gonzojive / heatpump

Tools for communicating with the Chiltrix CX34 heat pump using a Raspberry Pi
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 2 forks source link

Not an issue - offer to help on instructions and a thank you! #4

Open njmckenzie opened 2 years ago

njmckenzie commented 2 years ago

Gonzojive - thank you for developing and posting this. I was able to get it up and running. I'm an amateur/hobbyist programmer so had to go through a bit of a learning curve and would be happy to supplement your instructions if you want. For example how to setup a debugger to debug Go on a remote machine (e.g. I had 32bit RPi and had to upgrade the OS to the recently released 64bit Raspbian to get Delve to work). There were also some file permission issues and minor edge cases that probably didn't come up in your configuration but did in mine (e.g. don't error out when there are no temp sensors attached - instead return an empty array). These were straightforward to fix once I had the debugger attached but others may not get to that point.

Thanks again as the real impetus for getting this to work is to control the CXI units remotely. The proportional fan controls on the units drive me nuts and I want to set my own speed controller and enable scheduling.

gonzojive commented 2 years ago

Hey, so glad it was useful for you. Feel free to send along any updates to the documentation in a pull request.

I will probably be updating this once again when I make some additions to our heating system. The biggest feature I hope to add is integration with the Google Home app, which hopefully will allow setting the temperature targets and turning on/off the heat with the Google Home phone.