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[WIP][Blueprint] Bankster with deposit claim tracking #479

Open cameel opened 6 years ago

cameel commented 6 years ago

Bankster (with deposit claim tracking)

Bankster is an intermediate layer between Concent Core and the Ethereum client (Geth). All communication with the Ethereum client is performed via Golem's Smart Contracts Interface (SCI) which is used as a library.

Bankster's purpose is to encapsulate the logic involved in paying out funds from deposits in the course of a Concent use case.


The process of making a payment from deposit has three stages:

claim deposit operation

The purpose of this operation is to check whether the clients participating in a use case have enough funds in their deposits to cover all the costs associated with the use case in the pessimistic scenario and to mark those funds as locked until they get paid out.

Concent core performs this operation at the beginning of any use case that may require payment from deposit within a single subtask. Currently those are ForcedAcceptance and AdditionalVerification. ForcedPayment use case operates on more than one subtask and for that reason requires a separate operation.

The funds are locked in anticipation of a future payment but it does not necessarily mean that exactly that amount will be paid out or even that it will actually be paid. The actual amount paid will depend on the outcome of the use case.

Parameter Type Optional Remarks
subtask Subtask no Subtask object.
concent_use_case ConcentUseCase no Use case in which Concent claims the deposit.
requestor_public_key string no Public key of the requestor. Comes from TaskToCompute.
provider_public_key string no Public key of the provider. Comes from TaskToCompute.
requestor_ethereum_public_key string no Address of the Ethereum account belonging to the requestor. Cannot be the same as provider_ethereum_public_key. Comes from TaskToCompute.
provider_ethereum_public_key string no Address of the Ethereum account belonging to the provider. Cannot be the same as requestor_ethereum_public_key. Comes from TaskToCompute.
subtask_cost decimal no The cost of performing the work on the subtask that the requestor has agreed to pay the provider. Comes from TaskToCompute.price multiplied by maximum task duration. Must be greater than zero.
Parameter Type Optional Remarks
claim_against_requestor DepositClaim no The DepositClaim object that was created to lock a part of requestor's deposit.
claim_against_provider DepositClaim yes The DepositClaim object that was created to lock a part of provider's deposit. May be empty if nothing is claimed from the provider.
Sequence of operation
  1. Claim calculation: Bankster determines the amount that needs to be claimed from each account:
    • In ForcedAcceptance use case:
      • Requestor may have to pay subtask_cost.
      • Provider does not pay anything.
    • In AdditionalVerification use case:
      • Requestor may have to pay subtask_cost.
      • Provider needs to pay verification cost (which is constant and determined by Concent's settings).
  2. Initialization:
    • Bankster begins a database transaction.
    • Bankster creates Client and DepositAccount objects (if they don't exist yet) for the requestor and also for the provider if there's a non-zero claim against his account.
    • Bankster commits the database transaction to prevent these objects from being rolled back in case of failure.
  3. Deposit query:
    • Bankster asks SCI about the amount of funds available in requestor's deposit.
    • If the amount claimed from provider's deposit is non-zero, Bankster asks SCI about the amount of funds available in his deposit.
    • The check is intentionally performed outside of a database transaction. It does not affect the database and it's a relatively slow operation (requires one or more HTTP requests).
  4. Claim freeze:
    • Bankster begins a database transaction.
    • Bankster puts database locks on all DepositAccount objects that will be used as payers in newly created DepositClaims.
  5. Requestor's spare deposit check:
    • Bankster sums the amounts of all existing DepositClaims where the requestor is the payer.
    • Claims against requestor's deposit can be paid partially because the service has already been performed by the provider and giving him something is better than giving nothing. If the existing claims against requestor's deposit are greater or equal to his current deposit, we can't add a new claim.
      • Bankster responds with claim_against_requestor and claim_against_requestor being both None.
    • Otherwise Bankster continues.
  6. Provider's spare deposit check: If the amount claimed from his deposit is non-zero.
    • Bankster sums the amounts of all existing DepositClaims where the provider is the payer.
    • Claims against provider's deposit must be paid in full because they're payments for using Concent and we did not perform the service yet so we can just refuse. If the total of existing claims and the current claim is greater or equal to the current deposit, we can't add a new claim.
      • Bankster removes the DepositClaim just created aginst requestor's deposit.
      • Bankster responds with claim_against_requestor and claim_against_requestor being both None.
    • Otherwise Bankster continues.
  7. Deposit lock: For both provider and requestor, if the amount claimed from the deposit is non-zero:
    • Bankster creates a DepositClaim object
      • payee_ethereum_public_key: payee can be either the provider (if the requestor is the payer) or Concent (if the provider is the payer). The address of Concent's account either comes from settings or is automatically inserted by the contract.
      • amount: The full amount claimed. Even if there's not enough deposit, we don't reduce the claim until the moment when we actually create a transaction. The situation may change in the meantime - some claims may be canceled or the client may increase (or reduce) the deposit.
      • tx_hash: We're not creating a transaction yet so this field is left empty.
  8. Unfreeze and result: If everything goes well, the operation returns.
    • All the created DepositClaims are included in the result. At least one claim must have been created.
    • Bankster commits the database transaction. Database locks on DepositAccounts are released.
Expected Concent Core behavior

