goodhamgupta / authzed_ex

Unofficial SpiceDB client library for Elixir
Apache License 2.0
11 stars 8 forks source link

Updated grpc and google_protos deps. #17

Closed wtcross closed 5 months ago

wtcross commented 10 months ago

The minor version of both grpc and google_protos have been bumped by one. The client library was also regenerated using the buf cli.

The only file outside of generated code that was changed is mix.exs.

wtcross commented 10 months ago

I ran a local SpiceDB instance and verified that all tests are passing.

wtcross commented 10 months ago

By the way, I'm very excited to start using SpiceDB with a large Elixir project. I am very grateful that you have created and are maintaining this library. I'll help out where I can once I really start digging into SpiceDB.

wtcross commented 10 months ago

I just realized I forgot to update the version. I'll wait for feedback before doing that.

goodhamgupta commented 10 months ago

Hi @wtcross. Thank you for taking the time to improve this repo!

All your changes look good! Like you suggested, we can now add a version bump, and then I can merge the changes in!

zagraves commented 5 months ago

Hi @goodhamgupta. I'd love to start using a new version of authzed_ex with these changes made 🙏

goodhamgupta commented 5 months ago

Hi @zagraves and @wtcross, I've published the new version(0.0.6) to Hex today, and it's available here:

Apologies for the late response. I wasn't sure if the package version bump had been made since there was no activity on this PR. There were minor CI and formatting issues, so I forked this PR here:, and deployed this fork instead.

Thanks for your work @wtcross, and for your patience! 😄