gonzaloaune / GCMPushPlugin

Push notifications for Cordova (GCM & Native support)
MIT License
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Installing GCMPushPlugin via cocoapods #17

Open Kurir opened 8 years ago

Kurir commented 8 years ago

Hi All,

I have run into the "Google/Cloud Messaging.h file missing" error and so I am trying to install via cocoapods following Google's instructions, however I am getting an error whenever I run pod install:

Specs satisfying the 'Google/CloudMessaging' dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.

If I try to cordova build ios, it fails at the missing file error.

I have set deployment target to 7.1, enabled modules and added $(inherited) to my other link flags.

My Podfile is:

xcodeproj '/Users/user/projects/tenant-app/platforms/ios/CordovaLib/CordovaLib.xcodeproj'

target 'CordovaLib' do

prod 'Google/CloudMessaging'


Any suggestions? This was really easy to set up for android, but is proving to be a real pain for ios.

Kurir commented 8 years ago

Ended up being that I was using the wrong project to build against. I am now running into the much more common linking and bitcode issues on ios, but this can be closed now.

turbobuilt commented 8 years ago

Hello, how did you end up getting this working? I am having this same issue.