goodeggs / bites

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Revamp the open source section of bites #29

Open hazeledmands opened 10 years ago

hazeledmands commented 10 years ago

Here are some examples, for a starting point:

hazeledmands commented 10 years ago

Looks like there are three main ways people are showcasing their open source work:

  1. Make it a blog post category and display them like any other blog posts (airbnb, good eggs bites at the moment)
  2. Use the github api and just show whatever the github organization page shows (facebook)
  3. Curate a list of featured projects and link to their main pages (walmart, bocoup) or to a simple page about the project (twitter)
hazeledmands commented 10 years ago

Here's a quick mock of what our open source section could be:

hazeledmands commented 10 years ago

More thoughts/ideas: