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[Blueprint] Concent Settlement Algorithm #996

Open cameel opened 5 years ago

cameel commented 5 years ago

Concent Settlement Algorithm

This document describes the algorithm used by Concent in the "forced payment" use case (UC5) to determine the unpaid balance between the provider and the requestor.

Payments between the requestor and the provider


The obligation to pay arises when the requestor accepts subtask results submitted by the provider. The proof of that acceptance is a SubtaskResultsAccepted message signed by the requestor.

An acceptance should be followed by a payment in GNT from requestor's Ethereum account to provider's account. The payment is due not later than PDT after the acceptance. The time of the acceptance is indicated by the payment_ts timestamp included in the message. PDT (PAYMENT_DUE_TIME) is a protocol constant.

Payment is not associated with a specific subtask. It's a lump sum that covers the cost of all subtasks accepted before the closure_time indicated in the transaction. All the acceptances preceding the closure_time become overdue immediately if the sum is not large enough to cover them.

A regular payment is done by the requestor as a batch transfer. A single batch transfer may transfer GNT to multiple Ethereum accounts, possibly belonging to different providers.

Forced payments

Concent provides a voluntary deposit mechanism and can transfer funds from a deposit to an Ethereum account if the owner of the account can prove that he has not received full compensation for work performed in the Golem network.


There are three kinds of transfers from the deposit that Concent can perform:

  1. Forced subtask payment (ReimburseForSubtask event on the blockchain)
  2. Forced payment (ReimburseForNoPayment event on the blockchain)
  3. Additional verification payment (ReimburseForVerificationCosts event on the blockchain)

To avoid confusion, we'll refer to forced payments as settlement payments. All direct payments that do not involve deposits will be referred to as regular payments.

Settlement payments and regular payments are the only payment types taken into account by the settlement algorithm. Forced subtask payments and verification payments are ignored.

Forced subtask payment

A forced subtask payment covers the cost of a single subtask. It's published on the blockchain with the ID of that subtask instead of closure_time.

Concent performs a forced subtask payment:

The payment amount is always lower or equal to the cost of the subtask it's meant to cover. If the requestor does not have enough free funds in his deposit at the time, Concent decreases the amount to satisfy provider's claim at least partially.

Concent does not issue an acceptance when it makes such a payment. Instead it sends a confirmation of the payment (SubtaskResultsSettled message). It also does not allow starting these use cases a second time for the same subtask. This means that such a payment is final. If it's lower than it should have been, the missing amount cannot be reclaimed later in the "forced payment" use case even if the requestor replenishes his deposit.

Settlement payment

A settlement payment is the payment type used to settle all overdue payments in the "forced payment" use case.

Just like in case of a forced subtask payment, Concent may decrease the settlement amount if requestor's deposit is not big enough to cover it in full.

The decision is not final. The provider can submit the same acceptances at any time and Concent will recalculate the amount. If it has not been paid in full, Concent will make another forced payment as long as there are free funds in requestor's deposit at the moment of the request.

Previous settlement payments are taken into account which prevents the provider from getting paid the missing amount multiple times. Concent tracks pending payments in its database which means that its aware of previous settlement payments even if they did not show up on the blockchain yet.

Additional verification payment

In the "additional verification" use case Concent may have to repeat part of the work performed by the provider. This requires significantly more resources than the other use cases and the provider is the party that covers the expenses.

The payment is performed by Concent by transferring funds from provider's deposit. Concent will refuse verification if provider's deposit is not high enough to cover the cost.

Settlement request


The settlement starts with provider submitting his request to Concent.

