gonetz / GLideN64

A new generation, open-source graphics plugin for N64 emulators.
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Lack of dithering in N64 framebuffer causing color banding #2173

Closed TorutheRedFox closed 4 years ago

TorutheRedFox commented 4 years ago

Dithering is honestly necessary to produce a correct (and actually somewhat good looking) N64 framebuffer, as it's quantized with no dithering, which deviates from hardware, which does infact have dithering

gonetz commented 4 years ago

Do you mean that the plugin should apply color dithering to 16bit color buffer, which is copied from video memory to RDRAM?

TorutheRedFox commented 4 years ago

for accuracy purposes, yes

gizmo98 commented 4 years ago

Which matrix types does original hardware use? Bayer matrix 3x3, 4x4 or 8x8? How does the ordered grid magic square pattern look like?

TorutheRedFox commented 4 years ago

it's a 4x4 matrix for both, and the matrices are static const uint8_t bayer_matrix[16] = { 0, 4, 1, 5, 4, 0, 5, 1, 3, 7, 2, 6, 7, 3, 6, 2 };

static const uint8_t magic_matrix[16] = { 0, 6, 1, 7, 4, 2, 5, 3, 3, 5, 2, 4, 7, 1, 6, 0 }; (taken from Angrylion RDP Plus)

gizmo98 commented 4 years ago

This looks good. Where is the right location to add dithering?

Add if( uColorDitherMode == 0) and if (uColorDitherMode == 1) here? https://github.com/gonetz/GLideN64/blob/0692abea4aa4ed33b7cd3e7def1f24560e513bcd/src/Graphics/OpenGLContext/GLSL/glsl_CombinerProgramBuilder.cpp#L701

Or here before color quantization? https://github.com/gonetz/GLideN64/blob/44ce554d5f9d22e49e60a74e39b73fbae991b733/src/BufferCopy/WriteToRDRAM.h

TorutheRedFox commented 4 years ago

I implemented those into a shader, and my method anyways requires it to be done before the quantization. Example code I made which also does the 21-bit quantization (albeit without dithering this time), which works in Unity just fine:

            #pragma vertex vert
            #pragma fragment frag
            #include "UnityCG.cginc"

            struct appdata
                float4 vertex : POSITION;
                float4 uv : TEXCOORD0;

            struct v2f
                float4 uv : TEXCOORD0;
                float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
                float4 screenPosition : TEXCOORD1;

            v2f vert (appdata v)
                v2f o;
                o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
                o.screenPosition = ComputeScreenPos(o.vertex);
                o.uv = v.uv;
                return o;

            sampler2D _MainTex;
            sampler2D _DitherTexture;
            float4 _DitherTexture_TexelSize;
            float4 _MainTex_TexelSize;

            fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target

                float2 screenPos = i.uv.xy / i.uv.w;
                float2 ditherCoordinate = screenPos * _MainTex_TexelSize.zw * _DitherTexture_TexelSize.xy;

                float gamma = 2.2;

                float orig_bpp = 32; //original bpp of image in RGBA

                float bpp = 15; //target bpp in RGBA

                float bpc = bpp / 4;// this makes it bits per channel (RGBA)

                float dither = (tex2D(_DitherTexture, ditherCoordinate).r * (28 / (bpc))) -((orig_bpp * 16) / (orig_bpp * 32));
                dither = pow(dither, gamma);
                float dither2 = (tex2D(_DitherTexture, ditherCoordinate).g* (28 / (bpc))) - ((orig_bpp * 16) / (orig_bpp * 32));
                dither2 = pow(dither2, gamma);

                float4 tex = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);

                float4 col = tex;
                col = round((col + clamp(dither2 / (bpp / 2), -1, 1)) * (bpc * 32)) / (bpc * 32);

                col = round(pow(col, gamma / gamma) * (7*32))/(7*32);

                return col;


I'm not sure how accurate this is to actual N64 dither, but it uses the Bayer matrix values directly set as color values in a 4x4 texture (4 in matrix remains as 4 in R channel)

TorutheRedFox commented 4 years ago

well it's only emulating one dithering mode different dither modes use a different mix of matrices and coordinate calculations

TorutheRedFox commented 4 years ago

although, about the second round of col, which is the 21-bit quantization, you can just get rid of the line and replace it with col = pow(col, gamma / gamma);

gonetz commented 4 years ago

Where is the right location to add dithering?

