gomita / firegestures

FireGestures, a Firefox extension.
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[request] trigger option to work with Mac trackpad #111

Open sumyungguy opened 8 years ago

sumyungguy commented 8 years ago

Firegestures looks useful, but I can't see how to make it work with my Mac trackpad. There is no way to "hold down" right mouse or middle mouse button, to make a gesture.

Please add an option for "Trigger button to start a gesture" using keyboard modifier like alt, ctrl, or selectable combination. Thanks!

[edit:] I found that you can trigger a gesture by holding down the Ctrl key. However, it doesn't work if you have Keypress Gestures enabled. If you do, then you can only do the action specified for the Ctrl keypress gesture, eg. "copy hovered link locations". You can't do any normal gestures. If you set the Keypress Gestures action for the ctrl key to nothing ("..."), then you only get an error, "Unknown gesture: keypress-ctrl", and you can't do anything. You have to disable Keypress Gestures.

So, it would still be helpful to have a configurable keyboard modifier to trigger a gesture, not only mouse buttons.