goldfirere / units

The home of the units Haskell package
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Move parser to a separate package (#36) #37

Closed adamgundry closed 9 years ago

adamgundry commented 9 years ago

I've put together a first draft of adamgundry/units-parser but please feel free to critique it!

goldfirere commented 9 years ago

Critiqued. Actually, that's a lie. I just made changes and pushed them. I don't think they'll be controversial. :)

Happy to depend on units-parser, but I'll wait until it's up on Hackage.

adamgundry commented 9 years ago

Thanks very much! Sorry for the delay, I've been a bit caught up with getting the typechecker plugins into GHC HEAD and was planning to make some more changes, but I think they can wait. I've released the first version to Hackage.