goldibex / targaryen

Test Firebase security rules without connecting to Firebase.
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Patch does not allow deep updates #120

Closed Maradox closed 7 years ago

Maradox commented 7 years ago

Targaryen Version: 3.0.1

Security Rules:

  "rules": {
    "A": {
      "B": {
        "C": {
          "D": {
            ".write": "true"
      "X": {
        "Y": {
          "Z": {
            ".write": "true"

The following tests are failing but should succceed: 1.) Update a single path expect().can.patch({B: {C: {D: 10}}}).path('A'); 2.) Update both paths expect().can.patch({B: {C: {D: 10}}, X: {Y: {Z: 20}}}).path('A');

The following code succeeds using firebase with the same security rules: 1.) Update a single path

var data = {};
data["B/C/D"] = 10;

2.) Update both paths

var data = {};
data["B/C/D"] = 10;
data["X/Y/Z/"] = 20;

Summary: Only the full path (e.g.: A/B/C/D ) is writeable. Firebase still allows an update on the node A with the data for B/C/D. Targaryen seems to be more strict and doesn't allow this kind of patch.

dinoboff commented 7 years ago
  B: {C: {D: 10}},
  X: {Y: {Z: 20}}

Is equivalent on firebase to:

var data = { };
data.B = {C: {D: 10}};
data.X = {Y: {Z: 20}};

Which will fail on firebase.

dinoboff commented 7 years ago

ps: With what you expect patch should do, there no way to have patch test both:

var data = { };
data.B = {C: {D: 10}};
data.X = {Y: {Z: 20}};


var data = {};
data["B/C/D"] = 10;
data["X/Y/Z"] = 20;

If you want to test the second operation, use:

  "B/C/D": 10,
  "X/Y/Z": 20
Maradox commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the clarification. It works now.