gomita / firegestures

FireGestures, a Firefox extension.
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FF48 scrolling popup list menu items issue #139

Open gaberad opened 7 years ago

gaberad commented 7 years ago

Updated to FF48 and found an issue with popup lists and scrolling the menu items with the mouse wheel (tested with new profiles):

In FF48, there seems to be only a small area on the edge of the menu list in which the cursor can be hovering for it to scroll through the menu items. If the cursor is outside the area or if the cursor is on the menu list it won't scroll. But if the cursor is in the small edge area it scrolls like normal: https://gfycat.com/AllUnrulyGermanshepherd

The cursor starts off in the edge area if the popup opens below the cursor, but if the popup opens above the cursor it is outside the edge area.

In FF47, you can bring up the popup, and no matter where the mouse cursor is, you can use the scroll wheel to scroll up and down the list: https://gfycat.com/SmoothCandidAdeliepenguin

Is this something that can be addressed or nah?

gaberad commented 7 years ago

I had a quick look at this, and it seems that Firefox doesn't detect scroll events outside of the context menu/menulist menu area anymore, as per https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1265308


if you edit bindings.xml, and change it to have an event listener for "wheel" instead of "DOMMouseScroll", and use event.deltaY instead of event.detail in handleEvent, then scrolling when the cursor is on top of the popup menu works again.

mausalimi commented 7 years ago

that doesn't seem to work for me. :(