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Error: Application not listening, check config file. #1235

Closed matthewsedam closed 7 years ago

matthewsedam commented 7 years ago

"Application not listening, check config file" shows in the Golem GUI.

Compiled from source. Ubuntu. Golem 0.7.1.

Here is the console output:

matthewsedam@mcs-ubuntu-vbox:~/Desktop/golem$ sudo python golemapp.py -p
INFO     [golem.ethereum                     ] geth 1.6.7: /usr/bin/geth
INFO     [golem.ethereum                     ] init file: /home/matthewsedam/Desktop/golem/golem/ethereum/rinkeby.json
WARN [07-20|17:41:20] No etherbase set and no accounts found as default 
INFO [07-20|17:41:20] Allocated cache and file handles         database=/home/matthewsedam/.local/share/golem/default/ethereum/rinkeby/geth/chaindata cache=16 handles=16
INFO [07-20|17:41:20] Successfully wrote genesis state         database=chaindata                                                                     hash=6341fd…67e177
INFO [07-20|17:41:20] Allocated cache and file handles         database=/home/matthewsedam/.local/share/golem/default/ethereum/rinkeby/geth/lightchaindata cache=16 handles=16
INFO [07-20|17:41:20] Successfully wrote genesis state         database=lightchaindata                                                                     hash=6341fd…67e177
INFO     [golem.ethereum                     ] Starting Ethereum node: `/usr/bin/geth --datadir=/home/matthewsedam/.local/share/golem/default/ethereum/rinkeby --cache=32 --syncmode=light --rinkeby --port=43402 --ipcpath=/tmp/rinkeby-43402 --nousb --verbosity 3`
WARN [07-20|17:41:20] No etherbase set and no accounts found as default 
INFO [07-20|17:41:20] Starting peer-to-peer node               instance=Geth/v1.6.7-stable-ab5646c5/linux-amd64/go1.8.1
INFO [07-20|17:41:20] Allocated cache and file handles         database=/home/matthewsedam/.local/share/golem/default/ethereum/rinkeby/geth/lightchaindata cache=32 handles=1024
INFO [07-20|17:41:20] Initialised chain configuration          config="{ChainID: 4 Homestead: 1 DAO: <nil> DAOSupport: true EIP150: 2 EIP155: 3 EIP158: 3 Metropolis: 9223372036854775807 Engine: clique}"
INFO [07-20|17:41:20] Loaded most recent local header          number=571690 hash=836cdd…78cec9 td=1101534
INFO [07-20|17:41:20] Starting P2P networking 
INFO [07-20|17:41:23] UDP listener up                          self=enode://03810243438f21dee401e4789f0a593035d4fb3e1397fe13f52f3070a5ef2b83ecc6e1f5ea8a650ae85de9cd97265209541e62026b897d89d50ffa916c4dcee4@[::]:43402
WARN [07-20|17:41:23] Light client mode is an experimental feature 
INFO [07-20|17:41:23] RLPx listener up                         self=enode://03810243438f21dee401e4789f0a593035d4fb3e1397fe13f52f3070a5ef2b83ecc6e1f5ea8a650ae85de9cd97265209541e62026b897d89d50ffa916c4dcee4@[::]:43402
INFO [07-20|17:41:23] IPC endpoint opened: /tmp/rinkeby-43402 
ERROR[07-20|17:41:23] Failed to retrieve current release       err="can't fetch trie key 5380c7b7ae81a58eb98d9c78de4a1fd7fd9535fc953ed2be602daaa41767312a: no suitable peers available"
INFO     [golem.ethereum                     ] rinkeby chain (0x6341fd3daf94b748c72ced5a5b26028f2474f5f00d824504e4fa37a75767e177)
INFO     [golem.ethereum                     ] Node started in 2.2s: `/usr/bin/geth --datadir=/home/matthewsedam/.local/share/golem/default/ethereum/rinkeby --cache=32 --syncmode=light --rinkeby --port=43402 --ipcpath=/tmp/rinkeby-43402 --nousb --verbosity 3`
INFO     [twisted                            ] No extra node router roles
INFO     [twisted                            ] Using default node shutdown triggers [u'shutdown_on_worker_exit']
INFO     [twisted                            ] Configuring node from local configuration ...
INFO     [twisted                            ] Starting 1 workers ...
INFO     [twisted                            ] Router worker "worker-001" starting ..
INFO     [twisted                            ] Router worker "worker-001" process 25839 starting on CPython-EPollReactor ..
INFO     [twisted                            ] Router worker "worker-001" session 4264885341528400 initializing ..
INFO     [twisted                            ] Router worker "worker-001" session ready
INFO     [twisted                            ] Router worker "worker-001" process 25839 started
INFO     [twisted                            ] Realm 'golem' started
INFO     [twisted                            ] Router 'worker-001': realm 'realm-001' (named 'golem') started
INFO     [twisted                            ] role role-001 on realm realm-001 started
INFO     [twisted                            ] Router 'worker-001': role 'role-001' (named 'anonymous') started on realm 'realm-001'
INFO     [twisted                            ] WampWebSocketServerFactory starting on 61000
INFO     [twisted                            ] Router 'worker-001': transport 'transport-001' started
INFO     [twisted                            ] Local node configuration applied successfully!
INFO     [twisted                            ] >>>>> session 2707518689007617 JOINED "golem" >>>>>

