goldfirere / units

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added the cabal sandbox files to the git ignore #8

Closed sdemos closed 10 years ago

sdemos commented 10 years ago

It is a lot better to have sandboxes set up when you have piles of different package versions for different haskell projects all kicking around. It would be silly to have all of the package binaries you need to compile a library getting versioned around with the library itself.

goldfirere commented 10 years ago

This is certainly harmless enough to include, but perhaps it would work better for you to just ignore such files globally, in all git repos on your machine. I don't currently use the cabal sandboxing feature and so don't have a need for these lines. Would that work for you? Thanks for your interest!

sdemos commented 10 years ago

Yeah, actually I didn't realize that I could set it for git globally, I normally set it per-project without really thinking about it. Great project, by the way!