On GUI, we can choose all these options :
but provider can't manage all of them :
Error: expected option_list to be one of ["clouds" "instanceTypeClouds" "environments" "groups" "instances" "instance-wiki" "networks" "instanceNetworks" "servicePlans" "resourcePools" "securityGroups" "servers" "server-wiki"], got instanceTypeLayouts
On GUI, we can choose all these options : but provider can't manage all of them :
Error: expected option_list to be one of ["clouds" "instanceTypeClouds" "environments" "groups" "instances" "instance-wiki" "networks" "instanceNetworks" "servicePlans" "resourcePools" "securityGroups" "servers" "server-wiki"], got instanceTypeLayouts
for instance, i need Instance Type Layout
would you please add it ?
best regards,