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Mario tennis score board doesn't clear #1641

Open fzurita opened 6 years ago

fzurita commented 6 years ago

For example in multiplayer. Play a game with 2 sets of characters. Next game, switch the characters. The score board will now have the first set of selected characters as well as the second set overlayed on top.

loganmc10 commented 6 years ago

I confirmed this on the PC. This is really strange, I wonder if the original game did this? You can go back to the main menu and everything, and but once you start the 2nd match, the names are on top of the old player names.

oddMLan commented 6 years ago

I think the game currently has a hack for the score board.

gonetz commented 6 years ago

As I remember, the game loads score board image to RDRAM, then it set aux color buffer at this place and renders text into proper places inside that buffer. Thus, score board frame buffer texture must be initialized with data from RDRAM (currently done by the hack) and updated each time when score board image in RDRAM altered by CPU.

fzurita commented 6 years ago

The problem is that the score board is never cleared when a new game starts.