Closed Papermanzero closed 6 years ago
What version of the plugin are you using, and have you tried the latest version?
Sure, I am always trying the latest version :)
What device are you trying this on? I believe it needs noise emulation, do you know if you have that enabled?
Intel graphics, no?
Nvidia GTX 760 OC Disabled Noise emulation. But with enabled noise emulation the text is appearing. Thanks.
That is strange. When noise emulation disabled, noise function always returns 1. Thus, with noise disabled you should miss noise effect on text, not the text itself:
You can also try disabling shader storage or deleting the shader cache. Sometimes changes are made to the shader code without the version number being incremented
I made two screenshots one with noise emulation and the other one without. Moreover, I already tried to delete the cache. But it did not solve the issue.
Here the mupen64plus settings:
# Settings version. Don't touch it.
configVersion = 17
# Crop resulted image (0=disable, 1=auto crop, 2=user defined crop)
CropMode = 0
# Crop width pixels from left and right of resulted image (in native resolution)
CropWidth = 0
# Crop height pixels from top and bottom of resulted image (in native resolution)
CropHeight = 0
# Enable/Disable MultiSampling (0=off, 2,4,8,16=quality)
MultiSampling = 4
# Screen aspect ratio (0=stretch, 1=force 4:3, 2=force 16:9, 3=adjust)
AspectRatio = 1
# Swap frame buffers (0=On VI update call, 1=On VI origin change, 2=On buffer update)
BufferSwapMode = 0
# Frame buffer size is the factor of N64 native resolution.
UseNativeResolutionFactor = 0
# Bilinear filtering mode (0=N64 3point, 1=standard)
bilinearMode = True
# Max level of Anisotropic Filtering, 0 for off
MaxAnisotropy = True
# Size of texture cache in megabytes. Good value is VRAM*3/4
CacheSize = 500
# Enable color noise emulation.
EnableNoise = False
# Enable LOD emulation.
EnableLOD = True
# Enable hardware per-pixel lighting.
EnableHWLighting = True
# Use persistent storage for compiled shaders.
EnableShadersStorage = True
# Make texrect coordinates continuous to avoid black lines between them. (0=Off, 1=Auto, 2=Force)
CorrectTexrectCoords = 1
# Render 2D texrects in native resolution to fix misalignment between parts of 2D image.
EnableNativeResTexrects = True
# Do not use shaders to emulate N64 blending modes. Works faster on slow GPU. Can cause glitches.
EnableLegacyBlending = False
# Enable writing of fragment depth. Some mobile GPUs do not support it, thus it made optional. Leave enabled.
EnableFragmentDepthWrite = True
# Use GLideN64 per-game settings.
EnableCustomSettings = True
# Enable frame and|or depth buffer emulation.
EnableFBEmulation = True
# Copy auxiliary buffers to RDRAM
EnableCopyAuxiliaryToRDRAM = False
# Enable N64 depth compare instead of OpenGL standard one. Experimental.
EnableN64DepthCompare = False
# Disable buffers read/write with FBInfo. Use for games, which do not work with FBInfo.
DisableFBInfo = True
# Read color buffer by 4kb chunks (strict follow to FBRead specification)
FBInfoReadColorChunk = False
# Read depth buffer by 4kb chunks (strict follow to FBRead specification)
FBInfoReadDepthChunk = True
# Enable color buffer copy to RDRAM (0=do not copy, 1=copy in sync mode, 2=copy in async mode)
EnableCopyColorToRDRAM = 2
# Enable depth buffer copy to RDRAM (0=do not copy, 1=copy from video memory, 2=use software render)
EnableCopyDepthToRDRAM = 2
# Enable color buffer copy from RDRAM.
EnableCopyColorFromRDRAM = False
# Texture filter (0=none, 1=Smooth filtering 1, 2=Smooth filtering 2, 3=Smooth filtering 3, 4=Smooth filtering 4, 5=Sharp filtering 1, 6=Sharp filtering 2)
txFilterMode = 2
# Texture Enhancement (0=none, 1=store as is, 2=X2, 3=X2SAI, 4=HQ2X, 5=HQ2XS, 6=LQ2X, 7=LQ2XS, 8=HQ4X, 9=2xBRZ, 10=3xBRZ, 11=4xBRZ, 12=5xBRZ), 13=6xBRZ
txEnhancementMode = 0
# Deposterize texture before enhancement.
txDeposterize = True
# Don't filter background textures.
txFilterIgnoreBG = True
# Size of filtered textures cache in megabytes.
txCacheSize = 100
# Use high-resolution texture packs if available.
txHiresEnable = False
# Allow to use alpha channel of high-res texture fully.
txHiresFullAlphaChannel = False
# Use alternative method of paletted textures CRC calculation.
txHresAltCRC = False
# Enable dump of loaded N64 textures.
txDump = False
# Zip textures cache.
txCacheCompression = False
# Force use 16bit texture formats for HD textures.
txForce16bpp = False
# Save texture cache to hard disk.
txSaveCache = False
# Path to folder with hi-res texture packs.
txPath = ".../Mupen64Plus/hires_texture"
# File name of True Type Font for text messages.
fontName = "arial.ttf"
# Font size.
fontSize = 18
# Font color in RGB format.
fontColor = "B5E61D"
# Enable bloom filter
EnableBloom = False
# Brightness threshold level for bloom. Values [2, 6]
bloomThresholdLevel = 4
# Bloom blend mode (0=Strong, 1=Mild, 2=Light)
bloomBlendMode = 0
# Blur radius. Values [2, 10]
blurAmount = 10
# Blur strength. Values [10, 100]
blurStrength = 20
# Force gamma correction.
ForceGammaCorrection = False
# Gamma correction level.
GammaCorrectionLevel = 2
# Show FPS counter.
ShowFPS = False
# Show VI/S counter.
ShowVIS = False
# Show percent counter.
ShowPercent = False
# Counters position (1=top left, 2=top center, 4=top right, 8=bottom left, 16=bottom center, 32=bottom right)
CountersPos = 8
@Papermanzero It looks like a driver's issue. Text should work with or without noise emulation. At least it works on GPUs I can test. You may check for shaders compilation errors in gliden64.log. It is located in the same folder, where mupe64plus saves its other data: AppData\Roaming\Mupen64Plus\gliden64.log If the log has nothing like this, I can't help.
You are right it is fixed. Tried last build and issue is gone. Therefore the main menu is broken. However this is a different issue.
Therefore the main menu is broken.
I made a mistake in shaders generation. Fix : 7642758873
I managed to reproduce the original issue. Text is dithered with noise value. Noise is value in range [0.0, 1.0]. When alpha of pixel is less than noise value, pixel discarded. All pixels of text have alpha 0.85. When noise emulation disabled, noise function returns 1.0 Since 1.0 > 0.85 all text pixels discarded by alpha compare. Now shader noise returns 0.5 when noise emulation disabled and the issue is fixed.
Play the first minutes of Paper Mario until you reach the point in which the stars talk to Mario (first 5 Minutes). The text cannot be read because it is invisible.