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Flip/rotate video - visiond #992

Closed collumnet closed 3 years ago

collumnet commented 3 years ago

Is it possible to flip or rotate the camera image in visiond with the "videoflip" gstreamer switch? Is there a param in ~/config/vision/visiond.conf, or can this be achieved pipeline_override?

fnoop commented 3 years ago

Ideally this would be done in the source using hardware. eg. raspberry can do rotation in hardware (raspistill/raspivid) but the v4l2src gst interface doesn't support it. Possibly rpicamsrc does but will not be included until later version of gstreamer. Similarly, nvarguscamerasrc for jetson csi (eg. raspberry camera on jetson nano) doesn't seem to support hardware rotation either.

So supporting videoflip gst module is a good idea, although it does the flip in software. We should support hardware option where available - eg. on jetson platform we can use nvvidconv flip-method parameter.

fnoop commented 3 years ago

Added 'rotate' config option in

Specifically uses nvvidconv.flip-method on jetson platform and forces post-rotate caps to allow connecting to encoder component, otherwise uses software which still needs to be tested on other platforms (raspberry, primarily).

fnoop commented 3 years ago

Confirmed working on raspberry