gonum / matrix

Matrix packages for the Go language [DEPRECATED]
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matrix/mat64: remove outdated Jama comments #445

Closed kortschak closed 7 years ago

kortschak commented 7 years ago
$ grep Jama *go
cholesky.go:// Based on the CholeskyDecomposition class from Jama 1.0.3.
eigen.go:// Based on the EigenvalueDecomposition class from Jama 1.0.3.
gsvd.go:// Based on the SingularValueDecomposition class from Jama 1.0.3.
hogsvd.go:// Based on the SingularValueDecomposition class from Jama 1.0.3.
qr.go:// Based on the QRDecomposition class from Jama 1.0.3.
svd.go:// Based on the SingularValueDecomposition class from Jama 1.0.3.