goncaloSemedo / MALOB

MALOB is a SDN load balancer application for the Floodlight controller.
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Where can we find the source about information of server's CPUusage, responseTime and numbers of connections? #1

Open TINCEHUANG opened 9 years ago

TINCEHUANG commented 9 years ago

I see here you implemented a method in MALOB class : private void handleServerInfo(Data dataPkt, int srcIP)

I was wondering if you could share the server-side source corresponding to this method. Thanks in advanced.

goncaloSemedo commented 9 years ago


Thanks for notify me that the scripts were missing. I updated the repository and now you can find them under Scripts.

Note that the way of calculating the links bandwidth is not the most practical. Using statistics retrieved from the flows is the way to go. The idea was to show that having the bandwidth into account brings benefits.

Thanks for showing interest in my work and feel free to ask, criticise or suggest anything else.

Gonçalo Semedo

TINCEHUANG commented 9 years ago


I'm so grateful for your help. I'm enjoying your code now, though I don't completely comprehend it for now. Embarrassingly, I indeed have some basic questions. I start your Main method, and the Eclipse console shows some errors. The part of that is:

17:00:21.559 ERROR [n.f.c.m.FloodlightModuleLoader:main] Could not find module: net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.IFloodlightModule: Provider net.floodlightcontroller.shortestPath.ShortestPath not found

In addition, I don't know how to use your project except for starting your Main method, like, how to add a server to a pool or delete it from the pool? Has the project implemented a GUI/APP for the function I've mentioned, or just extended algorithms in floodlight but no any APP? I'm a newbie, and I'll very very grateful if you guide me how to use.

TINCEHUANG commented 9 years ago

I' m sorry but it seems like you miss the implementation of calculating the links bandwidth in server side? I couldn't find the scripts about that.

goncaloSemedo commented 9 years ago


That error happened because I forgot to erase some modules that do not exist anymore from the proprieties file. I updated the files, and now the error should not ocurr again.

Regarding adding and removing servers, it works the same way as the original floodlight load balancer. You can add and remove servers into a pool using the REST API:


The bandwidth calculation is under Bandwidth. This script must be installed on every node of the network (as I said before is not a pratical way, and using statistics retrieved from the flows is the way to go.)

Thanks, Gonçalo

TINCEHUANG commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your sincere help. I comprehend much better now.