gomoob / php-pushwoosh

A PHP Library to easily send push notifications with the Pushwoosh REST Web Services.
MIT License
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CreateMessageResponse does not pass along UnknownDevices #64

Open curtisgibby opened 7 years ago

curtisgibby commented 7 years ago

Pushwoosh now includes in its raw createMessage response a list of devices/tokens for which it does not know what they are (likely because the user removed the app or the token was renewed.) This is similar to the bulk /getunregistereddevices call, but applies to each message in the moment as you try to send it. See example output $json from CreateMessageResponse::create below:

    [status_code] => 200
    [status_message] => OK
    [response] => Array
            [Messages] => Array
                    [0] => CODE_NOT_AVAILABLE

            [UnknownDevices] => Array
                    [] => Array
                            [0] => 0017a2859e0cc1d37bdfc83cf3e92a8bb47f6405b213516eba76082562d3a646




It would be helpful if CreateMessageResponse could pass these unknown devices back up the chain to userland code to allow me to remove my records of those bad tokens. A method similar to the existing setMessages would be nice, something like setUnknownDevices:

// If 'UnknownDevices' are provided
if (array_key_exists('UnknownDevices', $json['response'])) {