goodrobots / maverick

UAV Autonomous Systems Management
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Add screen attach instructions to documentation #968

Open mooneyj opened 4 years ago

mooneyj commented 4 years ago

I think it would be useful to add these [instructions] (

"mavproxy is already running in the background - that’s what the ‘mavlink-router@fc’ is. If you do ps -ef |grep mavproxy you’ll see the processes. It’s running in a screen, so you can run screen -ls to see the screens and then screen -r (replacing ) to get to the mavproxy console. Let me know if you have problems.

You probably can’t connect to your FC because the background mavproxy is already connected to it. Also I would start off with 115200 baud before moving upwards - raspberry in particular sometimes has problems at the higher rates."

fnoop commented 4 years ago

Good idea, thanks :)