goodrobots / visiond

Python/Gstreamer based project to stream video from embedded system cameras in various ways
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Detect and broadcast janus streams over zeroconf #24

Closed fnoop closed 4 years ago

fnoop commented 4 years ago

In addition to broadcasting visiond rtsp/rtp streams so clients such as GCS can find them, it should also broadcast janus streams so -discovery can find the webrtc endpoints and -web can pick them up automatically.

fnoop commented 4 years ago

Janus has eventhandlers, which can be used to act on events (such as when streams are created/connected). There is a websocket eventhandler which will connect to a websocket and broadcast json events. We could create a visiond websocket which sits and listens for events from janus, and publishes over zeroconf.

SamuelDudley commented 4 years ago

Sounds like a plan. Some links

With WebSockets, this is not needed: as soon as you create a session on a WebSocket, that channel becomes automatically subscribed for events related to that sessions, and you'll receive them on the same WebSocket. For the same reason, as soon as the WebSocket is closed, all the sessions created within its context are considered closed as well, and so their resources (including all the handles and PeerConnections) will be released as well.

fnoop commented 4 years ago

Interesting but creating a full webrtc websocket stream connection from visiond to janus would have some problems. Ideally hopefully we can use the wsevh eventhandler to connect the other way round - we setup a websocket server in visiond and then if/when janus is configured appropriately and starts up then it connects over wsevh to visiond websocket handler and starts firing events at visiond. visiond can then advertise the webrtc streams through zeroconf, and -discovery can pick them up and fire them at -web.

It sounds a bit convoluted but it's a relatively straight forward chain and is fully event driven from end to end. Hopefully it will work, otherwise we can look at creating the full webrtc connection.

SamuelDudley commented 4 years ago

Okay, so the first link I posted is still the format expected on events. The second link is not applicable at this stage.

fnoop commented 4 years ago

Alternatively we could also create a lua plugin that directly publishes zeroconf

SamuelDudley commented 4 years ago

Would the janus stream be a new advertised service via zeroconf, alongside the existing rtsp advertisement or added into the description field of the existing rtsp advertisement?

fnoop commented 4 years ago

I think a separate service. It runs on a separate port. I guess it could be an extra field in the rtsp, but it's really a different service and used by different clients, so probably best as a separate service registration?

SamuelDudley commented 4 years ago

Okay, if we go down the websockets route I'll need to update visiond to support creating zeroconf entries via the queue. No problems with that plan.

fnoop commented 4 years ago

Mar 24 21:56:17 maverick-nano janus[32130]: [WARN] Event handlers support disabled :(

SamuelDudley commented 4 years ago

Is this a compile, plugin or config issue?

fnoop commented 4 years ago

Fixed in maverick janus config. Now getting this in visiond:

Mar 24 22:22:15 maverick-nano python3[5933]: 2020-03-24 22:22:15,949 - zeroconf - WARNING - Exception occurred:
Mar 24 22:22:15 maverick-nano python3[5933]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Mar 24 22:22:15 maverick-nano python3[5933]:   File "/srv/maverick/software/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages/zeroconf/", line 2638, in send
Mar 24 22:22:15 maverick-nano python3[5933]:     bytes_sent = s.sendto(packet, 0, (real_addr, port))
Mar 24 22:22:15 maverick-nano python3[5933]: OSError: [Errno 101] Network is unreachable

This doesn't happen in maverick-ubuntuvm or maverick-raspberry, only maverick-nano. Odd, ignoring for now, will use raspberry for further dev/testing.

SamuelDudley commented 4 years ago

Visiond now has a websocket handler. Currently janus cannot connect. Possible port issue. Haven't investigated yet.

Edit: Looking at the configuration of janus it seems unlikely to be a port error. Need to reassess my approach to the starting and stopping of the server. Install a periodic callback and check to see if the thread should exit. If it should, add a callback to the current ioloop to stop it.