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Use Bintray #2

Open paulvi opened 10 years ago

paulvi commented 10 years ago

continued after http://www.nodeclipse.org/nodeclipse/binaries/bintray/2014/05/09/Nodeclipse-on-Bintray.html

vogella commented 9 years ago

Did you find a solution for the automatic update to bintray?

jeffmaury commented 9 years ago

I did not check since a while ago. Bintray supports P2 but each time you've got a new version of your p2 repo, then you should have a new version on Bintray which means a new URL. Maybe this is not true anymore

paulvi commented 9 years ago

@Noeclipse is using Bintray

yes, there is new folder for every new version, but in the root there may be p2 aggregate repo, that combines all versions

any way tycho produces new p2 repo for every build

vogella commented 9 years ago

We @vogellacompany are planning to use the Rest API to upload our p2 repository.

paulvi commented 9 years ago

Should be OK..

I guess you will have automatic publishing (ref https://github.com/eclipse-color-theme/eclipse-color-theme/issues/194). There is 500MB limit on Bintray for total size.

I don't know if it i possible to remove old files...

jeffmaury commented 9 years ago

Remove old files/versions is a bad practice in P2

paulvi commented 9 years ago

Paying own money to continue give software for free
is bad practice for family finances.

Beside from stats it is seen that previous versions are not used, and there is always p2 archive on SourceForge

vogella commented 9 years ago

I have written a little shell script which performs the upload of a p2 update site using the REST API and the curl command line tool, you find it here: https://github.com/vogellacompany/bintray-publish-p2-updatesite/

paulvi commented 9 years ago

well, I have similar https://github.com/Nodeclipse/Bintray-Upload that is cross-platform solution

But both solution (as REST API) has drawback, if one file transmission fails, it maybe not visible and break repository.

Instead of checking that all files are in place, I just upload zip with UI, that has auto explode option.