finalize payment operation

This operation tells Bankster to pay out claimed funds.

Concent Core performs this operation at the end of any use case that may require payment from deposit within a single subtask, for all DepositClaims created in that use case. Currently those are ForcedAcceptance and AdditionalVerification. ForcedPayment use case operates on more than one subtask and for that reason requires a separate operation.

Bankster uses SCI to submit an Ethereum transaction to the Ethereum client which then propagates it to the rest of the network. Hopefully the transaction is included in one of the upcoming blocks on the blockchain. Bankster updates DepositClaim with the transaction ID and starts listening for blockchain events. The claim is removed from the database once the transaction actually appears on the blockchain.

If there's not enough funds at the moment, the amount is decreased. If there's nothing at all, the claim is discarded without payment.

Parameter Type Optional Remarks
deposit_claim DepositClaim no The claim to pay.
Parameter Type Optional Remarks
tx_hash string no Hash of an Ethereum transaction that was created. Empty value if no transaction was actually submitted.
Sequence of operation
  1. Deposit query
    • Bankster asks SCI about the amount of funds available on the deposit account listed in the DepositClaim.
  2. Claim freeze:
    • Bankster begins a database transaction.
    • Bankster puts a database lock on the DepositAccount object.
  3. Payment calculation:
    • Bankster sums the amounts of all existing DepositClaims that have the same payer as the one being processed.
    • Bankster subtracts that value from the amount of funds available in the deposit.
    • If the result is negative or zero, Bankster removes the DepositClaim object being processed.
    • Otherwise if the result is lower than DepositAccount.amount, Bankster sets this field to the amount that's actually available.
  4. Transaction:
    • If the DepositClaim still exists at this point:
      • Bankster uses SCI to create an Ethereum transaction.
      • Bankster puts transaction ID in DepositClaim.tx_hash.
    • This part must be done while the DepositAccount is still locked to prevent two simultaneous operations from independently making two separate payments for the same claim.
  5. Unfreeze and result: If everything goes well, the operation returns.
    • Bankster commits the database transaction. Database locks on DepositAccounts are released.
    • Bankster returns DepositClaim.tx_hash if a transaction has been created.
Expected Concent Core behavior

discard claim operation

This operation tells Bankster to discard the claim. Claim is simply removed, freeing the funds.

This operation is only possible if the payment has not been finalized. If it has, the claim stays in the database until Bankster determines whether the corresponding Ethereum transaction has succeeded. If it has succeeded, the claim is discarded automatically. If it has failed, the claim stays. We may want to add a mechanism to submit a new transaction to retry a failed payment later but for now it's going to be a manual process.

Concent Core performs this operation for all DepositClaims created in a use case for which payment is not necessary. This is the case for example if it's determined that the provider has not computed the subtask correctly or when the use case times out. Currently those use cases are ForcedAcceptance and AdditionalVerification. ForcedPayment use case operates on more than one subtask and for that reason requires a separate operation.

Note that the provider has to pay for additional verification, regardless of the result. The fee may be waived only if Concent fails to perform the service and the use case times out.

Parameter Type Optional Remarks
deposit_claim DepositClaim no The to discard.
Parameter Type Optional Remarks
claim_removed bool no True if the claim has actually been removed.
Sequence of operation
  1. Claim freeze:
    • Bankster begins a database transaction.
    • Bankster puts a database lock on the DepositAccount object.
  2. Claim cancellation:
    • If DepositClaim.tx_hash not empty:
      • Bankster simply removes the DepositClaim object from the database.
      • claim_removed is True.
    • Otherwise
      • claim_removed is False.
  3. Unfreeze and result: If everything goes well, the operation returns.
    • Bankster commits the database transaction. Database locks on DepositAccounts are released.
    • Bankster returns claim_removed.

settle overdue acceptances operation

The purpose of this operation is to calculate the total amount that the requestor owes provider for completed computations and transfer that amount from requestor's deposit. The caller is responsible for making sure that the payment is legitimate and should be performed. Bankster simply calculates the amount and executes it.