If the acceptances meet any of the conditions listed in the table below, Concent immediately responds with an error message and the settlement is not performed:

No Condition Response Reason
1 Subtask ID present in another acceptance ServiceRefused InvalidRequest
2 ForcePayment message not signed by the provider listed in the subtask ServiceRefused InvalidRequest
3 Acceptance not signed by the requestor of the subtask nor Concent ServiceRefused InvalidRequest
4 Subtask from a different requestor than in other acceptances ServiceRefused InvalidRequest
5 Subtask for a different provider than in other acceptances ServiceRefused InvalidRequest
6 Payment from a different Ethereum account than listed in the subtask ServiceRefused InvalidRequest
7 Payment to a different Ethereum account than listed in the subtask ServiceRefused InvalidRequest
8 No acceptances submitted ServiceRefused InvalidRequest
9 payment_ts > timestamp of the message ForcePaymentRejected TimestampError
10 timestamp - payment_ts > 15 minutes ForcePaymentRejected TimestampError
11 payment_ts >= max(current time - PDT, closure_time of most recent payment) (according to Concent's clock) ForcePaymentRejected TimestampError
12 Requestor has no deposit ServiceRefused TooSmallRequestorDeposit
13 Requestor has deposit but the whole amount is already claimed in other ongoing use cases ServiceRefused TooSmallRequestorDeposit

The provider is allowed to submit earlier acceptances for subtasks that have already been paid for. Concent will notice that they've been paid for and they'll be canceled out by the matching payments present on the blockchain. There's however no advantage for the provider in doing this. It might affect the settlement in requestor's favor if he earlier did something against his own interest (e.g. if his earlier payment was too large) by making some amount that would otherwise be ignored actually count.

Since one payment may cover more than one acceptance, accurate calculation of the amount owed by the requestor requires submitting all of the acceptances that should have been covered by the payments that are missing or too low. Concent takes into account only the acceptances included in the message from the provider. If there's a payment that covers one acceptance in full and another only partially, not submitting the fully covered one will make Concent count the whole payment towards the other which will decrease the settlement amount.

This is of particular importance when submitting acceptances that predate an earlier settlement payment. Including even one such acceptance means that all of the acceptances submitted previously in that settlement must also be submitted. If that settlement included acceptances from an even earlier settlement payment those earlier acceptances must be submitted too, and so on.

Note that submitting acceptances predating the last settlement is not expected to be a common situation. It's useful only in two edge cases: the provider did not have those acceptances at the time of that settlement or the settlement did not cover the full amount due to requestor's deposit being insufficient. The first case is unlikely: by the time an acceptance becomes overdue, the provider will almost certainly have already received all of the acceptances issued before it. The second one can happen but the chance that a requestor who did not pay his dues replenishes his deposit later is rather low.

In any case, the settlement algorithm makes it possible to retry and receive the missing amount as long as the provider takes care to keep enough acceptances to be able to prove that he was not paid yet.

Settlement involving multiple Ethereum accounts or multiple provider-requestor pairs is not possible in a single operation but the provider may request as many separate settlements as necessary.

Settlement calculation


To calculate the settlement amount Concent first prepares several lists and timestamps:

Then it calculates the total cost of all subtasks from LAR and the sums of payments found in LT and LF.

The raw settlement amount V is the difference between the subtask cost and the total amount paid by the requestor:

V = max(0, sum(LAR) - sum(LT) - sum(LF))

If V is zero, Concent sends ForcePaymentRejected (reason: NoUnsettledTasksFound) to the provider. No payment is performed.

Otherwise, Concent computes the final settlement amount V' that takes into account the amount of funds actually available in requestor's deposit and not claimed in other use cases (D):

V' = min(V, D)

Concent immediately issues a settlement payment for the amount V' and sends ForcePaymentCommitted to the provider. Requestor receives the same ForcePaymentCommitted out of band. The closure_time is T2 which is the payment_ts timestamp of the youngest submitted acceptance.

LAU and LAO lists

LAR can be further subdivided into:

The distinction is just another way to express condition 11 from the previous section. LAU is the list of those acceptances that are already covered (at least partially) by a regular payment. If the payment is not high enough to cover their cost they are automatically considered overdue and can be submitted to Concent even while still within PDT. LAO contains the remaining acceptances for which PDT must be enforced.

