goldsky / Easy-2-Gallery

MODx Evolution's image gallery
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Creating a new view mode #14

Open Fatknuckle opened 12 years ago

Fatknuckle commented 12 years ago

Possibly create a new view mode such as "gallery mode = multiple or multi-view" or gallery type="album" which would load multiple galleries (or albums) for direct view. Possibly using the show.easy2gallery.php script to generate the returned images.

Refer this post:

Thoughts on how to accomplish: From easy2gallery plugin add config for show script processor function.This config value (eg: gallery type=album) would then select galleries for display as it currently set-up. Attach action to thumbnail where the click selects appropriate pictures from selected gallery id, and then dynamically displays return values in modal viewer via selected jscript library without using a secondary load page (which is how its currently set-up.)

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goldsky commented 12 years ago

is this kind of like ?