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Error when use @RabbitRPC in one controller and listten exchange and queue that same for all actions with diffirent routing keys #751

Open sur-ser opened 3 weeks ago

sur-ser commented 3 weeks ago

when i use RabbitRPC in one controller with multiple actions like this

    exchange: AuthRegister.exchange,
    routingKey: AuthRegister.topic,
    queue: AuthRegister.queue,
    errorBehavior: MessageHandlerErrorBehavior.NACK,
    errorHandler: rpcErrorHandler,
  async register(@Body() dto: AuthRegister.Request) : Promise<AuthRegister.Response> {
    const newUser = await this.authService.register(dto);
    return { email: newUser.email };

    exchange: AuthJWTLogin.exchange,
    routingKey: AuthJWTLogin.topic,
    queue: AuthJWTLogin.queue,
    errorBehavior: MessageHandlerErrorBehavior.NACK,
    errorHandler: rpcErrorHandler,
  async login(@Body() dto: AuthJWTLogin.Request): Promise<AuthJWTLogin.Response> {
    const { id } = await this.authService.validateUser(dto.email, dto.password);
    return this.authService.login(id);

and create request like this

 return await this.amqpConnection.request<AuthRegister.Response>({
        exchange: AuthRegister.exchange,
        routingKey: AuthRegister.topic,
        payload: dto,
        timeout: 10000
  one time it works fine and second time i have got error like this

[Nest] 119672 - 06/27/2024, 7:57:17 PM ERROR [AmqpConnection] Received message with invalid routing key: sso.auth.register.command

but if i keep one action it works fine or when i change que name and keep one routing key in queue it works fine

my exchange is topic and in controller exchange and queue is same for all actions only routing key is diffirent