goldfirere / units

The home of the units Haskell package
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Units not building with ghc 7.6.3 #1

Closed cliffordbeshers closed 10 years ago

cliffordbeshers commented 10 years ago

Building units-1.0.0... Preprocessing library units-1.0.0... [ 1 of 12] Compiling Data.Dimensions.TypePrelude ( src/Data/Dimensions/TypePrelude.hs, dist/build/Data/Dimensions/TypePrelude.o )

src/Data/Dimensions/TypePrelude.hs:25:63: parse error on input `where'

$ ghc --version The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.6.3

I can't seem to find what version of GHC introduced these closed type families.

goldfirere commented 10 years ago

units requires the use of closed type families, currently available only in GHC HEAD. This feature will be included in GHC 7.8, and I expect units to work with GHC 7.8. Thanks for your interest!

cliffordbeshers commented 10 years ago

Oh, I see now. You're the author and the client. Perhaps a dependency on base >= whatever version has your work?

The following new features are planned for 7.8. They are at varying degrees of completeness, and may not all >make it in:
Richard Eisenberg is working on closed type families (a new feature).

goldfirere commented 10 years ago

Fixed, in units-1.0.1. Also updated the release notes for 7.8 and the note on the wiki that you reference above. Thanks for pointing these inconsistencies out!