goldmansachs / gs-collections

GS Collections has been migrated to the Eclipse Foundation, re-branded as Eclipse Collections.
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Build test failure #12

Closed andrigtmiller closed 9 years ago

andrigtmiller commented 10 years ago

I was building 4.2.0 (JDK 7 - using OpenJDK 1.7.0_55 on Fedora 20), and I get one unit test failure:

Failed tests: ArrayListAdapterTest.serializedForm:38 Serialization was broken. expected:<...zaXpleHAAAAAAdwQAAAA[K]eA==> but was:<...zaXpleHAAAAAAdwQAAAA[A]eA==>

Tests run: 1096, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

andrigtmiller commented 10 years ago

In looking at the test case, you are expecting different results between JDK 7 and 8, but I'm wondering if that may be true for older version of JDK 7, or for Oracle's JDK vs. OpenJDK? I will test with Oracle's JDK and see if it passes.