Deposit changes during the settlement

There are two factors that may decrease the amount of deposit available during the settlement:

  1. Another client reserving a part of requestor's deposit in UC3, UC4 or even another UC5 running in parallel.
  2. Requestor paying out his deposit

Either can occur during the calculation or while the blockchain transaction is still waiting to be published after it.

To deal with the first possibility during the calculation, the settlement algorithm is executed inside a critical section with a mutex guarding against any changes to the amount of reserved deposit. All the Concent processes running in parallel must wait for the settlement to finish before creating a new claim against the deposit belonging to the same requestor. Before exiting the critical section Concent reserves the final amount of deposit to lock it until the pending blockchain transaction goes through.

The second possibility is out of Concent's control. While Concent could monitor deposit payouts and detect when a decrease is about to happen, a withdrawal cannot be canceled anyway. Concent could refuse settlement but that could allow requestor to block all settlements by manipulating his deposit (e.g. by scheduling pairs of transactions that pay out and pay back in his whole deposit in regular intervals). Concent could decrease the final settlement amount but this adds complexity and also may lead to provider getting less than he could otherwise. The simplest option is to try to pay anyway and allow the provider to retry the settlement if it fails.

Currently the expected behavior is as follows. The deposit size is checked only once during the prerequisite condition checks and Concent won't notice a change after that point in the settlement. If the requestor manages to decrease his deposit after the start of the settlement but before the payment goes through, the settlement payment may fail. This will result in the settlement not being recorded on the blockchain, allowing the provider to start the settlement again. Note that the failure is going to occur only after ForcePaymentCommitted has already been sent to the client. It's recommended for the client to verify that the settlement transaction is actually on the blockchain before discarding the corresponding acceptances and assuming that the payment was successful.

Blockchain and the timeline

It is very important to realize that the point on the timeline where a payment is placed (closure_time) is not the same as the time it appeared on the blockchain. New blocks are published continuously and each one may add new events to the timeline but at that point they're usually already in the past. They may be placed at an earlier point in time intentionally (as is always the case with settlement payments) or due to the fact that the process of making a transaction, having it included a block propagated to the whole network and confirmed by subsequent blocks is not instant.

The following diagram shows blocks published as the time goes on and placed where they'll be seen on the timeline:


On the diagram the horizontal position of the center of each block corresponds to its timestamp (the yellow line shows this directly for selected blocks). Note that while the average time between blocks is constant, the intervals between individual blocks are quite irregular.

A few most recent blocks are always considered unconfirmed and not taken into account. On the diagram the required number of confirmations is depicted as 3 for simplicity but that's very low and in practice it should be higher.

Here's how the payment timestamps relate to the block timestamps:

Accuracy of block timestamps

The point marked as "now" on the diagram above shows the time (according to the local clock) when this state has been observed. Note that there's quite a large gap between block 23 and "now". This is because block timestamps do not represent the time the block was received. So what do they really represent?

The timestamp in a block is defined by the miner who creates and publishes it. The miner sets it when he creates the block - which is as soon as he notices that a new block has been published, in order to maximize the time spent mining. The timestamp, once set, is unlikely to be updated as time goes on during the mining process because code in the transactions may refer to the timestamp and changing it would require reexecuting them.

Thus the timestamp of a block can be expected to be close to the time when the miner has received the previous block which is the reason for the systematic bias.

In addition to this shift, the timestamp can be affected by miner's clock being out of sync or miner's deliberate attempt to manipulate it. There are several mechanisms that limit scope of such discrepancies:

  1. Timestamp resolution is 1 second.
  2. An Ethereum block is considered valid only if its timestamp is later than the timestamp of its parent block.
    • There's currently no upper limit on how far timestamps in two subsequent blocks can be (it used to be 900 seconds in the past).
  3. Many Ethereum nodes will ignore a block as long as its timestamp is in the future according to their local clock.
  4. Many implementations refuse to connect to other Ethereum nodes when the time difference is too large.
  5. Many computers are configured to synchronize their time with an authoritative time source.

