gonzojive / heatpump

Tools for communicating with the Chiltrix CX34 heat pump using a Raspberry Pi
Apache License 2.0
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Update client code to deal with Cloud Run stream duration limit #20

Open gonzojive opened 1 year ago

gonzojive commented 1 year ago
bazel run --run_under="cd $PWD &&" //cmd/cloud-listener -- --alsologtostderr --state-service-addr "state-service-xyz-wn.a.run.app:443" --command-queue-addr "command-queue-service-xyz-wn.a.run.app:443"  --auth-service-addr "auth-service-xyz-wn.a.run.app" --secret-token-path /home/red/git/heatpump/local-secrets/device-token.txt


F1115 06:42:06.209298  120008 cloud_listener_main.go:39] error while waiting for commands: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = upstream max stream duration reached
gonzojive commented 1 year ago

Fixed by 8b66f9413858860ed9570d61a920e83ce1d1d295