gonetz / GLideN64

A new generation, open-source graphics plugin for N64 emulators.
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Vulkan API support #871

Open ADormant opened 8 years ago

ADormant commented 8 years ago

Vulkan has been released. Vulkan would be great because it has the same compatibility between desktop and mobile.

https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0-wsi_extensions/xhtml/vkspec.html#introduction https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.0/apispec.html https://github.com/KhronosGroup https://www.khronos.org/news/press/khronos-releases-vulkan-1-0-specification https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/ https://github.com/SaschaWillems/Vulkan https://github.com/vlj/rpcs3/tree/vulkan https://github.com/benvanik/xenia/commit/77a321135ed1b3761aac2834a74d89020c91626c https://developer.nvidia.com/vulkan-android#samples https://developer.nvidia.com/opengl-vulkan http://developer.download.nvidia.com/assets/gameworks/downloads/secure/Vulkan_Beta_Drivers/GL_NV_draw_vulkan_image.txt?autho=1455829837_943009fc44a87ca0da72226e0897938a&file=GL_NV_draw_vulkan_image.txt

https://github.com/nvpro-samples https://github.com/McNopper/Vulkan https://github.com/nvpro-pipeline/vkcpp https://github.com/john-chapman/VulkanTest https://github.com/mlaveaux/VulkanRenderer https://github.com/pld-linux/vulkan-loader https://github.com/FaultyRAM/vulkan-sys https://github.com/kainino0x/rust-vulkan https://github.com/LunarG/VulkanSamples https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Khronosdotorg/blob/master/api/vulkan/resources.md https://github.com/tomaka/vulkano

Krutonium commented 8 years ago


DerekTurtleRoe commented 8 years ago

@ADormant Making the emulator more accurate using a tried and true API is first priority, but I think Vulkan could greatly enhance GLideN64's performance in some cases. On lower-end devices, I mean. Android and such.

Krutonium commented 8 years ago

I could see Vulkan having the side effect of allowing more accurate emulation because of how low level it is - you would gave far more control over the way anything is rendered. Am I wrong?

DerekTurtleRoe commented 8 years ago

@PFCKrutonium Those two statements aren't necessarily in correlation, but yes, in general you would be correct. If you just simply switched over to Vulkan you wouldn't get any benefit necessarily. You would have to use the API in a beneficial way.

olivieryuyu commented 7 years ago


FuzzyQuils commented 7 years ago

Now this could be interesting. Pitty I don't have a Vulkan capable machine atm...

fallaha56 commented 7 years ago

have tried it

interface is awful, just needs a simple GUI but the software looks pretty awesome

DerekTurtleRoe commented 7 years ago

@olivieryuyu @FuzzyQuills @fallaha56 Unfortunately, while this approach is pretty good, it still uses a lot of the code re-used and hacked on by many people, and it doesn't really solve most of the problems that N64 emulators face. It's still a good choice, but it is a complex one.

LegendOfDragoon commented 7 years ago

it still uses a lot of the code re-used and hacked on by many people

care to give examples?

DerekTurtleRoe commented 7 years ago

@LegendOfDragoon Sorry, I was thinking of GLupen64.

shinra358 commented 6 years ago

I really want this as well.