All of these factors taken together seem to be enough to keep overall block times close to actual time but the timestamp of any given block can end up a little skewed in either direction. The timestamp represents "now" as seen from within the code executed by a transaction but cannot be reliably interpreted as the time of block creation or publication with high precision.

From the perspective of the settlement algorithm this lack of accuracy is not a significant problem. The only way in which the algorithm relies on block timestamps is as a hint to determine the range of blocks that may contain payment transactions relevant to the settlement and avoid having to search the whole blockchain.

Settlement example

The four diagrams below show on a concrete example of how Concent interprets blockchain state and data submitted by the provider during a settlement.

Settlement 1


The diagram above shows the state during the first settlement:

The submitted acceptances do not violate any of the prerequisite conditions so Concent accepts the request. The provider can prove that he performed work that cost 25 GNT in total while the requestor has paid only 15 GNT. Concent makes a settlement payment for the missing 10 GNT and sets its closure_time to T2.

Settlement 2


This diagram shows the status of the same provider-requestor pair after some time has passed. The provider once again asks Concent to settle overdue payments.

The settlement payment Z issued in settlement 1 is now visible on the blockchain. Note that it took a few blocks before it came into effect - the most recent block during settlement 1 was block 15 and Z was only included in block 18. Moreover the block containing Z did not have enough confirmations until block 21 was mined. This does not mean that if the provider submits the same request before it becomes publicly visible he'll get paid again. Concent knows about the settlement payment it has just issued and will use that information in future settlements.

Note also that blocks 14 and 15 became orphaned and blockchain now contains 14' and 15' in their place (with slightly different timestamps). This is a common occurrence for blocks that have very few confirmations.

The transactions originally included in blocks 14 and 15 are not lost - they go back to the transaction pool and miners are very likely to include them in subsequent blocks. In fact, most of them are likely already present in 14' and 15'. You can see that the regular payment C originally included in block 15 was not as lucky but eventually it found its way into block 17.

Actually the blockchain example presented here is a vast simplification. The real blockchain in not completely linear and often contains so called "uncle blocks". The full explanation is out of scope of this document. Suffice it to say that the underlying details are not relevant because the settlement algorithm does not rely on the blockchain being linear.

The provider has completed four additional subtasks (S7, S8, S9, S10). The requestor has rejected the results of the first two but Concent has accepted them in additional verification and covered them with forced subtask payments.

There's also S6, which was not paid for in full.

The provider has noticed that S4 has not been paid for yet and decided to submit it this time. Note that he's also submitting S3 and S5 again to prove that existing payments do not cover S4. Otherwise Concent would assume that regular payment B and settlement payment Z taken together were sufficient to cover S4.

The yellow blocks on the diagram show where Concent looks for payments relevant to the settlement. They have timestamps later than T0 so they are the only ones that may contain regular payments and settlement payments with closure_time >= T0. Note, however, that even though payment A was published in a yellow block, it's not taken into account. The block range just the search range. Concent still checks closure_time of every payment in that range to make sure it qualifies.

Concent ignores forced subtask payments for subtasks S7 and S8. It would ignore them even if the provider submitted the corresponding acceptances. The requestor has all means necessary to not let it happen.

Again no prerequisite conditions for the settlement are violated. The result of the settlement is a settlement payment for 36 GNT. 32 GNT to cover the missing amount from subtask S6 and 4 GNT for S4.

Settlement 3


In this settlement the provider thinks that he did not receive payment for subtasks S6, S9, S10, S11 and S12. He's wrong about S6 but he's allowed to submit it. We can also see that the payment D covers the last four subtasks but it came very late. It has barely received enough confirmations for Concent to take it into account - it's entirely possible for a new payment to become visible in between checks made by the client and Concent. It's also possible for the client to ignore recent blocks due to a higher required number of confirmations.

