gongpha / gdQmapbsp

A simple plugin that loads Quake's MAP/BSP files into Godot 4 interactively
MIT License
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Generate `path_corner` entities #29

Closed victorbstan closed 11 months ago

victorbstan commented 11 months ago

I think we'll have to update the code to generate individual path_corner entities, instead of adding points to a curve inside one path_corner entity... one of the path_corner attributes is wait which is important when a path can be set to wait -1 so that the train stops moving once it reaches that path corner, (or waits, before moving on).

Screenshot 2023-07-23 at 6 21 54 PM

If there are separate corner entities available, then I would move the logic of finding the target path entities into the func train code, to manage it's own movement based on these corner paths

victorbstan commented 11 months ago

On closer inspection, I see individal path corner entities are created, so I will update the train_func script to get data from these path corners and path corner script to save an array of "linked" (through targetnam) path corners instead of just their position in a curve.