The plugin renders (or blits) original hi-res image into a small one, which has size of frame buffer in RDRAM. Then this smaller image copied from VRAM to RDRAM with color quantization. I see two options to add color dithering step:

@ToruTheRedFox Thanks for the code example. TBH, I never learned how color dithering works. May be your code is suitable for our needs. However, I don't understand some magic in your code:

TorutheRedFox commented 4 years ago

the code is kinda messy I know the 28 I can't remember, and gamma / gamma was me being dumb and bpp is done in RGBA because of display not needing the alpha channel usually, making me overlook accuracy on the alpha part I just messed with values at the end so it doesn't lighten the image, which is why some of the numbers are seemingly random

TorutheRedFox commented 4 years ago

documented it a little better and removed the pointless gamma/gamma lol

edit: hold on I messed up lol

fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target

                float2 screenPos = i.uv.xy / i.uv.w;
                float2 ditherCoordinate = screenPos * _MainTex_TexelSize.zw * _DitherTexture_TexelSize.xy;

                float gamma = 2.2;

                float orig_bpp = 24; //original bpp of image in RGB

                float bpp = 15; //target bpp in RGB

                float bpc = bpp / 4;// this makes it bits per channel-ish

                float dither = (tex2D(_DitherTexture, ditherCoordinate).r * (28 / (bpc))) -((orig_bpp * 12) / (orig_bpp * 24));
                dither = pow(dither, gamma);
                float dither2 = (tex2D(_DitherTexture, ditherCoordinate).g* (28 / (bpc))) - ((orig_bpp * 12) / (orig_bpp * 24));
                dither2 = pow(dither2, gamma);

                float4 tex = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);

                float4 col = tex;
                col = round((col + clamp(dither2 / (bpp / 2), -1, 1)) * (bpc * 32)) / (bpc * 32);

                col = round(col * (7*32))/(7*32);

                col.w = round(col.w);

                return col;

gizmo98 commented 4 years ago

@gonetz I have tested another example which can be ported to C++: https://gist.github.com/gizmo98/0097b55c96e93f84cfca84d2b4d75977 https://gist.github.com/gizmo98/e64064d41ae2344487b4907f6cf36ed5

I have used 4x4 bayer matrix. Values can be replaced with values angrylion is using.

Description: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordered_dithering

gizmo98 commented 4 years ago

In the picture posted here https://github.com/gonetz/GLideN64/issues/2178 color banding is quite obvious (gras). Angrylion is using dithering. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15708278/74653796-d0dc8c80-5180-11ea-9b85-127b3e521490.png

weinerschnitzel commented 4 years ago

If I may comment, totally necessary for native and should be default, but should be optional for the case of high resolution textures

oddMLan commented 4 years ago

@weinerschnitzel This is for the framebuffer effects only

gizmo98 commented 4 years ago

Original mk64

RGB555 mk64 16Bit

Angrylion Bayer matrix mk64 Bayer N64

Angrylion Magic Square mk64 Magic Square N64

Bayer Matrix 4x4 {0,8,2,10}, {12,4,14,6}, {3,11,1,9}, {15,7,13,5} mk64 Bayer 4x4

Real nasik Magic Square {0,14,3,13}, {11,5,8,6}, {12,2,15,1}, {7,9,4,10} mk64 Magic Square

gizmo98 commented 4 years ago

@ToruTheRedFox Could you try out this branch? https://github.com/gonetz/GLideN64/compare/master...gizmo98:dithering?expand=1

MK64: Jumbotron Castlevania: Data selection screen. Magnifying glass looks different Conker BFD: Pause screen loos different Zelda MM: Intro full screen effects loo different

oddMLan commented 4 years ago

'Real nasik Magic Square' looks the best IMO.

gizmo98 commented 4 years ago

@oddMLan to prevent to much artifacts a higher order matrix could be used. Authentic or unobtrusive dithering?

Bayer Matrix 8x8 mk64 Bayer 8x8

Bayer Matrix 16x16 mk64 Bayer 16x16

TorutheRedFox commented 4 years ago

imo there should be options for which matrices are used, if any, for those who for some reason like color banding, those who want accurate visuals with a good framerate (CPU too slow for Angrylion RDP), or those who want better dithering

gizmo98 commented 4 years ago

I made some screenshots master vs my dithering branch: conker_bfd-036 conker_bfd-031

conker_bfd-042 conker_bfd-035

castlevania-002 castlevania-000

castlevania-003 castlevania-001

zelda_majora's_mask-074 zelda_majora's_mask-043

mariogolf64-007 mariogolf64-004

mariokart64-048 mariokart64-045

TorutheRedFox commented 4 years ago

the color banding looks absolutely horrendous in a lot of places

I see why nearly every early 3D console used it

oddMLan commented 4 years ago

Like Beetle-PSX-HW, I think there should be two dithering options: native (accurate) and match with output resolution (enhanced). I think it should be the same with the noise generator, but that's another subject.

gizmo98 commented 4 years ago

@gonetz Do you know when dithering should be used for colorbuffer to rdram? Should i check gDP.otherMode.colorDither and add Bayer, MagicSquare or Noise accordingly?

