goodrobots / maverick

UAV Autonomous Systems Management
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Document how to update/contribute to docs #953

Closed fnoop closed 4 years ago

fnoop commented 4 years ago

Docs are held in docs/ folder in maverick repo and use docsify. Document how to run docsify server for development, and how to update docs to google hosting.

fnoop commented 4 years ago

Actually super simple -docs are served by maverick webserver, eg: http://maverick-raspberry.local/web/docs/maverick

Any updates to the markdown files are immediately reflected on load, as there is no compilation stage.

fnoop commented 4 years ago

Users contributing to maverick docs a little tricky as ~/software/maverick shouldn't really be altered because it's so integral to the running of the system. Should probably fork and clone into ~/code. Document how to do this.