
sOpt (SPlus (SVal SZero) se) = case sOpt se of
  Result se' Refl -> Result se' Refl
-- this lemma is super annoying  
-- sOpt (SPlus se (SVal SZero)) = case (sOpt se) of
--  (Result se' Refl) -> case lemma (sEval se') of
--                          Refl -> Result se' Refl
-- why is this next case an error?                          
sOpt (SPlus e0 e1) = case (sOpt e0, sOpt e1) of
   (Result e0' Refl, Result e1' Refl) -> Result (SPlus e0' e1') Refl

sOpt (SCond (SVal STrue)  e1 e2) = Result e1 Refl
sOpt (SCond (SVal SFalse) e1 e2) = Result e2 Refl
sOpt (SCond e0 e1 e2) = case (sOpt e0, sOpt e1, sOpt e2) of
  (Result e0' Refl, Result e1' Refl, Result e2' Refl) -> Result (SCond e0' e1' e2') Refl
sweirich commented 9 years ago

you'll also need singleton.hs to get this to compile. But you should be able to pull it.

goldfirere commented 9 years ago

Nabbed this one, too. The cause is reminiscent of a bug in 7.10 that Simon has fixed in master. I hope that's the case, because I'm pretty sure my fix will degrade error messages in certain situations, but it shouldn't cause anything worse than confusing errors. I noted to myself to revisit later, after merging with Simon's fix.

Keep 'em coming!