I have also found this testrom which can be used to test dither modes: http://mattpierce.info/n64-dither

gonetz commented 4 years ago

Do you know when dithering should be used for colorbuffer to rdram?

No, but I suppose that you're right and dithering is controlled by gDP.otherMode.colorDither

Should i check gDP.otherMode.colorDither and add Bayer, MagicSquare or Noise accordingly?

Noise dithering already implemented in shaders, so no need to add more noise with copy to RDRAM. So, either Bayer or MagicSquare should be used.

gizmo98 commented 4 years ago

@gonetz is noise applied to the display resolution color buffer or to the shrinked version for RDRAM? Noise can be also used to prevent color banding a little bit.

TorutheRedFox commented 4 years ago

well it's mainly to make the RDRAM framebuffer more accurate, but it can possibly be used for the main buffer drawn onscreen with the "Render N64 frame buffer to output" option disabled

gonetz commented 4 years ago

is noise applied to the display resolution color buffer or to the shrinked version for RDRAM?

It is applied to display resolution color buffer. You may see it in Zelda MM into - backgrounds have some random noise.

gizmo98 commented 4 years ago

If picture is shrinked to native res noise is certainly no longer visible and cannot hide color banding.

I have added shaders for Magic Square and Bayer dithering. I have not done quantization because we would really lose 3Bit of precision: https://github.com/gizmo98/GLideN64/blob/dithering2/src/Graphics/OpenGLContext/GLSL/glsl_CombinerProgramBuilder.cpp#L701

aero_fighters_assaul-013 smash_brothers-016 kirby64-032 diddy_kong_racing-006 wave_race_64-003 ridge_racer_64-003 pilot_wings64-001 paper_mario-026 f-zero_x_climax-023 bomberman64u2-006 diddy_kong_racing-006 f-zero_x_climax-026 f-zero_x_climax-020

gonetz commented 4 years ago

If picture is shrinked to native res noise is certainly no longer visible and cannot hide color banding.

It is not so. Noise dithering is scaled with resolution. Here how it looks in native res: zelda_mm_noise_dither

gonetz commented 4 years ago

I have added shaders for Magic Square and Bayer dithering.

The results look cool, thanks! Dithring adds authentic look to native-res mode. What is good, it is not noticable at resolutions above native. However, I personally would prefer to see image without dithering pattern. So, color dithering should be optional, imo. Currently it is controlled by config.generalEmulation.enableNoise. It is not right. Noise dithring is a kind of special effect, and I prefer to have it enabled. Other dithering modes are for peoples, who prefer authenticly looking image. So, I suggest to add new setting: enableDithering with possible values:

When enableDithering is 'none' or 'only noise', color dithering should be performed when image copied to RDRAM. That is, image in RDRAM should always be dithered if gDP.otherMode.colorDither is G_CD_MAGICSQ or G_CD_BAYER.

gizmo98 commented 4 years ago

If there is a dither shader for G_CD_MAGICSQ and G_CD_BAYER image in RDRAM should not be dithered if nativeResFector = 1. But if displayed res is higher and dithered image will be resized to lower RDRAM fb resolution, dithering gets lost and color banding is back again: Example

Jj0YzL5nvJ commented 4 years ago

Since all of you are improving things related to noise, can anyone take a look at Silicon Valley?

That game uses many noise effects, and some are currently broken (screens).

oddMLan commented 4 years ago

So, I suggest to add new setting: enableDithering with possible values:

  • none
  • only noise (default)
  • only Magic Square and Bayer
  • all

It is not so. Noise dithering is scaled with resolution.

If you're grouping them together, it's kinda confusing to have one kind of dithering (noise) to "scale up" (pixels becoming bigger) with screen resolution while the other kind of dithering remains high-def (pixels remain small), isn't it? I believe there should at least be an option to make noise to match the output resolution as well.

gizmo98 commented 4 years ago

Current Master vs Dithering3 branch: -037 -040

-030 -041

-031 -043

-033 -039

I also modified noise dithering a little bit so test rom looks more like reference pictures. It works like bayer and magic square dithering now.

void colorNoiseDither(in lowp float _noise, inout lowp vec3 _color)
    mediump float threshold = 0.03125 * (_noise - 0.5);
     _color = clamp(_color + threshold,0.0,1.0);            

conker_bfd-120 zelda_majora's_mask-160

And the worst looking game is ... starfox64-056 starfox64-078 starfox64-084 starfox64-113 starfox64-131 starfox64-137

oddMLan commented 4 years ago

Wow, noise dithering looks so much more faithful to the real console in those screenshots.

