goncalotomas / FMKe

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Implement experimental driver for Redis CRDB #211

Closed goncalotomas closed 5 years ago

goncalotomas commented 5 years ago

After a somewhat lengthy period working out the errors with @yunhaom94 I think I understand what is happening. When you create a Redis CRDB, you need to specify an entry point for queries to the geo-distributed data base. The interaction with this endpoint is done in an identical way to a redis-cli interface, but cluster related commands are not allowed.

This breaks the existing Redis Cluster driver, which needs the cluster commands in order to route requests appropriately. As such I am implementing this as an experimental driver using only eredis, since the CRDB endpoint seems to reply to it well. For testing though, since I cannot get my hands on an automated CRDB generator, I'm using a plain Redis image (I know this is bad but I can change it down the line).

coveralls commented 5 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage increased (+0.5%) to 89.715% when pulling e7a2bd35f94157730d8aaecf736b4de5c50a01e9 on driver/redis-crdb into d6b8567f2a7e678c7ad0fb8ae1dd1a460b9777bc on master.