The provider proves to Concent that the computations were performed and accepted and Concent Core asks Bankster to compare the total value with the amount actually paid by the requestor, either directly or from deposit. If it turns out that the total value of provider's claims was not covered completely, Concent transfers the missing amount from requestor's deposit. If the deposit is not large enough to cover the whole amount, Concent transfers as much as possible. After this operation the provider can no longer claim any other overdue payments that happened before the deposit transfer.

Parameter Type Optional Remarks
requestor_public_key string no Public key of the requestor. Comes from TaskToCompute.
provider_public_key string no Public key of the provider. Comes from TaskToCompute.
requestor_ethereum_public_key string no Address of the Ethereum account belonging to the requestor. Cannot be the same as provider_ethereum_public_key. Comes from TaskToCompute.
provider_ethereum_public_key string no Address of the Ethereum account belonging to the provider. Cannot be the same as requestor_ethereum_public_key. Comes from TaskToCompute.
acceptances list of SubtaskAcceptance no List of dicts describing each acceptance. The list must contain at least one object.
Field Type Optional Remarks
subtask Subtask no Subtask object.
payment_ts timestamp no payment_ts timestamp from the acceptance message.
amount decimal no Amount to be paid.
Parameter Type Optional Remarks
claim_against_requestor DepositClaim yes The DepositClaim object that was created to lock a part of requestor's deposit. If this is empty, the requestor either has no deposit or the deposit is completely covered by existing claims.
Sequence of operation
  1. Initialization:
    • Bankster creates Client and DepositAccount objects for the requestor if they don't exist yet.
      • The transaction is committed at this point to prevent these objects from being rolled back in case of failure.
  2. Deposit query:
    • Bankster asks SCI about the amount of funds available in requestor's deposit.
  3. Claim freeze:
    • Bankster begins a database transaction.
    • Bankster puts a database lock on the DepositAccount object.
  4. Requestor's spare deposit check:
    • Bankster sums the amounts of all existing DepositClaims where the requestor is the payer.
    • If the existing claims against requestor's deposit are greater or equal to his current deposit, we can't add a new claim.
      • Bankster responds with claim_against_requestor being None.
    • Otherwise Bankster continues.
  5. Claim calculation:
    • Bankster sums up the amount specified in acceptances.
    • Bankster asks SCI for the list of all relevant payments listed on the blockchain (both normal payments performed by the requestor and forced payments performed by Concent).
    • Bankster computes the amount that is still owed to the provider.
    • Bankster compares the amount with the available deposit minus the existing claims against requestor's account.
      • If the whole amount can't be paid, Concent lowers it to pay as much as possible.
      • The final amount must be non-zero - spare deposit check prevents this.
  6. Transaction:
    • Bankster uses SCI to create an Ethereum transaction.
  7. Deposit lock:
    • Bankster creates a DepositClaim object
      • subtask is empty since the claim may refer to multiple subtasks.
      • amount: The amount actually used in the transaction.
      • tx_hash: Transaction ID of the newly created transaction.
  8. Unfreeze and result: If everything goes well, the operation returns.
    • The created DepositClaim is included in the result.
    • Bankster commits the database transaction. Database locks on DepositAccounts are released.

Background operations

Blockchain event subscriptions

SCI actively monitors forced payments on the blockchain and offers a way to be notified about them. Bankster subscribes to these notifications and uses them to discard claims that have been satisfied.

Claims are only ever dropped if a transaction is not successful. A failed transaction means that a claim remains in effect (it has not been paid after all) and may require intervention of a person managing the cluster.

Every payment type (forced payment, forced subtask payment, verification fee) should be covered by a subscription.

Subscription handler is running in every container that hosts SCI. Since every SCI instance monitors blockchain independently, this means that one event can be reported and processed multiple times. The handler should silently ignore events for which the corresponding claim no longer exists.

Sequence of operation

The assumption here is that the event is only reported when a transaction has been successfully included in the blockchain and has enough confirmations to make its reversal very unlikely.