@gizmo98 Can you compare the Super Mario 64 invisible cap effect across GLideN64 master, the Dithering3 branch and Angrylion (VI filters disabled) please?

Another good example would be the Paper Mario prologue when you meet the Star Spirits at the beginning of the game, the text has noise dithering.

gizmo98 commented 4 years ago

@oddMLan Do you mean this text? (Last picture shows alpha dithering with bayer or magic square?!) paper_mario-091 paper_mario-086 paper_mario-084 paper_mario-087

gonetz commented 4 years ago

If there is a dither shader for G_CD_MAGICSQ and G_CD_BAYER image in RDRAM should not be dithered if nativeResFector = 1. But if displayed res is higher and dithered image will be resized to lower RDRAM fb resolution, dithering gets lost and color banding is back again


Wow, noise dithering looks so much more faithful to the real console in those screenshots.

An improvement indeed. alphaNoiseDither should be changed that way too.

If you're grouping them together, it's kinda confusing to have one kind of dithering (noise) to "scale up" (pixels becoming bigger) with screen resolution while the other kind of dithering remains high-def (pixels remain small), isn't it?

Actually, no. Noise dithering looks the same on every resolution. All dithering modes look consistent in native res. Other kinds of dithering are not visible in higher resolutions, so no confusion here.

I believe there should at least be an option to make noise to match the output resolution as well.

Noise dithering is kind of special effect. Super Mario 64 invisible cap, dust in Zelda OOT, text in Paper Mario prologue. All these effects look incorrect with noise matching the output resolution. You may check them with early versions of GLideN64, which use non-scaled noise. I remember complains on low-res looking noise, but I don't understand them.

gonetz commented 4 years ago

@gizmo98 You work looks great, thanks! I think, the only thing to do is adding enableDithering option.

gizmo98 commented 4 years ago

Some effects cannot be seen without alpha dithering (no dithering vs dithering): starfox64-258 starfox64-299

Whats the right color dithering (same noise value for rgb vs different noise values for r, g and b)? I prefer the loo of the second one. starfox64-053 starfox64-328 zelda_majora's_mask-161 zelda_majora's_mask-267

And finally i added a noise function wich doubles native noise resolution but does not use output resolution. Does not look low res but is still rough. conker_bfd-177 zelda_majora's_mask-225 zelda_majora's_mask-238 paper_mario-112

oddMLan commented 4 years ago

Whats the right color dithering (same noise value for rgb vs different noise values for r, g and b)? I prefer the loo of the second one.

I too prefer the second one (it looks more organic), but what's supposedly more accurate to the N64? How does AL create dithering noise?

And finally i added a noise function wich doubles native noise resolution but does not use output resolution. Does not look low res but is still rough.

Yes, I like that. Maybe can be put in a checkbox: "High resolution noise".

gonetz commented 4 years ago

Some effects cannot be seen without alpha dithering (no dithering vs dithering):

I'm not sure that this is an intended effect, it looks weird. May be it looks like this because noise is missing? It looks different with AL.

Whats the right color dithering (same noise value for rgb vs different noise values for r, g and b)? I prefer the loo of the second one.

If I correctly understand AL RDP sources, it depends on other_modes.rgb_dither_sel:

    if (other_modes.rgb_dither_sel != 2)
        rcomp = gcomp = bcomp = dith;
        rcomp = dith & 7;
        gcomp = (dith >> 3) & 7;
        bcomp = (dith >> 6) & 7;

see rgb_dither and get_dither_noise functions.

gizmo98 commented 4 years ago

Some effects cannot be seen without alpha dithering (no dithering vs dithering):

I'm not sure that this is an intended effect, it looks weird. May be it looks like this because noise is missing? It looks different with AL.

Is there no or a different effect with AL? Because it looks like a text limitation and a planet?!

Whats the right color dithering (same noise value for rgb vs different noise values for r, g and b)? I prefer the loo of the second one.

If I correctly understand AL RDP sources, it depends on other_modes.rgb_dither_sel:

  if (other_modes.rgb_dither_sel != 2)
      rcomp = gcomp = bcomp = dith;
      rcomp = dith & 7;
      gcomp = (dith >> 3) & 7;
      bcomp = (dith >> 6) & 7;

see rgb_dither and get_dither_noise functions.