{u'authprovider': u'static', u'authid': u'V3AP-VWVJ-3C33-ACT5-5553-A4PF', u'authrole': u'anonymous', u'authmethod': u'anonymous', u'session': 2707518689007617, u'transport': {u'cbtid': None, u'protocol': 'wamp.2.msgpack.batched', u'http_headers_received': {u'upgrade': u'WebSocket', u'sec-websocket-extensions': u'permessage-deflate; client_no_context_takeover; client_max_window_bits', u'sec-websocket-version': u'13', u'sec-websocket-protocol': u'wamp.2.cbor.batched,wamp.2.cbor,wamp.2.msgpack.batched,wamp.2.msgpack,wamp.2.ubjson.batched,wamp.2.ubjson,wamp.2.json.batched,wamp.2.json', u'connection': u'Upgrade', u'sec-websocket-key': u'g32QdWyNqLnndo7Qlejacw==', u'user-agent': u'AutobahnPython/0.18.1', u'host': u'localhost:61000', u'pragma': u'no-cache', u'cache-control': u'no-cache'}, u'peer': u'tcp4:', u'http_headers_sent': {}, u'websocket_extensions_in_use': [], u'type': 'websocket'}}

INFO     [twisted                            ] ProtocolFactory starting on 40102
INFO     [twisted                            ] Starting factory <golem.network.transport.network.ProtocolFactory instance at 0x7f8bef9223f8>
ERROR    [golem.task.taskserver              ] Listening on ports 40102 to 0 failure
ERROR    [golem.client                       ] Golem cannot listen on ports: (<twisted.python.failure.Failure twisted.internet.defer.FirstError: FirstError[#1, [Failure instance: Traceback: <type 'exceptions.StopIteration'>: 
--- <exception caught here> ---
ERROR    [golem                              ] Unhandled error in Deferred:
[Failure instance: Traceback: <type 'exceptions.SystemExit'>: 1
--- <exception caught here> ---
2017-06-20 17:41:33.186 [HyperG] [INFO] HyperG [0.2.1]
2017-06-20 17:41:33.187 [HyperG] [INFO] TCP listening on
INFO     [twisted                            ] >>>>> session 5113698406097542 JOINED "golem" >>>>>

{u'authprovider': u'static', u'authid': u'9NG5-SP4G-4M4F-V65Y-VSV3-PS77', u'authrole': u'anonymous', u'authmethod': u'anonymous', u'session': 5113698406097542, u'transport': {u'cbtid': None, u'protocol': 'wamp.2.msgpack.batched', u'http_headers_received': {u'upgrade': u'WebSocket', u'sec-websocket-extensions': u'permessage-deflate; client_no_context_takeover; client_max_window_bits', u'sec-websocket-version': u'13', u'sec-websocket-protocol': u'wamp.2.cbor.batched,wamp.2.cbor,wamp.2.msgpack.batched,wamp.2.msgpack,wamp.2.ubjson.batched,wamp.2.ubjson,wamp.2.json.batched,wamp.2.json', u'connection': u'Upgrade', u'sec-websocket-key': u'PhxyDNlXg4YdotpjkQK+Pw==', u'user-agent': u'AutobahnPython/0.18.1', u'host': u'localhost:61000', u'pragma': u'no-cache', u'cache-control': u'no-cache'}, u'peer': u'tcp4:', u'http_headers_sent': {}, u'websocket_extensions_in_use': [], u'type': 'websocket'}}

