I recently started using the latest redisgraph from https://github.com/RedisGraph/RedisGraph master branch, revision 7d550c74 (I was previously using a457762e). And I've found that when retrieving content containing some multi-line text (UNIX-style, LF) previously stored in the database, the redigo function func (c *conn) readLine() ([]byte, error) (in conn.go) has begun to return protocolError("bad response line terminator").
The text in question (copied from redis-cli; I first noticed it with Arabic text, but it turns out the language doesn't matter; the same occurs with English text with lines separated by LF, '\n'):
I didn't get very far injecting a brief hack before the condition expecting a carriage return :
if i > 0 && p[i] != '\r' && p[i+1] == '\n' {
if p[0] == '+' {
p = append(p, '\n')
i = i + 1
p[i] = '\r'
} else {
p = append([]byte{'+'}, p[:i+1]...)
p = append(p, '\r', '\n')
i = i + 2
} else if i == -1 && p[0] == '\n' {
p = []byte{'+', '\r', '\n'}
i = 1
After that sixth non-empty line (haven't looked into why the extra line - consisting only of a newline character - is created) redisgraph-go just crashed after receiving an empty response, so I thought I should probably defer to someone more familiar with this code...
I tried reverting my redisgraph.so to be able to contrast with the old encoding, and restarting redis... but the server failed to start with the error 'The RDB file contains module data for the module '' that is not terminated by the proper module value EOF marker', so it seems the former encoding has been replaced upon upgrade.
UPDATE 2021/12/18: If I try creating multi-line text with CRLF instead of just LF, instead of "bad response line terminator", redigo reports "unexpected response line"
redis-server --version
Redis server v=6.0.15 sha=00000000:0 malloc=jemalloc-5.2.1 bits=64 build=4610f4c3acf7fb25
I recently started using the latest redisgraph from https://github.com/RedisGraph/RedisGraph master branch, revision 7d550c74 (I was previously using a457762e). And I've found that when retrieving content containing some multi-line text (UNIX-style, LF) previously stored in the database, the redigo function
func (c *conn) readLine() ([]byte, error)
(in conn.go) has begun to returnprotocolError("bad response line terminator")
.The text in question (copied from redis-cli; I first noticed it with Arabic text, but it turns out the language doesn't matter; the same occurs with English text with lines separated by LF, '\n'):
Yields first a byte array:
[43 216 163 217 142 216 163 217 142 217 134 216 170 217 142 32 216 163 217 142 217 133 32 216 163 217 142 217 134 216 167 32 217 135 217 142 216 176 216 167 32 217 129 217 138 32 216 165 217 144 217 132 217 142 217 135 217 142 217 138 217 134 217 144 10]
, which corresponds to the string:+أَأَنتَ أَم أَنا هَذا في إِلَهَينِ
I didn't get very far injecting a brief hack before the condition expecting a carriage return :
which yields:
After that sixth non-empty line (haven't looked into why the extra line - consisting only of a newline character - is created) redisgraph-go just crashed after receiving an empty response, so I thought I should probably defer to someone more familiar with this code...
I tried reverting my redisgraph.so to be able to contrast with the old encoding, and restarting redis... but the server failed to start with the error 'The RDB file contains module data for the module '' that is not terminated by the proper module value EOF marker', so it seems the former encoding has been replaced upon upgrade.
UPDATE 2021/12/18: If I try creating multi-line text with CRLF instead of just LF, instead of "bad response line terminator", redigo reports "unexpected response line"