  1. Claim identification:
    • Bankster begins a database transaction.
    • Bankster checks if DepositClaim with tx_hash reported in the event exists in the database.
      • If it does not, the handler ends.
      • If it does, the handler locks it (to prevent it from being modified between this step and the next).
  2. Claim freeze:
    • Bankster locks the DepositAccount object associated with the claim.
  3. Claim removal:
    • Bankster removes the DepositClaim object.
  4. Unfreeze:
    • Bankster commits the database transaction. Database locks on DepositAccounts are released.


DepositClaim model

Column name Type Optional Remarks
subtask Subtask yes Foreign key to a subtask object. Can be NULL if and only if concent_use_case is ForcedPayment.
payer_deposit_account DepositAccount no The deposit account belonging to the client who is supposed to pay the claim. payer_deposit_account.ethereum_public_key cannot be the same as payee_ethereum_public_key.
payee_ethereum_public_key string no Address of the Ethereum account belonging to the entity (requestor, provider or Concent) who is supposed to receive the claim. Cannot be the same as payer_deposit_account.ethereum_public_key.
concent_use_case ConcentUseCase no Use case in which Concent claims the deposit.
amount decimal no The amount claimed. Must be greater than zero.
tx_hash string yes The hash of the Ethereum transaction that will cover the claim. Empty if the transaction has not been created yet. Must be unique - one transaction can satisfy only one claim.
created_at timestamp no The creation time of the object.
updated_at timestamp no Time of the last modification of any field in the object.

DepositAccount model

It would be possible to have the account address directly in DepositClaim. The main reason for having a separate object for it is to allow us to put a database lock on all DepositClaims belonging to a specific payer. Putting locks directly on DepositClaim would not work when there are no claims yet.

We never create DepositAccount for the payee because the payee may be Concent itself.

Column name Type Optional Remarks
client Client no Client who owns the deposit on this account.
ethereum_public_key string no Address of the Ethereum account belonging to the client who owns the deposit account.
created_at timestamp no The creation time of the object.

ConcentUseCase enum

Communication examples

Initial state


owner deposit account amount
A A1 5 GNT
A A2 0 GNT
B B1 0 GNT
C C1 0 GNT
D D1 7 GNT
E E1 0 GNT


id subtask client deposit account use case amount tx_hash
DC1 S1 A A1 ForcedAcceptance 3 GNT None
DC2 S2 A A2 ForcedAcceptance 7 GNT None
DC3 S3 B B1 AdditionalVerification 5 GNT 020202
DC4 S3 C C1 AdditionalVerification 1 GNT 030303

Sequence 1: client D forces client A to accept subtask S10

rwrzesien commented 6 years ago


POST bankster/trigger-payments/ endpoint Output A value indicating for each transaction whether it has been successfully submitted.

Maybe they should be mapped with subtask_id ?

cameel commented 6 years ago

They could but does it add anything? You specify DespositClaims as input and they already contain subtask_ids.

rwrzesien commented 6 years ago

Depends if it matters to client in anyway, I mean, for example, if he needs info which transaction was not successful. It would be more difficult to break something if they will be mapped with subtask_ids instead of basing it on list order.

cameel commented 6 years ago

I don't see why.

Let's say you do POST bankster/trigger-payments/ with deposit_claim_ids=[1, 2, 3, 4]. You must have four DepositClaim objects in your database and both Bankster and Concent Core can access them. First for example with id=1 and subtask_id='aaa'. Second with id=2 and subtask_id='bbb' and so on. You get success=[True, False, True, True] in response. So you know that deposit 2 associated with subtask 'bbb' is the one that failed.

If you want to process the response you just go over both lists:

for deposit_claim, success in zip(deposit_claims, success_list):
    if not success:
        print(f"Failed to pay for subtask {desposit_claim.subtask_id}")
rwrzesien commented 6 years ago

How about for logging and debugging purposes ? Lets image a situation a client comes with complains that he sends a request with ids 1,2,3 and retrieves True, True, False, however payment related to id 1 is not done. Then you start debugging with assumption that False was returned for id 3. And if there will be a bug in the code, which result in output table being ordered wrong way, you will look in the wrong place for solution. By having it matched you avoid this situation.

cameel commented 6 years ago

OK. Including this redundant information might indeed help when you only have the response or if you cannot rely on the the order being correct. I have updated the description. Now success is a dict.

cameel commented 6 years ago

Blueprint updated:

cameel commented 5 years ago
