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Patching GCC and Setting Up Web GUI #2

Open ndkprd opened 4 years ago

ndkprd commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks a lot for the guide.

I'm kinda new to the whole thing but I tried my best to follow your guide, but I ran into some problem. Can I ask some questions? I'm sorry if my questions kinda seems trivial.

I'm using "yate --version" command to check if my Yate installed properly, and it does show the version that I installed. But when I use '"yatebts --version" or "yate-bts --version", it says something like such program doesn't exist. Does this mean the YateBTS isn't installed properly on the raspberry?

I see that I need to use the patch file for GCC, but how do I use it? I tried "patch < filename.patch" command but it did nothing. What command should I use?

Also, when I try using "chmod a+w -r /usr/local/etc/yate" command after the previous steps, it somehow says "a+w directory doesn't exist". I search online and tried using "chmod 777 /usr/local/etc/yate" instead. Now I'm able to see files inside the /usr/local/etc/yate folder, but I'm still not be able to access the web GUI. What do you think is the problem?

I'll be happy you you would reply soon and explain it on the most layman terms possible. Thank you so much for the guide, and sorry for the problem (and for my english too if they felt like hard to understand).

goodboytower commented 4 years ago

For the chmod issue, the problem is with the -r, it should instead be -R(capitalized). For a breakdown of the command, here's what is happening. a+w means adding write permissions in to all users. The -R is to recursively run this command in the directory. The purpose of that command is adding write permissions to every file inside /usr/local/etc/yate. chmod 777 will work too, it will add read, write and execute permissions to the directory. But I don't think your permissions are the problem with the GUI, I'll need some more information.

Slightly more complicated, the GCC patch is needed for yatebts to install correctly. GCC is a compiler that is used behind the scenes when you run make and install. It has different versions, and I learned (after MUCH trial and error) that yate needs GCC 6. I don't have the exact command available to me at the moment, but some quick googling on how to compile with a specific download of GCC should get you the right command.