gongpha / gdQmapbsp

A simple plugin that loads Quake's MAP/BSP files into Godot 4 interactively
MIT License
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Questions about `trenchbroom_example` project & README.md #4

Open victorbstan opened 1 year ago

victorbstan commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm trying to test out the trenchbroom_example option, but running into a couple of issue/questions with the info in README and project:

I've attached a screenshot with the questions I have. Thanks in advance.

Screenshot 2023-06-16 at 8 47 19 AM
gongpha commented 1 year ago

The README docs are pretty much outdated. The files inside the example folder had changed a lot. I will update them ASAP.

The map1.map was renamed to res://trenchbroom_example/maps/1_geometry.map.

And the Trenchbroom path is for determining a games folder path for exporting a custom game from QmapbspTrenchbroomGameConfigResource classes. (For example, the res://trenchbroom_example/my_game.tres file) But this will be removed later. Because I figured out there's another Trenchbroom games folder without setting up a Trenchbroom path.

If you just want to import the map and won't export any custom game configs. You can leave it empty.

I will keep this issue open until the README docs are up-to-date.

(FYI, the map you've opened in the above screenshot is built for testing visleaves. But there's no proper visleaf importer yet right now)