INFO [07-20|17:41:58] Block synchronisation started 
INFO [07-20|17:41:59] Imported new block headers               count=9 elapsed=141.827ms number=571699 hash=a5c61d…63cd79 ignored=0
INFO [07-20|17:42:28] Imported new block headers               count=2 elapsed=1.336ms   number=571701 hash=60dc61…d839a1 ignored=0
INFO [07-20|17:42:43] Imported new block headers               count=1 elapsed=756.112µs number=571702 hash=c11367…4554be ignored=0
INFO [07-20|17:42:58] Imported new block headers               count=1 elapsed=773.33µs  number=571703 hash=f4eac6…8525b2 ignored=0
INFO [07-20|17:43:13] Imported new block headers               count=1 elapsed=725.035µs number=571704 hash=83b3f1…6e3e63 ignored=0
INFO [07-20|17:43:28] Imported new block headers               count=1 elapsed=959.651µs number=571705 hash=ffa9cd…afac8a ignored=0
INFO [07-20|17:43:43] Imported new block headers               count=1 elapsed=762.686µs number=571706 hash=4b70e9…2c1b31 ignored=0
INFO [07-20|17:43:58] Imported new block headers               count=1 elapsed=773.813µs number=571707 hash=222955…71482a ignored=0
INFO [07-20|17:44:13] Imported new block headers               count=1 elapsed=837.131µs number=571708 hash=e0e8de…6ebf5a ignored=0
INFO [07-20|17:44:28] Imported new block headers               count=1 elapsed=858.56µs  number=571709 hash=72a079…9eaf74 ignored=0
INFO [07-20|17:44:43] Imported new block headers               count=1 elapsed=805.291µs number=571710 hash=01168b…99feb1 ignored=0
INFO [07-20|17:44:58] Imported new block headers               count=1 elapsed=766.767µs number=571711 hash=03a023…422b32 ignored=0
INFO [07-20|17:45:13] Imported new block headers               count=1 elapsed=783.275µs number=571712 hash=841660…339eab ignored=0
INFO [07-20|17:45:28] Imported new block headers               count=1 elapsed=797.891µs number=571713 hash=9743e6…7aa06d ignored=0
INFO [07-20|17:45:43] Imported new block headers               count=1 elapsed=785.43µs  number=571714 hash=ee45c5…eb5aab ignored=0
INFO [07-20|17:45:58] Imported new block headers               count=1 elapsed=1.213ms   number=571715 hash=23eaed…36f8cb ignored=0
INFO [07-20|17:46:13] Imported new block headers               count=1 elapsed=784.807µs number=571716 hash=43e0a6…4bd18d ignored=0
INFO [07-20|17:46:28] Imported new block headers               count=1 elapsed=773.168µs number=571717 hash=c05d69…954b12 ignored=0

Here is my app_cfg.ini:

use waiting for task timeout = 0
end port = 0
send pings = 1
max results sending delay = 360
getting peers interval = 4.0
seed host =
forwarded session request timeout = 30
waiting for task timeout = 720
seed port = 40102
computing trust = -1.0
accept tasks = 1
task session timeout = 900
resource session timeout = 600
task request interval = 5.0
min price = 500000000000000000
requesting trust = -1.0
network check interval = 10.0
hardware preset name = custom
rpc port = 61000
estimated lux performance = 3243.39417526
start port = 40102
public address = 
max price = 5000000000000000000
node snapshot interval = 10.0
rpc address = localhost
waiting for task session timeout = 20
estimated performance = 4767.1
getting tasks interval = 4.0
p2p session timeout = 240
node address = 
opt peer num = 10
node name = matthewsedam
use ipv6 = 0
estimated blender performance = 253.491190928
pings interval = 120
eth account = 
czs0x55aa commented 7 years ago

I have same problem, do you have solution?

marclop commented 7 years ago

@matthewsedam same here, any solutions?