goldfirere / units

The home of the units Haskell package
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Cannot build on GHC 9 #67

Closed ocharles closed 2 years ago

ocharles commented 2 years ago

If I change units.cabal to depend on singletons-th I get a bit further, but then I get:

Data/Metrology/Z.hs:81:2: error: Cannot find type annotation for ==
81 | $(singletons [d| data Z = Zero | S Z | P Z deriving Eq |])
   |  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Data/Metrology/Z.hs:81:2: error: Q monad failure
81 | $(singletons [d| data Z = Zero | S Z | P Z deriving Eq |])
   |  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

At this point I'm not sure what to do

goldfirere commented 2 years ago

I've pushed a fix. But, sadly, I can't seem to get CI working. See e.g. The problem seems to be that, in the testsuite, I use hs-source-dirs in the cabal file to build the units-defs packages as part of the testsuite, but somehow the haskell-ci-generated CI script doesn't know this. I'm a bit out of my depth here. Any advice? Maybe I can summon @phadej to share a bit of insight. (I'm happy to restructure how to do this, but I don't know what configuration is best.)

phadej commented 2 years ago

looks like actions/checkout doesn't checkout recursively. Please open an issue in haskell-ci.

phadej commented 2 years ago

It seems you have to enable it explicitly,

ocharles commented 2 years ago

LG! Could this be released to Hackage?

goldfirere commented 2 years ago