Looks like r, g, b get different noise values if noise (value 2) is selected. https://github.com/gonetz/GLideN64/blob/04736b44c5b4299365e9bb331368ee1ac1a93ab7/src/GBI.h#L346

gonetz commented 4 years ago

Is there no or a different effect with AL? Because it looks like a text limitation and a planet?!

AL with VI filtering off: starfox

Looks like r, g, b get different noise values if noise (value 2) is selected.

Yes. One note: AL code does not call irand function 3 times for r, g, b. irand returns 16bit pseudo-random value. Only 3 less significant bits of 8bit color components are randomized, so only 9 random bits are needed. Thus, one irand call is enough.

gonetz commented 4 years ago

Test build: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S97j1zYHfDb8iZ1La4NGVF39y60vXteI/view?usp=sharing

it is for mupen64plus 32bit only. GUI control is not implemented yet.

gizmo98 commented 4 years ago

@ToruTheRedFox Could you test the build?

Screenshots branch dithering ditherMode = 4 + FXAA: kirby64-050 kirby64-060 donald_duck_quack_at-001 bottom_of_the_9th-002 castlevania-027 rogue_squadron-015 turok_2__seeds_of_ev-000

gonetz commented 4 years ago

Test build for Project64 32bit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14sYmdFwLJ4mac7PyZg-6PhWHGxWl8BfR/view?usp=sharing

oddMLan commented 4 years ago

I did a quick test. Defaults, Native Res, Render N64 frame buffer to output As you can see the dithering hides the banding from the 16 bit conversion quite nicely.


Noise and ordered grid dithering, Native Res GLideN64_SUPER_MARIO_64_001

I'm a little confused, since the buffer is already 32-bit I thought there would be no dithering, because what benefit does it give other than "simulating" the dithered look? There is no banding to hide.

Then I found out despite setting the dithering mode to "Disabled", anything that displays the framebuffer will always show it dithered (either through a game framebuffer effect, like the reset animation, or using "Render N64 frame buffer to output). I assume this intended since @gonetz stated earlier

When enableDithering is 'none' or 'only noise', color dithering should be performed when image copied to RDRAM. That is, image in RDRAM should always be dithered if gDP.otherMode.colorDither is G_CD_MAGICSQ or G_CD_BAYER.

So let me understand this, the default settings already adds dithering only when it's absolutely necessary to avoid banding artifacts due to the 16-bit color color conversion that happens with framebuffer effects? And any other selection under Dithering mode would be "forcing" the dithering in 32-bit color mode, despite it not being necessary? I think the naming should be a little more clear then, perhaps adding a "Force" prefix.

Also the "Enable Noise" setting under the Emulation tab seems kind of redundant and it should be removed from the UI. OR it could be substituted by a "hi-res" noise setting (with 2x being the upper limit since @gizmo98 said it still looks hi-res without looking wrong).

oddMLan commented 4 years ago

I now tested using this test rom.

Native Res, Render N64 frame buffer to output

Dithering> "Disable" doesnt actually disable the dithering in the Framebuffer, even when the test rom requests so. However, it does disable noise dithering. It seems to force Bayer dithering always. GLideN64__000

Dithering > "Only noise dithering (default)". Enables Noise dithering. Like above, it seems to force Bayer dithering.

Dithering > "noise dithering with 5bit quantization". Noise looks a bit noisier. Forces Bayer dithering otherwise, even when requesting "Disabled" in the test rom.

Dithering > "noise and ordered grid dithering". Noise looks more homogeneous. Dithering follows what's currently selected in the test rom (Bayer or Magic Square). Selecting "Disabled" in the test rom actually disables the dithering, as it should.

Dithering > "dithering with 5bit quantization". Noise still works (it shouldn't judging by the name). Dithering follows what's currently selected in the test rom (Bayer or Magic Square) and the colors are darker. Selecting "Disabled" in the test rom actually disables the dithering, as it should.

The settings are extremely confusing as they currently are right now. To me, there should be only the following settings that control the 16-bit frame buffer:

EDIT: I now realize some games like Mario Kart 64 for some reason don't enable dithering in the RDP, must be because the other VI filters seem to take care of the banding. Then my proposal could be like this, to give more granularity to the user:


16-bit dithering mode:

Checkboxes: ☑ Enable noise ☑ Enable quantization ☑ Force dithering pattern in 32-bit output

After some meditation, this is the best I could come up with. Conflating dithering & noise actually makes things more complicated.

gonetz commented 4 years ago

My theses and explanations:

Regarding options, I'd make them as following:

Thus, one option removed, two added.