Submitting S6 is a mistake that could hurt the provider. It cost 33 GNT but Concent can see payments Y and C for 37 GNT total. The extra 4 GNT comes from the settlement payment Y which covered S4. But Concent does not know that because the provider did not submit the acceptance for S4. But if S4 were submitted, T0 would change and drag payment Z into the calculation. To counter this the provider would have to submit S3 and S5 as well.

Effectively Concent thinks that the requestor has paid 4 GNT too much. If the settlement was issued, it would be that much lower. Fortunately for the provider the requestor did actually pay for S9, S10, S11 and S12 so a settlement payment was not necessary.

Concent refuses the settlement by responding with ForcePaymentRejected. No settlement payment is issued.

Settlement 4


The provider asks for a settlement again. The difference from settlement 3 is S13 which is now overdue and can be submitted to Concent. The provider also got wiser and noticed that submitting S6 is not a good idea. He still insists on S9, S10, S11 and S12 though. Since these subtasks clearly have been paid for, there's no reason to submit them again and it's better for the client to omit them but submitting them is not prohibited.

This time the settlement ends with a settlement payment for 100 GNT.

Analysis of typical cases

This section provides a comprehensive set of examples to clarify how the settlement value should be computed in both common and not so common cases.

Common cases


Empty lists


Abnormal cases

The situations described in this section are technically possible on the blockchain but will never happen if Concent is working correctly and the clients act according to their best interest. They're documented so that the behavior is well defined even in extremely exceptional cases such as:


Block timing issues


rwrzesien commented 5 years ago


  1. Paragraph Forced payments first image, under S7 shouldn't be +10 GNT?
  2. Paragraph Settlement request first image, under S1, blue line, shouldn't be +8 GNT?
  3. We don't check following validations:

    Settlement request: Acceptance not signed by the requestor of the subtask nor Concent

We don't check the nor Concent part.

Payment from a different Ethereum account than listed in the subtask Payment to a different Ethereum account than listed in the subtask payment_ts != timestamp of the message

  1. LAR can be further subdivided into: LAU - list of all acceptances from LAR older or equal to the youngest payment from LT LAO - list of all acceptances from LAR younger than the youngest payment from LT

Please add info that this youngest payment time is actually T1.

cameel commented 5 years ago
  1. Paragraph Forced payments first image, under S7 shouldn't be +10 GNT?

Yes. Fixed.

  1. Paragraph Settlement request first image, under S1, blue line, shouldn't be +8 GNT?

Not necessarily. The settlement payment settles all overdue payments no matter whether it was high enough or not. It might have been lower because there was not enough deposit.

But it's not the focus of this particular example so I changed it to +16 GNT. There was a mistake there though (so thanks for pointing this out): the double S1 was unintentional. It should have been two separate subtasks.

  1. We don't check following validations:

    Settlement request: Acceptance not signed by the requestor of the subtask nor Concent We don't check the nor Concent part.

So this is a bug. The provider must be able to submit acceptances already covered by forced subtasks because Concent includes forced subtask payments in LF. Without those acceptances the forced subtask payments are counted towards other subtasks, making Concent think that the requestor has paid more than he did.

Payment from a different Ethereum account than listed in the subtask Payment to a different Ethereum account than listed in the subtask

Wasn't this implemented in #545?

payment_ts != timestamp of the message

This was my mistake. Should have been "payment_ts > timestamp of the message". And the validation has already been added to golem-messages: https://github.com/golemfactory/golem-messages/issues/284

  1. LAR can be further subdivided into: LAU - list of all acceptances from LAR older or equal to the youngest payment from LT LAO - list of all acceptances from LAR younger than the youngest payment from LT

Please add info that this youngest payment time is actually T1.

It's clear from the diagrams so I don't think repeating the definition of T1 at every step is necessary.

But it does not hurt in this particular place so, since you requested it, I've added it.

cameel commented 5 years ago

Blueprint updated, based on discussions from Rocket and e-mail. Biggest changes: